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Today the special importance in activity of higher education is taken into consideration in creation of the system of educational management quality. Universities today are considered as producers of educational services, that`s why universities have the same approach: competitive is that university, which aims to give the most effective and economical education with the best quality. Thus the modern university should have the system of the educational management quality [1].

One of the most important conditions of successful functioning of the educational management quality is high-performance work of stuff. We can`t imagine this without correctly developed system of motivations.

1. Actuality of theme

Finding of affective methods of students` motivation to education is one of the fundamental parts in creation of the educational management quality. Finding out basic students` necessities will allow to develop correctly teaching environment, material for education, encouragements for successes and punishments for unsatisfactory work.

2. Purpose and research tasks

The purpose of this work is consideration of concepts of the educational management quality, principles TQM, the ways of improving the educational service with a help of introduction of this system, its advantages and disadvantages and an exposure of affective methods of students` motivation to education.

The research is the analysis and study of international standard ISO, on the basis of which to ground reasons of necessity of the educational management quality development in universities of Ukraine.

3. An analysis of recent research and publications

Consideration of students' motivation to learn, its effect on performance and activity, are busy, many scientists of Ukraine and the world. Lisovets N.M. in the article Occupational motivation of the students as a way to activate learning, highlights the issue of motivation of students, by their interest in future careers, the study subjects to enable self-development in this direction [2]. Ivanov O.V. in the article Building Motivation for self-learning and cognitive activity of students in learning a foreign language, has increased students' intrinsic motivation for learning, by enhancing students' independent work, to study the new information in the form of interactive lessons and independent tasks [3]. Alexis V. in the article Motivation and self-motivation to learn, examines the different approaches to motivation and self-motivation in learning, teaching models, the development in a learning identity and purpose [4].

Authors Bodunov S.A., and Viktorov T.S., in the article Ways to improve students' motivation test results have led these students:

Were shown the way of motivation, such as encouraging as the difference between icons and giving thanks to the students' product lines, letters of thanks to the families of Excellence, the introduction of the rating assessments of students and others.

4. The presentation of the basic material

The quality of education — the fundamental category, multi-faceted, requiring systematic study.The effective work of the quality assurance system implies the existence of the four required components according to the Deming cycle: quality planning, quality assurance, quality control, corrective action.

Deming Cycle (PDCA)

Picture 1 — Deming Cycle (PDCA)[7]

Modern University for its annual financial turnover, size, volume and cost of fixed assets, the structure is no different from large enterprises manufacturing or service industries.

The University usually has a large component of the innovation rather than objects of industry, and more intensively, since the services it provides, must stay ahead of its novelty and practical approbation of industry production and service sectors, otherwise the experts, which the university releases remain unclaimed . Moreover, the high school should also teach a graduate of innovative management techniques to all that came into the market, this graduate of the rapidly growing company, where he was working, and he is constantly and rapidly developed his skills.

The second criterion for determining the need for the university to have a modern management system, is its unification with the requirements of the world, its recognition of the consumer and the company receiving the university graduates, investors, developing university.

In general, knowledge management can be defined as the creation and management of valuable knowledge (intellectual assets) at the University. This definition proves once again that the high school, which is one of the most important elements of creating and managing knowledge in society, must have a similar management system as the rest of the world market [6].

In the face of increasing competition among high school subjects required a number of competitive advantages of creating a quality management system certified in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.

It is known that the initial stage of creation of any system is to set goals and objectives, and the subsequent implementation of the achievement of which is the key to measuring the effectiveness of the system. It is therefore extremely important setting achievable goals that are appropriate to modern conditions. This is necessary in order to create a quality system were an effective mechanism for improving the quality and do not become a bureaucratic burden on schools, as is often the case in enterprises, where the creation of a quality system is an end in itself for guidance, and individual experts. Based on the principles of TQM and the requirements of MS ISO 9000 version 2005, setting goals for the quality management system should be geared to meet the demands and expectations of customers and all interested parties. Considering the basic (educational) activities of universities, we can distinguish a number of interested parties in the quality of education (public, employers, students, parents, etc.).

The undoubted advantages of this control system is that it organizes educational activities, standardizes the relationships between its individual members and units, namely:

You can specify the benefits of a QMS in the university for different groups of consumers:

  1. For students:
    • improving the quality of the educational process by organizing, collection, dissemination, analysis and storage of all relevant information (curriculum, student achievement and satisfaction, etc.);
    • reduced and offset by the number of canceled classes due to a clear system of governance;
    • increasing the level of training of specialists - graduates, the demand for them in the labor market;
    • do not remain without attention questions, suggestions or complaints by students-established mechanisms of interaction.
  2. For employers:
    • ensure that the specialists were prepared to meet changing demands for them;
    • assurance that the quality of university training is constantly maintained at a high level.
  3. For the management and staff:
    • improved control over all spheres of activity due to the complete transparency;
    • reduced costs through optimization of primary and secondary processes;
    • reduces the amount of paper work;
    • increased transparency in the implementation of decisions;
    • improving the internal flow of information;
    • increase the investment attractiveness of the university;
    • every employee clearly understands its role and contribution to the university.
  4. For the state:
    • there is a guarantee that provided educational services to meet all the requirements;
    • implementation of QMS in colleges of higher education contributes to the integration into the global system of education;
    • the state receives a guarantee of the target and the most efficient use of budget funds allocated to high school;
    • facilitated procedures for licensing, certification and accreditation [9].

    In accordance with Section 8.2, ISO 9001:2008, Monitoring and Measurement and paragraph 8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction, the motivation of students to teaching consumers - the consumption of services, analysis of their needs and requirements, is key in the development and maintenance of the QMS .


    The teacher and the student — the main figures in the university. The teacher is an employee of the university and the owner of intensive technology training, which operates and consumes high school to teach students. The university is very much a mediator between the student and teacher, helping them to meet their needs. All of the above should clearly understand the university leaders: department chairs, deans and their deputies, the rector and vice-rectors. Their task is to create a climate, working environment, which would train and support teachers as a manager, it would be motivated to improve their work. To do this, change in corporate culture and management style in the direction of ideas and principles of TQM, and the development of applied models of quality management system of the university [13].

    New standards of modern life require new approaches to motivate students to pursue higher education. They affect not only the material aspect of student life, but his mental attitude to achieve goals.

    It must be remembered that the question of further devices of students is not only his personal problem, young professionals than ever need the support of the state and the university in particular.

    In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2012. The full text and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after that date.


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