The purpose of Master’s work is a synthesis and development of scientific and methodological basis, the development of tools and practical advice on the business case for investment in Internet startups.
In accordance with the intended purpose was formed the following tasks:
The object of study: the process of economic justification of investments in Internet startups in the enterprise.
Subject of research: methods and principles of the economic justification of investments in Internet startups.
Research methods. We used the general scientific and special methods of investigation, which allowed to solve the problem of economic justification of investment in Internet startups. There were used abstraction techniques for assessing the decision-making criteria, the comparison of the modern state and prospects of investment resources, systems analysis and synthesis for evaluation of investment companies, modeling and formalization for the formation of recommendations for improving the economic feasibility of investment in Internet start-ups and more.
The theoretical basis of the Master’s work is objective and fundamental laws of economics, management theory, investment theory, research works of domestic and foreign scientists. The information base is the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, Department of Statistics in the Donetsk region. P>
The practical value of the results. The effective activity of the enterprise requires constant development and investment process is its integral part. In this work were developed recommendations to improve the economic feasibility of investments in Internet startups in the enterprise. All the guidelines approved by the example of a particular company.
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