- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. The categories «conscious» and «unconscious» in the religious and philosophical literature of the XIX-XX centuries
- Conclusion
- References
Human consciousness is multidimensional and unique phenomenon. It’s play an important role in the formation and development of a harmoniously developed personality. One of the interesting part of religion is the religious consciousness, because it is based on the belief in supernatural, otherworldly, which is not subject to inspection and verification.
Religious consciousness forms along with other forms of social consciousness, so very important question about their coexistence.
1. Theme urgency
Religious consciousness is one of the oldest forms of social consciousness, it’ve been answering human objective for many years. There are many questions about the fate of religion, which form the religious consciousness can exist at the present stage, when most of the country is multi-faith. New religious movements appear with his vision of the concept of religion, religiosity, etc. So it’s necessary to consider the category of «conscious», «unconscious» in the structure of modern religious consciousness, to identify its characteristics and limits of operation and to identify factors that influence the formation of religious individuals and society as a whole.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The aim of the research is an explication content of categories «conscious» and «unconscious», including the relationship to the historical and religious and theoretical and methodological perspectives.
Main tasks of the research:
- To analyze the philosophical, psychological and religious studies approaches to foreign and native literature to the problem of religious consciousness and its aspects.
- To reveal the content of the categories of «conscious» and «unconscious» in the structure of religious consciousness.
- To establish the individual components of the structure of religious consciousness and reveal their functionality.
- To clarify the nature of the relationship between social and individual side of the religious consciousness phenomenon.
- To identify factors which influence on development of the religious consciousness.
- To analyze the influence of the modern information environment on the transformation of religious consciousness in particular on the World Wide Web Internet.
The object of research is the phenomenon of religious consciousness in the world's religions.
The subject of research is the content of categories «conscious» and «unconscious» in the structure and dynamics of the religious consciousness.
3. The categories «conscious» and «unconscious» in the religious and philosophical literature of the XIX-XX centuries
Human consciousness in philosophy and religious studies has always been the focus of research.
In the scientific literature often makes o two levels of religious consciousness:
- Ordinary (natural);
- Theoretical (conceptual).
In the course of the historical process peoples ideological orientation varied depending on the quality and content of knowledge, which have got one or another of social development. In traditional societies, myth and religion played a dominant role in the culture and defined the philosophical orientation of people.
Considering evolution problems of religious philosophy, it should be said about the Protestant. The fact that religious experience is the basis of religion, it was noticed even by Friedrich Schleiermacher. He believed that the essence of religion – the human experience of infinity, or God.

Figure 1 – Man is a carrier of religious consciousness (animation: 11 frames, 11 cycle of repetition, 142 KB).
It is important to remember that the religion is not only social, but also a psychological phenomenon. It is an integral part of the internal emotional and volitional and spiritual part of the religious life of the personality. Psychology and religion to do the accent exactly on this side of religion in their research (one of the part of religion which is at the a joint of philosophy and psychology). The basic premise of the psychology of religion is that its source is not in the world around man, and in man, in his inner world, not intellectual, but on emotional-volitional sphere. The most outstanding representatives in this direction were James, Freud and Jung.
Also it’s important to consider the concept of Levy-Bruhl, because the question of the religious consciousness, he looked different than his predecessors. By studying the primitive myths, beliefs, customs, he came to the conclusion that the considerable difference between the primitive way of thinking and consciousness of civilized man.
Religious consciousness is one of the form of public conscience. It characterizs by all the common features inherent to the public consciousness. It is ultimately determined by social being and, above all, a part of him as a religious being. At the same time, it has a number of special features. Everyone of the researchers, highlights its distinctive features, defending the concept.
The fact that religion is based primarily on a particular form of human consciousness, recognized by nearly all professionals. And for many years, scientists have the question about that fact how religious consciousness distinguishes from the non-religious, and which place took the unconscious.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: January 2014. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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