This work is devoted to the development of cost parameters for the degassing of coal seams and surrounding rocks.
Methane and related explosion at the present time is one of the hazards associated coal mining. Methane is at the same time, dangerous pollution of the atmosphere. The development of coal seams in the mines, dangerous methane, requires special technical measures that prevent the excess secure quantities of gas concentration in mine air. The main method is the use of appropriate ventilation systems to ensure proper air stream. Intensive ventilation is to dilute liberated in the production of methane up to the level required by the rules of safety. However, it is often insufficient to maintain the parameters of the planned development or impossible without the use of additional prophylactic agents. To this end, the mines being degassed mountain. It is possible to conduct a preliminary degassing, ie prior to development in the mountain range or in the prepared field, and in the course of works (mines a large extent, the operational workings and the old worked-out areas).
1. Theme urgency
Reducing metanoopasnosti by degassing reservoir leads to improvements in the safety of mine workers and the continuity of the machine, reducing the number of outages due to switching off the electric current after exceeding the critical values ??of the concentration of methane. Effective degassing system creates the possibility of methane as a natural source of energy and reduce the negative environmental impact caused by the release of methane into the atmosphere. Summarizing the above, it may be noted that the coal industry in the conduct of mining operations at the mine gas in order to improve safety, reduce production costs and increase coal production a lot of attention paid to the degassing of coal seams.
Degassing of the rock mass requires certain material costs that must be considered in determining its effectiveness. If these costs can be avoided by taking other measures to increase the load on the lava, then this process can be waived.
The purpose is the development of cost parameters for the degassing of coal seams and surrounding parody, the establishment of the effectiveness of the changes.
Idea work is to simplify the calculations the value of the degassing of coal seams and surrounding parody. Through the development of cost parameters.
The subject is the identification and consideration of factors affecting the cost of the work of degassing of coal seams and surrounding parody.
Methods and techniques isledovantiya – calculation model the cost of decontamination.
2. Let's start novelty
Scientific novelty is in compliance calculations of the current situation, usability evaluation and comparison of results in teaching to students with learning mountain specialties. It's easy to double-sided. Easier for the teacher to explain the phenomenon of the influence of parameters on the value of the degassing of coal seams. Students are easier to understand the nature and importance of engineering and economic calculations for illustrative example.
The practical significance of the results is the possibility of establishing specific conditions for the efficiency of degassing mountain.
3. Summary of work
The cost of degassing of coal seams and surrounding determined parody of expenditure: salaries miners, engineers and technical workers, charges for salaries, materials, depreciation of equipment, electricity. This paper reviews the main methods for determining the complexity of the work in the decontamination of processes, and analyzes its change depending on changes in factors affecting its value.
Here is the technique (principle) determine the costs. Calculating the cost of wages for decontamination is performed as follows.
- Set the list of works needed to meet the production process.
- For each type of work the amount of work is set Vi, to be executed in one cycle of the production process.
- Establish production quotas for each Hi works.
- Establish correction factors ki, taking into account the influence of factors on production quotas.
Determined by the total correction factor by multiplying all the correction factors.
5. Determined by the specified standard output, taking into account the factors affecting its value.
6. Determined by the volume of work, that is determined by the labor necessary to perform each activity.
7. Determined by the total volume of work.
The cost of equipment depreciation is calculated as follows.
Depreciation is determined for each type of equipment separately for each section of the competing options for production. Initial data for calculation of depreciation are book value of facilities and equipment section of the rate of depreciation.
The cost of the article "materials" are defined for each type of material (both single and multiple use). The initial data for the evaluation of the estimated monthly consumption of materials are the volumes of work, rates of each type of material per unit of work or in a unit time and the price of materials.
The initial data for calculating the cost of electricity consumed on site is a complete list of objects of consumption of electricity, the power of their engines, and operation of the site. The cost of electricity consumption is calculated from the single price, which has the state power at the time of calculation (USD / kW-hr), separately for each of the competing options for production.
Then all the cost items for decontamination reduced to one, the so-called total, which will be analyzed in the study of factors affecting the change in the cost of decontamination. Investigation of the influence factors on the amount of costs is as follows. All factors, except for the test, the mean values are given.
![(animation: 5 kadrov, 6 cycles, 40.7 kB) Shema degassing developed eservoir](images/animation.gif)
Figure 1 – Scheme developed by the degassing reservoir wells drilled to the rise of the haulage drift in columnar development system (1 – airway, 2 – haulage drift, 3 – gas, 4 – degasification wells, 5 – working face)
Researched factor is assigned values ??from minimum to maximum and calculated. The entire program cost calculation for the convenience of the analysis of the results and time savings made ??on the basis of the program Microsoft Excel, so if you change any factor is an automatic recount costs.
The calculated data are processed by the method of regression analysis to obtain the mathematical relationship vnutrilavnyh costs of natural and technical factors (cost options).
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