DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Veronika Dolgikh
Date of birth May 14, 1991
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 1998-2008, School №57 of Donetsk
Universities Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
2008–2012 Bachelor, “Electrical systems and networks”;
2012–2014 Master, “Electrical systems and networks”;

Average score 4,61
Languages Russian (fluent), Ukrainian (fluent), English (basic level)
Hobbies and interests Books, music, films, sport
Personal qualities Purposeful, workability, responsibility, punctuality, self-learning
Professional and computer skills 1.Operation system: OS Windows.              
2.Application programs and languages: C++, MathCAD, AutoCAD, Ms Office, Multisim, Компас 3D.
Professional experience Passage a practice at the company “Donetsk electrical networks” as the trainee, 2011,2012 years.
Future plans Find an interesting and perspective job, achieve success in all aspects of life.
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