| Anastasiia Godla
Date of birth
| Nov 7, 1991
Place of birth
| Donetsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine
| - 1998–2001 – School № 1, Shahtersk, Donetsk region, Ukraine
- 2001–2008 – Donetsk secondary school №55 (IT direction)
| - 2008–2012 – Donetsk National Technical University
grade : bachelor
Faculty of computer science and technology (CST)
Speciality «Mediasystems and computer design»
- 2012–2013 – Donetsk National Technical University
grade : master
Faculty of computer science and technology (CST)
Speciality «Computer–aided Monitoring Systems in Ecology and Economy»
Average score
| 4.9
| - Russian (native)
- Ukrainian (native)
- English (advanced)
- German (basic)
Hobbies and interests
| Computer design, foreign languages, literature, sports
Personal qualities
| Purposeful, responsible, quick to learn, sociable, active, polite, responsible, teamwork skills
Professional and computer skills
| - Operating systems: MS DOS, Windows 98/XP/Vista/7
- Applications: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, 3D Studio Max, Auto CAD, Microsoft Office, Statistica, MathLab, MySQL
- Programming languages: Pascal, C++, PHP, Java
- Environments: Borland C, Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse
Additional courses
| 2009–2013 – School of Foreign Languages "LGroup", English language courses
2010 – Driving school "Mercury" driving license "B" category
2013 – Foreign Language School "LGroup", German language courses
Future plans
| Work in IT–sphere, improvement and acquisition of skills and knowledge, obtaining international language certificates
Contact information