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Nowadays Ukraine is actively joining the European and the world community and this causes new challenges for the domestic professional education. The changes in the professional life of the workers in any company occur nearly every day, so the management should work on the creation of the continuous professional education system for their subordinates in order to support the high competitiveness level of their company on the market. The most workers in Ukrainian companies are subject matter experts and this causes the necessity of the continuous professional development process of the workers and their education and reeducation. This creates big challenges for educational institutions: education, reeducation and professional development of the workers involves working with adults. That’s why it is necessary to take into account peculiarities of this education type. The resolution of this problem is often complicated because the government policy copies western models without taking into account peculiarities of the Ukrainian educational system development.

1. Theme urgency

Evident trends and pharmaceutics development prospects make high demands to the qualification of the staff of pharmaceutical companies: they should have good knowledge of pharmacy and fundamentals of the clinical pharmacology, orientate in different sections of the clinical medicine so that they could give exhaustive professional consultation concerning medications and medical products. Improvement of the knowledge and experience for the workers of the pharmaceutical industry is one of the key principles of their job, because health and even lives of the people depend on the qualification of the pharmacists. It is an urgent problem today, when the medical information volumes are increasing and the number of the medical products is growing.

Important factor is also the absence of the specific knowledge in the top-management of a company and their failure to understand the importance of the well-timed dissemination of the up-to-date information between their subordinates. So, high demands to the level of a professional competence of a pharmaceutical companies management together with the lack of the special educational programs increase the necessity for the organization of the corporate educational programs, which reflect the characteristic features of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market for all staff categories.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of the master's thesis is to study and extend the theoretical knowledge and to gain practical experience in personnel professional education in pharmaceutical companies.

The goals of the study:

– complex study of the creation of the efficient personnel professional education organization in pharmaceutical companies;

– substantiation of the ways to improve the organizational process of the personnel professional education on the enterprise level;

– to develop a mathematical economic model of the investment into personnel professional education;

– to develop an economic justification of the implementation of the personnel professional education procedures in the pharmaceutical industry in the “Donpharmholding LTD”.

The object of the master's thesis is personnel professional education process.

The subject of the master's thesis is organization of the personnel professional education in pharmaceutical companies taking into account the industry specificity.

The data base for master's thesis comprises scientific publications of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists and practitioners, Ukrainian laws and normative acts concerning professional education, statistical data and reports of the “Donpharmholding LTD”

Scientific novelty of the study comprises estimation, separation and development of the scientific-methodological basis for the organizational process of the personnel professional education in pharmaceutical companies.

3. Personnel vocational training in the pharmaceutical companies

The experts say Ukraine is going to face rather serious problems in the near future: deterioration of the demographic situation; escalation of the emigrational processes (especially dangerous is that the external migration exceeds the internal migration which is practically absent); degradation of the labor resources. These factors could negatively influence the current situation on the national labor market and slow down the adaptation of Ukraine to the more developed and more globalized countries.

To solve the above mentioned problems it is necessary to achieve the post-industrial development of the national economy which means development of the aerospace, machine-building, agricultural, chemical, microbiological, pharmaceutical, energy and other industries.

Pharmaceutical business is the most stable market segment even in crisis time, because medications are vitally important goods and the demand for them doesn’t decrease and even increases with the course of time. In time of the economic crisis 2008 the pharmaceutical business incurred losses no less than any other type of the economic sector but this negative dynamics was not long-term, the growth of this sector is expected again. Foreign analysts think the next improvement of the economic situation will be marked by the huge economic break in the pharmaceutical industry. This conclusion is based on the fact, that the world’s leading pharmaceutical scientists are on the threshold of the prominent scientific discoveries, which are conditioned by large-scale researches in genetic engineering, biotechnology and nanotechnology.

Ukrainian pharmaceutical market is represented by the immediate producers of the pharmaceutical products and distributors, who deliver medications from producers to consumers. One of the distributor companies is “Donpharmholding LTD” – distributor of the medical products on the Ukrainian market. The company works with 340 suppliers including direct contacts with 129 suppliers. There are also 45 foreign suppliers among them. Company has long-standing work experience with some suppliers.

Ukrainian pharmaceutical market is represented by the immediate producers of the pharmaceutical products and distributors, who deliver medications from producers to consumers. One of the distributor companies is “Donpharmholding LTD” – distributor of the medical products on the Ukrainian market. The company works with 340 suppliers including direct contacts with 129 suppliers. There are also 45 foreign suppliers among them. Company has long-standing work experience with some suppliers.

Specific condition of the job placement in the company is a pharmaceutical education. Proceeding from the fact, that the work with medicaments is strictly regulated and licensed, only the specialists with higher and secondary special pharmaceutical education can work with them – pharmacists and dispensers, who have governmental diploma and certificate from the special accredited organizations. One more condition of the permit to work is necessity of the regular qualification development and participation in educational programs in order to improve professional competence and extend the knowledge and skills. Fulfillment of this condition promotes the professional qualification level of pharmacists and dispensers to the present market requirements.

That’s why there is need for expansion of the educational institutions network that specialize in education and reeducation of the staff of pharmaceutical companies.

REMARK: This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.

4. References

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