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Abstract of the Master's Qualification Work
"Recruitment at the enterprise"



A characteristic feature of the modern market is growing competition between the actors in different spheres of business activity. The determining factor in the competitiveness, economic growth and efficiency, is the presence in the enterprise human resources capable of professionally accomplish its production problems. For effective management of personnel in the company needs an integrated system to work with staff that can manage them from the time of recruitment until the end of a career.

Theme urgency

The imbalance between the outdated practice of personnel management and new, more stringent requirements of the business environment requires major changes in management personnel Recruitment Company. The need for quality recruiting today is quite obvious. Mistakes made in the selection, may adversely affect the profits of the enterprise, so most of them reduce errors by well-designed assessment procedures, such as structured interviews, tests, role-playing, assessment centers, and others. Many enterprises are determining the effectiveness of the introduction of various technologies in the production process does not take into account the effectiveness of such a measure as the effectiveness of human resource management, in particular his choice. Therefore, the actual problem is to determine the effectiveness of recruitment at the company.

The problem involved in recruiting scholars such as I. Bizyukova, D. Dorokhov, A. Egorshin, S. Kartashov, K. Keenan, K. Magaletsky, E. Nikolsky, L. Orlova, R. Daft, S. Samygin,А. Kibanov, as well as other scientists.

Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of this research is to study the national system of recruitment in the company, its methods, models and approaches to identify deficiencies of the system, as well as to determine the effectiveness of different methods of recruitment.

The idea of the work is to study the system of recruitment and opportunities for improvement in domestic enterprises by introducing innovative technologies in the process of recruitment.

Main tasks of the research:

  1. The study of scientific literature, books on the subject recruitment
  2. The collection and analysis of statistical data on recruitment at the plant;
  3. Determine the effectiveness of the staffing company.
  4. Development of methods and measures to improve the recruitment process.

Research object is to study the system of recruitment, its methods and approaches.

Research subjectof research is the organization of recruitment at the company.

Research methods are a comparative analysis of economic and statistical analysis, the study of books and scholarly articles, analytical method, a systematic approach and forecasting.

Communication with the scientific programs, plans, studies Qualifications Master's work is carried out in 2010-2012 under the scientific direction of the Department "Personnel Management and Labor Economics", Donetsk National Technical University.

The scientific novelty of the work is developing and introducing new tools for improving the effectiveness of recruiting the staff on a separate company.

The practical significance of the work is to study the system of recruitment and opportunities for improvement in the company.

Investigation of the nature and value of recruitment procedures

Recruitment – a system of measures envisaged by the organization to attract workers with the necessary skills and moral character and able to perform in the production of all official duties. From the point of view on a selection of employees affected by three main factors: the level of the entry requirements for personnel, general personnel policy, which is the image of the organization, including salaries [1, p. 25].

Manual selection of the companies holds when there is a perceived need, or employees of certain professions and skills. The demand is a result of the planning staff (new staffing) or the presence of an intense turnover [2, p. 46]. The main task of the personnel manager – to ensure that the necessary people skills at the right time for the right job. Recruitment of new staff for the company eventually reduced to a certain algorithm of action and the quality of the selected candidates for vacant positions, the result depends on the planned work of the enterprise [3, p. 152].

Sources and methods of recruitment

Most enterprises have a need for recruitment. Depending on the number of employees, this problem decides individually.There are two basic types of sources of selection of personnel : internal and external. Each of the indicated types of the skilled providing has the advantages and defects. Their general line is that both better show the possibilities only in the conditions of the developed labour-market. The choice of sources of selection of personnel is determined by their financial viability. So, the internal sources of recruitment include:

  1. Search within the company.
  2. Active involvement of employees in the recruitment process.

To the sources of external recruitment are follows:

  1. Announcements in mass medias.
  2. Use of agencies on the selection of personnel.
  3. Candidates that found a vacancy independently.
  4. Educational establishments.
  5. Government service of employment [8, с.42].

External sources of recruitment allow a wider choice of candidates for office, met with an absolute need for personnel. New employee, as a rule, over time, deserves recognition by colleagues, which reduces the threat of conflict within the team. In this case, with the advent of new people who have new ideas, a new impulse to the development of the enterprise.

There are common methods of recruitment:

  1. Analysis of personal data.
  2. Interview.
  3. Testing.
  4. Modeling method - evaluation of candidates for the procedures that simulate the real work.

The choice of method of selection is determined in each specific situation, the nature of the vacancy and its importance for the enterprise, traditions, and the financial condition of the latter, as well as the qualifications of staff selection process employed.

Nontraditional methods of recruitment used by more and more employers. Most commonly used by employers are:

  1. Method of stress interview.
  2. Brainteaser-interview.
  3. Method of selection on the basis of physiognomy.
  4. Graphology.

There is no single best method that would quickly, efficiently, with minimal costs contributed to the implementation of the search for the necessary expertise. Using multiple methods should help shorten the selection, quality of personnel, reduction of financial costs [8, p.45].

Modern method by which to reduce the financial and time costs of finding staff, is the use of videoconferencing in the selection of employees. Using this method, the HR manager does not spend time and money on a trip in the event that the candidate is in another city or country, what happens in the case of deficient recruitment of highly qualified specialists or managers. Extending this method in other modern approaches, it is possible to achieve greater effect.

Tools which increase effectiveness of recruitment

In the present situation only some companies implemented a quality system of management accounting to the field of recruitment. Most of them do not maintain statistics on indicators such as the release during the probationary period, does not consider the reasons for dismissal of employees. With no statistics on these indicators, it is difficult to accurately assess at what stage of selection, and why the company is losing employees.

Evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment can be in six areas:

Effectively manage the activities of recruitment, to evaluate its performance using the following tools::

The essence of a system of key performance indicators is that each employee is determined by the recruitment of a list of key performance indicators according to which its results are assessed throughout the year.

HR-benchmarking - the process of identifying, understanding and adaptation of existing examples of effective functioning of the HR-services in order to improve the performance of this unit in a particular company. HR-Benchmarking involves comparing the organization with the leading companies on a number of performance indicators for recruitment. The use of this tool allows HR-professionals compare the results of its operations with those of competitors, to see the opportunities to improve efficiency.

In order to optimize the constant recruitment process should receive regular feedback from customers. To do this, developing a questionnaire of job satisfaction, which includes both open and closed questions. Frequency estimates of measurement - once a quarter.

Analysis of the data makes is possible to get an objective assessment of the department, identify areas for further development of the recruitment process, to analyze the suggestions and proposals to increase the coefficient of efficiency of selection for the company's divisions.

NOTE. This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 15, 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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