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The biggest problem in Ukraine is the lack of professional and skilled personnel. Until now, the state doesn’t exist a comprehensive approach to addressing security personnel companies in conjunction with the main directions of economic restructuring, innovation development programs, socio-economic development of regions.

1. Theme urgency

Preparation and training skilled workers is an urgent and important part of the labor market. That is why the effective functioning of any state is determined primarily by the degree of training of its personnel. In today's rapid aging of theoretical knowledge and skills of the state's ability to continuously develop its human resources is one of the most important fact in ensuring the competitiveness of the state in the global labor market.

Theoretical issues and problems of training personnel to ensure the labor market is the subject of active research. Various aspects of this problem, examine the Ukrainian scientists V. Rooster, VI Gerasimchuk, T. Kirian, O.V.Volkova ets. However, the important theoretical developments have not yet given exhaustive answers to topical questions of effective ways to improve the system of training and staffing the labor market of Ukraine.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of this research revealing the essence of the concept of learning, consideration of the order of training of workers, coverage of the essence of modern forms and methods of training, analysis of professional development in Ukraine. p>Research object is methods training and staff development.

Research subject the process of organizing staff development..

Research methods the process of organizing staff development.

Communication with the scientific programs, plans, studies Qualifications Master's work is carried out in 2010-2012 under the scientific direction of the Department "Personnel Management and Labor Economics", Donetsk National Technical University.

The scientific noveltyof the work is to improve the process of staff development at the individual enterprise.

The practical significance of the work is to study the system of personnel development and opportunities for improvement in the company.

3. Investigation of the essence of staff views. The situation in Ukraine

Staff development is essential to the success of any organization. This is especially true at the present stage of market, when the acceleration of scientific and technological progress leads to rapid changes and requirements for professional knowledge and skills. Knowledge of graduates in the early XX century depreciated over 30 years, at the end of the century – 10 years, modern specialists are required to be retrained in 3-5 years.

Staff in the present conditions should be highly educated, have a high general culture, strategic thinking and erudition.

Professional development – the acquisition of new employee skills, knowledge and skills that he uses or will use in their professional activities. This is the process of training, retraining and skills to implement new production functions, tasks and responsibilities of new posts. Need for professional development is evidenced by the fact that most foreign companies allocate for this purpose, 10% of payroll.

Investment in human capital – are investments aimed at improving the skills and abilities of staff, it's spending on education, health, mobility, movement of labor from low productivity jobs to higher performance. Investment in staff help to create a favorable climate in the team, motivate your employees to improve and increase its commitment to the organization [1].

Professional Development – is a continuous complex process that includes training, career development and training. The implementation of the concept of staff development involves the creation of flexible, system-specific training focused on the strategic objectives of the organization. Education and training perform a unifying role in achieving the goals [2].

The main types of training workers:

1. Preparation new workers – initial training of persons adopted by the company previously had no profession.

2. Refresher training of workers and the second (related) profession [3].

According to statistics from the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine in 2006 in Ukraine were trained for new occupations 302.6 thousand people raised their qualifications 994.5 thousand people.

3. In-plant training, confirmation assigned category [4,p. 36].

In Ukraine, the majority of employees increase skills than learning new skills. In 2006 increased 994.5 thousand qualified people, which is 691.9 thousand more than in learning new skills. The worst rate was in the activities of hotels and restaurants, and fishing.

If we evaluate the number of men and women, we can conclude that in Ukraine they are almost identical, so in 2008 the number of women to improve their skills is 437.7 thousand people, which is equivalent to a percentage equal to 42.77%, the same trend continued in 2009.

During 2006-2009. indicator of training and skills development steadily decreased, this is due to changes in the economic situation in Ukraine and the world. In 2009, many companies have passed the reduction of personnel.

Public policy formation and vocational educational potential of the population are:

1. Reorientation of the education market to the needs of employers, in particular:

– justification of the state order for training, implementation of the system of tenders for its location;

– providing loans for higher and vocational education with the use of the mechanism of reduction in price;

– improvement of educational services to licensing procedures to ensure prompt response of educational institutions and enterprises on the labor market needs;

– develop and implement an effective mechanism of interaction between schools and employers.

2. Improving the quality of the workforce, particular:

– implementation of lifelong learning workers during all the period of employment;

– implementation of public investment in education and training of various levels of educational qualification;

– implementation of vocational training of workers employed in sectors of the economy, according to the needs of production at the expense of employers;

– implementation of vocational training of unemployed workers to ensure their continued employment;

– promoting self-education and vocational training of persons for their own funds to provide personal development and promotion of the work (service);

introduction of an independent competency assessment.

3. Integrating vocational education into the Europe, particular:

– implementation in Ukraine of the Bologna Declaration;

– review of the list of areas and specialties, which are used to training in higher and vocational education;

– develop a list of qualifications ? the appropriate education and skill level;

– improving the Classification of occupations – DK 003:2005, occupational qualifications of workers [5, p. 188].


The problem of availability of qualified personnel enterprises, institutions and organizations is important and relevant, and its solution is impossible without the participation of the state. In the regulation of relations between the system of vocational education and the production of the leading role belongs to her.

Therefore, to solve the urgent problems to develop a national human resources policy in Ukraine, aimed at ensuring the production of qualified personnel.

With the revival of the production is a growing need for skilled workers and competitive staffing specialists that meet international quality standards. Balancing supply and demand of labor in the labor market, taking into account the priorities of economic development, improve the quality of skilled professionals will provide their subsequent employment.

Structural changes in the Ukrainian economy, the need for modernization of traditional industries require a substantial increase in educational level of the population, training qualifications, which meet modern requirements and are able to work effectively for self-addressing socio-economic problems.

Security personnel is one of the most important areas of management of the labor market. Qualifications of staff belongs to one of the major signs of progressive society and is a crucial lever for the scientific and technical progress. It is therefore necessary to carry out the continuous development of staff. Planning and organization of training and qualification of personnel is a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth in Ukraine.

NOTE. This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 15, 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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