- Introduction
- 1. Analysis of the object under test and the analytical examination of methods and means of measurement parameters to be monitored.
- 1.1 Selecting an object for study.
- 1.2 Analysis of the test object and justification required monitored parameters and destabilizing factors.
- 1.3 Analytical methods for measuring the viewing parameters that are monitored in a control object.
- Conclusion
- References
Currently, environmental pollution has become a major problem of mankind. The most important part of the environment is the atmosphere, and in particular the air that we breathe. p>
As is known, a greater degree of air pollution sources are those in which using fossil fuel combustion process, and the most common are of such internal combustion engines (ICE). Thus, a significant contribution to pollution of the environment has a motor transport.

Page 1 – Animation consists of 4 frames with a delay of 100 ms between frames, the delay before repeat is 100ms as animation of the infinite cyclic type.
Legally concentration of emissions from road transport controlled by regulations, state and international standards, namely the Euro–4 and Euro–5 and Euro–6. But enough developed regulatory framework in Ukraine too little attention is paid technical means of verification of emissions from road transport. p>
Benzopyrene – is carcinogenic gas contained in the emissions road transport in quite low concentrations, but long hours in humans, causes serious diseases such as lung cancer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, violation of brain activity, etc. p>
Currently, benzopyrene only possible to measure in vitro using the gas treatment means which increase the measurement and hamper his ability. But there is an increasing need to perform control gas at a high speed, accuracy and ease. p>
So there is a challenge to develop an apparatus of control of emissions from road transport, which would not require use of the previous gas treatment, have high precision, sensitivity, and measurement speed. Developed device must be capable of used by people who may not have the relevant knowledge in chemistry, physics and other zaluzey knowledge, so it should be easy to use. p>
To develop a technical means of measuring the concentration of pollutants in emissions of road transport should be familiar with by the object of research and study its properties. p>
1. Analysis of the object under test and the analytical examination of methods and means of measurement parameters to be monitored.
The number of methods of Moore FSM's hardware optimization is known: minimization of the amount of states (state reduction) and their specific encoding (state assignment), using features of target basis and algorithm of functioning, multilevel logic circuit's implementation. Mentioned methods are quite effective, but for getting the most economic FSM's implementation they have to be used jointly.
Master's work is dedicated to the actual scientific task of development a unified approach to the synthesis of Moore FSM, which is directing on hardware amount reduction in resultant device and is including algorithmic, combinatory and circuitry optimizing techniques. FPGAs by Xilinx, which combine functionality, programmability and availability to consumers, are used as the target basis. CAD Xilinx ISE, Verilog HDL and Java SE are applied as tools of the research.
1.1 Selecting an object for study.
The object for the study were selected vehicle exhaust. Present facility was chosen for the following reasons:
- object is directly related to the specialty "scientific analytical and ecological devices and systems "; li>
- more than 60% of contaminants to the atmosphere of emissions come from road transport; li>
- little choice among modern emissions measurement Road Transport and uniformity of measurement parameters; li>
- study of this object is relevant due to the emergence of new modern vehicles, fuel, as well as standards, control of virtually possible without the proper equipment. Li>
Vehicle exhaust especially made damage to the environment, by–brudnyuyuchy its various harmful gaseous and solid wines of substance, such as soot, carbon dioxide, aldehydes and other. P>
Carbon monoxide (CO), for example, transparent, odorless [1]. This poison gas, slightly lighter than air and slightly soluble in water. Carbon monoxide – Product of incomplete combustion of fuel to air is burning blue flame to form carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). The cell CO combustion engine is formed by sawing poor fuel as a result of inadequate temperatures during the combustion of fuel to the lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide due to dissociation at high temperatures. With further combustion after ignition (after the top ground, the cycle extension) possible burning of carbon monoxide by presence of oxygen to form carbon dioxide. The process CO continues to burn in the exhaust pipe. p>
Nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, N2O, N2O3, N2O5, then – NOx) are among the most toxic components of exhaust gases. Under normal atmospheric conditions nitrogen is quite inert gas. At high pressures and particularly active nitrogen temperatures reacts with oxygen. In exhaust gas engines for more than 90% of the total amount of NOx is nitric oxide NO, which is still in production systems, and then readily in the atmosphere oxidized to carbon dioxide (NO2). p>
Nitrogen oxides rozdratovuyut mucous membranes of eyes, nose, destroy lungs, since the motion of the respiratory tract they interact with moist upper airways produce nitric and nitrous acids. Generally, the poisoning of the human body is not immediately NOx and gradually, with any of neutralizing no. p>
Hydrocarbons (CnNm – ethane, methane, ethylene, benzene, propane, acetylene, etc..) – organic compounds whose molecules built only carbon and hydrogen atoms, are toxic substances. Combustion gas contains more than 200 different combinations of CH, which are divided into aliphatic (open or closed circuit) and those that contain benzene or aromatic ring. Aromatic hydrocarbons containing molecule one or more cycles of 6 carbon atoms connected by a simple or double bonds (benzene, naphthalene, anthracene and etc..). Have a pleasant smell. P>
Presence of CH in the exhaust gases of engines because mixture in the combustion chamber is not uniform because at the walls, perezbahachenyh areas, fire is fire and break the chain reactions. p>
Not completely burned CH, emitted with the exhaust gases is mixture of several hundred chemicals are bad. p>
CH is the cause of many chronic diseases. Toxic also couples gasoline, which is a hydrocarbon. Allowable average concentration of vapor gasoline is 1.5 mg/m3. CH content in the exhaust gas increases with throttling, with the engine idling enforcement regimes. p>
1.2 Analysis of the test object and justification required monitored parameters and destabilizing factors.
Table 1 – The composition of the exhaust gases of motor transport [2]
Components of exhaust gases | Composition volume, g/m 3 | Notes | |
Engines | |||
Petroll | Diesel | ||
Nitrogen, g/m3 | from 85.07 to 88.52 | from 87.37 to 89.67 | non-toxic |
Oxygen, g/m3 | from 0.39 to 10.51 | from 2.62 to 23.64 | non-toxic |
Water vapor, g/m3 | from 3.44 to 6.32 | from 0.57 to 4.59 | non-toxic |
Carbon dioxide, g/m3 | from 9.23 to 21.94 | from 1.88 to 18.88 | non-toxic |
Carbon monoxide, g/m3 | from 0.123 to 12.31 | from 0.012 to 6.15 | non-toxic |
Not carcinogenic Hydrocarbons, g/m3 | from 0.107 to 1.601 | from 4.8×10−3 to 0.26 | non-toxic |
Aldehydes, g/m3 | from 0 to 0.328 | from 1.64×10−3 to 0.015 | non-toxic |
Sulfur oxides, g/m3 | from 0 to 5.25×10−3 | from 0 to 0.079 | non-toxic |
Soot, g/m3 | from 0 to 0,04 | from 0,01 to 1,1 | non-toxic |
Benzopyrene –3,4, g/m3 | (from 10 to 20)×10−6 | to 10×10−6 | toxic |
When the engine on leaded petrol in the exhaust Lead is present, and the engines that run on diesel fuel – soot. p>
1.3 Analytical methods for measuring the viewing parameters that are monitored in a control object.
To control the amount (concentration) of contaminants contained in the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines are now used by various methods that otriznyayutsya the method of use and sensitivity. [3] Comparative characteristics of the methods are summarized in Table 2. P>
Table 2 – Comparative characteristics of absorption methods
Options | Methods | |||
Methods direct measurement of the absorption | Optical acoustic | Molecular Absorption analysis | Atomic Absorption analysis | |
Sensitivity, %b. | to 10–8 | from 10–8 to 10 | from 10–4 to 30 | to 5×10–4 |
Mistake, %b. | from 1 to 3 | from 2 to 10 | from 1 to 6 | from 1 to 4 |
Mathematical model used in the design of the block diagram instrument without concentration measurement (a) pyrene in exhaust gases car. p>
Further development model provides input into it destabilizing factors that affect the accuracy of measurements concentration of benzo (a) pyrene. p>
On the basis of the obtained mathematical model to be developed optical diagram of the device that should be included in its block diagram. p>
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