DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Olga Boreiko
Date of birth Dec 6, 1990
Place of birth Enakievo Donetsk region.
Schools 1997 –  2008. –  Enakievskaya City High School
Universities 2008 –  2012. – Donetsk National Technical University, «Control and Automation» (bachelor)
2012 –  2014. –  Donetsk National Technical University, «Control and Automation» (Master)
Average score 4,6
Languages Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages, to the extent sufficient for reading and correspondence –  English
Personal achievements At the time of writing, the website is the author of four scientific articles
Hobbies and interests Ballroom dancing, sewing and tailoring, roller skating
Personal qualities Diligent, punctual, responsible
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows 98, XP, Seven.
2. Programming languages: C, C + +, Pascal.
3. Software packages: MatLab, MathCAD, MS Office 2003/2007, LabView.
Additional courses 2012. –  «AMI» –  Configuration in the system «1C: Enterprise 8.2»
Professional experience 2013. –  «Cervice system business» programmer and consultant 1C
Future plans Professional, creative and personal growth
Contact information

Skype: Olga.boreiko