DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Ivan Zvenigorodskij
Date of birth 18. 05. 1991
Place of birth Jenakijevo
School(s) school ¹ 13, I-III stages of Jenakijevo 1998-2008
High school Institute of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence
Donetsk National Technical University 2008-2012. (1-4 course, bachelor)
Faculty: The automated control systems
Speciality: Computerized control systems
Donetsk National Technical University 2012-2014 (5th year, Master) Computer Information Technology and Automation faculty Speciality: Computerized control systems
Average score 4,69
Languages Russian, Ukrainian, English (Intermediate)
Hobbies and interests football, table tennis, rock music, firearms
Personal qualities Responsibility, analytical mind, discipline, educability, commitment to development.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows XP.
2. Office software: Microsoft office (Access, Excel, Pover Point, Project, Word).
3. System modeling / mathematical packages: Matlab; ÌÂÒÓ; MatCad; Maple; GPSS.
4. Programming languages. Development environments: C; C++; Assembler; Turbo Pascal; STL; LAD; FBD; Visual Studio.
Experience Company, job title and dates of employment
Future plans Getting a job specialty, the development of professional skills.
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