Faculty of computer science and technology
Cathedra of artificial intelligence systems
Specialty: “Artificial Intelligence Systems”
The study of algorithmic support of intelligent system multidisciplinary classification of hypertext documents
Scientific adviser: Ph.D., docent Egoshina Anna Anatolevna
Research of the algorithmic providing of the intellectual system classifications of multidisciplinary hypertext documents
Table of contents
The aim of work are development and research algorithmic providing of the intellectual system of classification multidisciplinary hypertext documents with the changeable great number of categories
For the achievement of the put aim the decision of next tasks is required:
The object of this research are the systems of analysis contained Internet traffic and large collections of electronic hypertext documents.
The algorithmic comes forward the article of research providing of the classification of hypertext documents, based on machine educating, in the conditions of substantially intersecting classes, when a document can to be attributed to some great number of appropriate for him classes.
A world wide web, undoubtedly, is the greatest database created by humanity. The enormous amount of data creates as a result much new problems on their use. Basic problems is systematization, in aims facilitations of the manual viewing and creation of instruments of effective search on to the queries. For the decision of these problems the directories of web pages are created [1]. In the beginning directories were built by hand, were after tools are worked out for automation of this process. Nevertheless, difficult to present as, for example, largest www.dmoz.org, that contains more than five millions of pages assorted in more than million categories, we can look over on the homepage of Open Directory Project [2].
The second approach consists in the use of fulltext search. He began with ordinary search of accordance of words, now consists of many specialized components that execute reformulation query, on the basis of finding out of him semantics [3].
Except categorizing and search there is another task that plugs in itself knowledge contained document – filtration of web pages. It can be used for different aims: filtrations of materials for adults and children, providing of control the uses are the internet of resources in offices, prevention of loss confidential information, realization of monitoring of the forbidden activity users or even blocking of uncomfortable pages of the totalitarian states. A problem with filtration of web pages can decide as a task of classification that is characteristic for Data Mining and uses methods machine educating. The basic difference of such task of classification from traditional is that classes in it are not mutually exclusive [4].
Classification of multidisciplinary text documents is not a banal task, as in the small fragment of text can be contained very valuable information, and attributing it is impossible to ignore to the corresponding class, and close the located classes can intersect and/or meet. To such news threads can belong similarly documents in a network the Internet, reviews, formed by news agencies, scientific publications devoted a few to the areas of researches, thus both near and distant(for example, artificial intelligence and information technologies, ontological engineering and automatic text manipulation, Biomedical, physical and chemical). Specific enumerated applied tasks such, that set of interesting subjects can classification dinamically change. Examples of similar family becomes all anymore. Thus, by extraordinarily actual direction of researches there is development of methods of classification of multidisciplinary documents.
3 the Supposed scientific novelty
Development and research of new and modification of the known algorithms of classification of multidisciplinary documents by determination of great number of relevant classes.
Practical meaningfulness of research consists in the increase of efficiency of classification multidisciplinary hypertext documents.
The worked out algorithmic providing can be used for programmatic realization intellectual system of classification decision-oriented tasks of analysis content of Internet of traffic and corporate collections electronic hypertext documents.
5 the Global level of research and developments on the topic
Development of approaches and algorithms of decision of task of classification of documents of mixed to the thematic orientation – this relatively new direction of researches, that presently actively develops abroad and in Russia. Majority existent approaches is the alternative of the direct taking of given tasks to the traditional task of classification the Modern methods classification search, filtration of Internet-of traffic based on the mechanism of automatic classification of texts. This approach, as governed, application of methods implies categorizing that distribute documents on the predefined set of heading on the basis of the knowledge got from teaching great number. To development and testing of algorithms of this kind, and the algorithms of presentation of texts also related to them labours are sanctified to such authors as Bezdek J.C., Kohonen T., Krishnapuram R., Keller J., Desjardins G., Zhang C., T. Joachims, D.D. Lewis, R.E. Schapire, H. Schutze, F. Sebastiani, Y. Yang, I. Dagan, S.T. Dumais.
Among the Russian researchers it is necessary to extract works of Айвазян С. А., Загоруйко М. Г. М. С. Агеев, И. Е. Кураленок, И. С. Некрестьянов, В. И. Шабанов, Глазковой В. В.
In-process [5] technology(architecture, algorithms and programmatic tools) of construction of the system of filtration of Internet-traffic of local networks is considered on to basis of methods of computer-aided instruction. Original architecture is offered, using the methods of computer-aided instruction for the decision of task multitopicality classifications of internet resource. The basic modules of the system, their algorithms, are described works and method of organization of base of knowledge. Worked out architecture experimentally tested on the standard test sets of data, the results of experiments showed high enough exactness and speed works.
6 the National level of research and developments on the topic
Theoretical algorithmic and practical questions of development programmatic tools for the tasks of classification of multitopicality documents decide scientists Kharkov national university of radio electronics with the use of self-organizing organized neural networks and genetic algorithms.
In-process [6] an adaptive unclear self-organizing organized neural network is offered, and also model of the system of clusterization of multidisciplinary text documents on to basis of the worked out neural network, different from existent models to it by architecture and methods of educating. The method of automatic clusterization is worked out multidisciplinary text documents on the basis of genetic algorithm with by a rogueing. Unlike existent genetic algorithms, in given method in procedures of genetic optimization elements are entered artificial selection – operators of tension, compression and displaying.
In the article [7] the problem of intellectual treatment text is examined to information. Architecture of the unclear neural network system is presented for classifications of text documents and on are a line algorithm of educating of network adaptive unclear vectorial quantum
7 the Local review of research and developments
In-process [8] classification of documents is examined founded on knowledge. The mechanism of dividing according to subject headings of texts is offered on the basis of construction of semantic networks. Dividing according to subject headings of large text collections comes true on the beforehand fixed great number of heading.
8 Choice of method and criteria of estimation of efficiency of decision of task of classification multidisciplinary hypertext documents
8.1 the Traditional raising of task classifications of text documents
The objects of classification are text and hypertext documents and their fragments are poorly structured heterogeneous by data. Many methods are offered for the decision of task of classification by means of automatic procedures. They can be divided on two fundamentally different class: methods of computer-aided instruction (MC) and methods based on knowledge(also sometimes named “engineering approach”). By the article of consideration real work there are methods of computer-aided instruction.
Raising of task of classification. Let
– great number of documents,
– great number of subjects, Φ: D × C→{0,1} – unknown objective function that for the pair
<Di, Cj> talks, belongs document Di to the subjects Cj. A task consists of construction of function Φ′, maximally near by Φ.
At computer-aided instruction of classifier the presence of collection is assumed yet
– beforehand classified
documents, i.e. with the known value of objective function. Usually in
quality of teaching selection the array of text documents comes forward,
classified by experts. The algorithm of computer-aided instruction builds procedure
classifications of documents on the basis of automatic analysis of the set great number
investigational texts. For verification of fitness of the use built
a classifier it is necessary to estimate exactness of prediction. It is necessary for this purpose
to have a test selection.
Thus, present data divide on two groups – teaching and test selections. The first is used for a construction models, second – for the estimation of efficiency
8.2 Description of the methods based on computer-aided instruction
Computer-aided instruction is base on presence of initial corps documents classification of that was made beforehand. Т. е. value functions of F : D х C – > {T, F} it is known for every pair(d, c) from W Í C. Document of dj – positive example of ci, if F=T, and negative otherwise.
In the process of computer-aided instruction some preliminary
a process(named educating) automatically builds classifier for a category
ci, watching descriptions of documents that was appropriated by an expert category
ci or . From their
descriptions those that the classified document must have get out,
that a category was appropriated him ci. In terms of computer-aided instruction – it is a process of the controlled educating, as in the process of educating it is known to what categories all documents belong from
to training collection. Methods two classes are examined in that only ci or
named binary(image 1).
Image 1. Binary classification
Texts can not be straight interpreted by algorithms classifications, because they operate numeric data, and text it just sequence of symbols. The process of indexation is therefore required, as a result that compact presentation of document of d turns outj, comfortable for further treatment. The choice of presentation of text depends on that, that is considered bearing sense parts of text, and what rules of treatment natural text it is possible to apply to these parts.
Most algorithms of classification work with the formal specification of objects on the basis of vectorial model presentations of document [10]. In this model a document is described by the numerical vector of an of the fixed length п, where п – number of signs, and i-I the component of vector determines the weight of i sign. For realization of model of presentation it is necessary to choose attributive space and define an algorithm calculations of scales.
Quality of the chosen model of presentation at the fixed algorithm of classification and fixed benchmark test typing document it is possible to estimate on next criteria:
exactness of classification : basic criterion(depends also on the algorithm of classification);
dimension of attributive space : at to identical exactness preferably attributive space less dimensions;
size of the got model of classification : at identical exactness preferably compact models;
time of educating and classification : important criterion depending, including, from two previous;
support to morphology of language : this criterion is closely related to all previous, in details, support of morphology conduces to more exact and compact models classifications.
All algorithms of MC use presentation of document of dj as a vector of scales therms of dj= <wj, 1,., wj,|T|>, where T – great number of all therms that is taken into account in text. wj, k – weight of k therm is in a document dj, shows, as far as large semantic loading is carried by a k-й therm in a document. I am two basic distinctions in going near presentation of texts :
As a rule, as therms choose separate words or their bases. This model carries the name “bag-of-words”, as it does not save to information about the order of including of words in a document.
The most widespread method of forming of attributive space is a method keywords [1, 2]. As signs in this method used lexemes included in documents, and the dimension of attributive space is equal dimensions of dictionary. However this method, for example, does not take into account morphology language, and also semantic connections interword. Support of morphology it is possible to realize by means of methods of Stemming [2], based on bringing words over to to their base word-part. But then for every language the morphological is needed an analyzer, that, conduces to the additional calculable loading and to the task of determination of language of document(if such not indicated in properties of document) and, thirdly, for some languages construction morphological analyzer is an intricate enough problem.
Problem dependences of model of presentation on a language are decided by the method of N-gramme [3]. In this method in succession going letter combinations of the fixed length N undertake as signs. Thus every word is broken up on a set signs, and paronymous words form the similar set of signs. Basic dignity of this method of presentation is absence of necessity linguistic aftertreatment of text and independence from concrete language. Breaking up on N-grammes are much simpler, than selection of base word-part, and from the limited nature of alphabet in all languages the maximal number of different signs is also limited. As defects method of N-a gramme can be specified increase of number unempty signs at a document, and also that the semantic are not taken into account in a model connections between signs.
During classification of texts, as a rule, it is known a few predefined categories to that documents must be taken. In this case classification named multiclass(image 2)
Image 2. Multiclass classification
Besides presentation of content of documents, an important moment is an account in a model presences of hyperlinks between documents. One of most effective modern approaches there is a method of accounting to this problem reference structure of documents, offered in [11]. In this method at first the documents-neighbours of the examined document are classified, and then each a hyperlink in an initial document is replaced by the identifier of class document-neighbour it specifies on that. Thus, hyperlinks substituted by the special identifiers(or the special lexemes) that characterize the themes of documents to that they allude. Such presentation documents is base on information, that is both local and unlocal in relation to this document. By the important lack of given approach there is a necessity of receipt and classification of content documents-neighbours, that brings in the additional calculable loading, and sometimes appears impossible, if document reference specifies on that, inaccessible.
8.3 Methods of classification of multidisciplinary documents
Raising of task of polythematic(multi-label) classification.
In teaching totality
for every example
– the great number of relevant is set
. By an aim
algorithm of computer-aided instruction there is a construction of classifier ФZ : D® 2, predictive all
relevant classes, where D initial space of signs and q number of classes.
The existent methods of classification of multidisciplinary documents are based, mainly, on three approaches:
On a fig. 3 two types of polythematic classification are shown: rough classification(the list of classes is set it is only possible to that to take a document) and soft classification(probability of taking is determined document to each of classes)
Image 3. Types of polythematic classification
To the methods of classification, based on optimization approach, it is possible to take next methods: AdaBoost.MH, ADTBoost.MH(the function of Hamming Loss is minimized for the estimation of losses of multi-label classification), method of Multi-Label-kNN(a posteriori probabilities of belonging are maximized to the classes) and method on the basis of model mixing, EM(model parameters are estimated on the basis of principle maximizations of the expected value) trained by means of method.
The methods based on the decouplig of multi are label problems in the set of independent binary problems
(“one-versus-rest”), create one binary problem for each of
classes. In a binary problem for
the teaching examples noted by this class are considered positive, and all
other teaching examples are considered negative. During classification on
to basis of decouplig “one-versus-rest” decision about belonging of object
accepted a concrete class regardless of other classes. Because of such
approach of decouplig the methods of this group have the opportunity of addition and moving away
classes without the necessity of educating of model to classification “from the ground up”. On
today is a decouplig “one-versus-rest” it is most
by popular approach at the decision of task of classification multidisciplinary
documents in modern practical applications. By the lack of methods to it
groups there is that independent classifiers that not are built
take into account correlations between classes.
A decision of task of multi is label classifications on basis ranging includes two stages. The first stage consists of educating of algorithm ranging, that puts in order all classes on the degree of them relevance for set classified object. For ranging of classes multidisciplinary objects next algorithms are used : ММР, k-NN, RankSVM. The second stage consists in the construction of threshold function dissociating relevant classes from unrelevant one.
8.4 Methodology of measuring of descriptions of classifier
At research and comparison of algorithms, since a classifier F was built, it is necessary in somewise to measure its efficiency. For this purpose, before the beginning of creation of classifier, an initial corps on that testing is made is divided by two parts (not necessarily identical size) :
Documents from Te in no shape or form must not participate in the construction of classifier. If it a condition is not observed, then the results looked after at testing will be too good [9]. At practical application of classifier, since its descriptions were measured, it is possible to conduct educating, using all initial corps, for the increase of efficiency. In this case results previous measuring it is possible to examine as a pessimistic estimation real to efficiency, as the classifier got in the end studied on greater amount of data, than the classifier used for testing.
Approach with the division of initial collection carries the name “Training and Testing”, by an alternative there is a method “ Cross-validation” [9], at that built k different classifiers of F1,., Fk, at division of initial collection on k non-overlapping parts of Te>1, ., Tek and application “Training and Testing” on the pairs (of TVi = W-Tei, Tei}. Eventual efficiency is determined by means of аveraging of indexes of separate classifiers of F1, ., Fk.
At both approaches in the process of educating there can be a necessity to check, as a change of some parameter will affect on efficiency. In this case training and verification collection of TV = d1, ., d| TV | divided on two collections:
8.5 Used birth-certificates
Exactness and plenitude. Efficiency of classification, as a rule, is measured in classic birth-certificates informative search – exactnesses(precision) and full(recall), ТК adapted to the case [13].
Exactness of pi-categoty ci determined as conditional probability of P(F = T | F = T), i.e. probability that casual document of dx will be correctly subsumed ci.
Like plenitude of ri categories of ci determined, as P(F = T | F = T), i.e. probability that document of dx, that must be taken to the category of ci, be is classified under it.
Probabilities of pi and ri can be appraised by means of table coincidences Table 1. This table contains information about the coincidences of decisions of classifier and experts. Columns correspond to the estimations of experts, line – to the estimations of classifier. On their crossing there are four values:
(1) |
(2) |
Table 1. Table of coincidences for the category of ci
Estimations of experts |
Yes |
No |
Estimations of classifier |
Yes |
TPi |
FPi |
No |
FNi |
TNi |
These values in relation to a category can be аveraging, for the receipt of exactness of p and plenitudes of r on all set of categories. Exists two methodologies of аveraging :
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
These methods give considerably differentiating results. At micro averaging contribution of category to end-point the more than anymore documents fall into a category. At macro averaging all categories are in equal proportions influence on end-point. Choice of one or another аveraging depends on an application of classifier domain.
Table 2. Global table of coincidences
Estimations of experts |
Yes |
No |
Estimations of classifier |
Yes |
No |
8.6 Offered directions of perfection of algorithms of classification
For the increase of efficiency of classification planned to use combination of methods of binary classification for classes and ranging with a threshold function for a selection relevant for a document classes.
It is planned to realize the account of hyperlinks on the stage constructions of vectorial model of presentation of document. Thus hyperlinks analysed as text strings and their classes that are determined taken into account at presentation of current document. At forming presentations of document, every hyperlink is replaced by the set of the special identifiers corresponding to the identifiers of the predicted classes. It will allow to take into account meeting in documents hyperlinks without a necessity receipt and analysis of content of documents-neighbours.
Image 4. Method of accounting hyperlinks at presentation documents
The analysis of features of classification of documents is conducted in the case when classes can to intersect and a document can be attributed to a few classes. Existing methods provide quality of classification, insufficient for their application in modern application systems. Methodology of measuring of descriptions is considered classifier and birth-certificates are chosen for efficiency of classification. In future it is planned to work out the model of presentation of documents taking into account hyperlinks and algorithms of polymathematic classification on the basis of binary method and ranging.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2013. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.