Abstract of the Master's Qualification Work
"Work Rationing at the Enterprise"
The feasibility and efficiency of any public work and social production provided primarily by its rational organization.
The rational organization of labor primarily requires clearly defined costs of all resources that are expended in the production: human labor, raw materials, energy, finance and so forth. The first step in optimizing the consumption of production resources is the valuation of labor.
In all areas of industrial activity there is a need to determine the cost of resources: the use of standards for raw materials, fuel, materials, tools and working capital. But the crucial issue is to establish a measure of labor required to perform a certain amount of work. This feature can be attributed to "human factor" in contrast to the other.
Living labor, labor, workers who use other resources, must be defined precisely and is particularly justified. Since any process of labor takes place in time, the universal measure of the amount of human labor is work time.
However, it must be borne in mind that not every time reflects the socially necessary costs to perform a specific job. If the production is no proper organization of labor, do not apply innovative manufacturing processes, advanced technology, if the workers themselves do not work in a professional manner, to reach the socially necessary labor is impossible, and therefore hope to achieve success in a market economy, to no avail.
Thus the essence of of work measurement is to set the necessary cost of living labor to perform certain work at a normal organization and intensity of labor.
The rate of labor is the primary link in the organization of labor and production, from which the start and on which we base all planning and economic calculations in the enterprise. In other words, the rate of labor - is the most important economic, planning and design category.
The urgency of the chosen theme is caused by that enterprises regardless of ownership, independent in their rights considered to issues for the organization, regulation and wages. Due to the results of the work the company should cover current operating costs, including labor costs, make investments for the expansion and renovation of production, to ensure social development, to fulfill obligations to the budget, banks and other authorities.
Work on improvement of the rationing of labor imposed on managers and employers, because they are interested in the rational use of labor. At the same time and workers are interested in an objective assessment of their work. However, many business executives and economical authorities have generally rejected the feasibility of labor regulation in the market and reduce the significance of the organization of labor and wages.
In domestic practice of rationing is traditionally regarded as one of the components of remuneration as an opportunity to establish reasonable standards of consumption, contributes to the identification and use of reserves for the growth of labor productivity, reduce cost and complexity of manufacturing production, stimulate training of workers.
That's why my master's work urgent today. We should not forget about the basics of rationing work, but to improve them according to the progressive changes taking place in businesses and the economy as a whole.
Functions and Principles
The essence of the rationing of labor in the enterprise determines its function, the content of which is due to the objective laws of development of production. Functions of rationing are closely linked with its objectives, as well as the planning, organization and production management. Rationing of of labor is dynamic.
Under the conditions of modern production the role of regulation is highly increased. This is reflected both in strengthening communications between separate production units, and to improve the market mechanism of managing the entire domestic industry.
Rationing functions can be divided into two groups:
General functions of labor standards that characterize the role of labor standards in the organization and remuneration;
Special features of norms, revealing their specific content by type and destination;
The system of labor rationing should be developed based on certain principles.
The most important are:
1. Principle of efficiency - is the need to establish labor standards under which operating results are achieved with minimal total cost of labor, material, energy and information resources;
2. Principle of complexity - is the need to consider the relationship of technical, economic, psychological, social and legal factors influencing the labor standards;
3. Systems principle - which means that labor standards must comply with the final results of production and consider the relationship between the cost of resources at all stages of the production process;
4. Principle of objectivity - involves the creation of all employees equal opportunities for standards, in particular, this means the need for rationing of labor, taking into account the differentiation of group members by age and gender, which is especially important when rationing of labor students, young professionals and those approaching retirement age;
5. Principle of specificity - is that labor standards should meet the requirements of manufactured products, goods and means of labor, its terms, the type of production, and other objective characteristics that affect a given accuracy of calculations on the amount of necessary labor and other resources;
6. Dynamic principle - the principle should be specific and objective is the need to change labor standards with substantial accuracy of the calculations for a given change in operating conditions;
7. Principle of legitimacy - is the need for strict enforcement of laws and other regulations for regulations of employment;
8. Principle of positive attitudes of employees to the company - means the need to create a system of rationing of labor, which provides a general positive attitude to work responsibilities, social environment and the enterprise as a whole. This principle can also be called the principle of job satisfaction.
These principles together determine the source of rationing of labor organizations in the enterprise.
Rationing of of Labour also provides the efficiency of production and labor processes. Methods of studying the working time applied in rationing, can identify gaps in organization of production and use of reserves in order to further develop measures to optimize use of staff time and streamline the implementation of labor operations.
Working time - the time during which the labor process is performed. Working time can be viewed in the context of the different calendar periods: one year, the production week, working day (shift).
The composition of the working time on the content, duration and order of sequence elements in the performance of a variety of different operations. For the scientific study of working hours apply systematization and classification of its costs. In industry adopted a common classification of working time, which is consistent with the goals and objectives of of its organization and regulation.
According to the classification of costs of work-time artist working up of work time and time intervals (Fig. 1).
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Figure 1 – Classification of working time
(animation: 3 frames, 7 iteration, 55,7 Kb)
(Тc – conditioning time, То – operative time, Тser – service time, Тrep – repose time, Тott – organizational and technical time, Тbas – basic (process time), Тad – addition time, Тоrg – organizational time, Тm – maintenance time, Тnp – non-productive time, Тotl – organizational and technical losses)
In the analysis of working time in order to identify and eliminate loss of working time and their causes full-time job divided into the costs and loss of productive working time. Productive costs include time for the implementation of production tasks and the time limited and breaks. These costs the subject of rationing and are included in structure of standard time. Loss of working time is performance of unproductive work and unregulated times intervals. These costs are subject of analysis in order to eliminate or minimize.
Thus, Rationing of Labor - is the establishment of measures of labor costs in the production of a unit product or completing a certain amount of work taking into account the specific (projected or actual) labor organization.
The major objectives of work measurement - gradual improvement of work organization and production, reducing labor intensity of production, strengthening of material incentives to increase production efficiency, maintaining economically feasible relations between the growth of labor productivity and wages.
Rationing of Labor promotes the rational arrangement of the employees and the proper use of their working hours, has an impact on improving the organization of labor and production. The developed rules are used in planning the company and its divisions, issues of separation and cooperation of labor, determining the proper amount of equipment and workforce. The validity of norms contributes significantly to the correct definition of wages, material incentives, the implementation of the principle of payment for its quality and quantity.
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