- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study and expected results
- 3. Description of approaches to the distribution of workload among lecturers of the university departments
- 3.1 Description of the old approach to the distribution of workload among faculty departments
- 3.2 Description of the new approach
- 3.3 Description of the alternative approach
- Conclusion
- References
- Comments
1. Relevance of the topic
Introduction of new methods of automation is one of the main tasks in modern information processing. Automation not only helps to increase the efficiency of the production process, but also eliminates potential inconsistencies in the data, that helps to avoid mistakes in the work. These factors can significantly improve the efficiency and reduce the time spent on processing and preparation of various documents.
Model of Moore finite state machine (FSM, offered by E. Moore in 1956 and named in his honor), as synchronous sequential circuit, is the part of numerous digital systems and is used in construction of control devices. High complexity of integrated circuits (which is increasing, according to the G. Moore's law) and theoretical basis of automatic calculations make possible the implementation of comprehensive algorithms of processing information. However direct realization of algorithms can lead to inefficient using of crystal's resources and extension of project's cost.
Routine work requires constant attention to a lot of documents, so much of the time people spent working to the same type of data. This factor has a negative impact on the performance and the quality of the workflow.
Research and teaching staff are the main instrument stability and quality of higher education. Such employees perform all the laborious work of educational training. Prestige and reputation of the university depends on the level of preparation and professionalism of teachers. Thus, the lack of staff in the teaching staff increases the load on each individual person, so the quality and effectiveness of teaching reduced. Surplus teachers lead to unnecessary costs universities and prevent many employees realized. Considering all factors, the automation of this area deprives employees of the department of template work. This will help to increase the effectiveness in educational and scientific areas
2. The purpose and objectives of the study and expected results
The aim is to analyze the existing distribution of workload among university lecturer for the further development of alternative methods of distribution. The main objectives of the study:
- explore the positive and negative aspects of the current system;
- consider the methods used in artificial intelligence systems;
- develop a knowledge base for the new system;
- develop the most effective system for subsequent implementation.
3. Description of approaches to the distribution of workload among lecturers of the university departments
3.1 Description of the old approach to the distribution of workload among faculty departments
The university faculty workload distribution departments currently are done using spreadsheets.
The advantages of using a spreadsheet are that it allows you to simply arrange for payments that are carried in the task execution and distribution of workload. Built-in MS Excel search tools and filtering data, sort them, summing subtotals and creating pivot tables allow you to quickly get the information you need. In addition, to the process of the task at the stage of distribution of workload can immediately visualize in different sections of its structure by means of integrated business graphics, which greatly simplifies the perception of the results. The initial data for solving the problem are:
- planned staff schedule of the department;
- the actual state of the department;
- standings with a total load for the department.
Settlement system workload is an electronic book MS Excel, which contains the following key messages: "Teachers", "Workload", "Staff", "Reporting Forms", "Schedule", "Diagrams".
3.2 Description of the new approach
Distribution of workload for teachers can be such a method: data on the distribution of workload standards, the disciplines of students, the teachers (position, rate) imported into the software. Then the system assigns to the each teacher a certain number of courses in the disciplines of the department. The system takes into account the position and number of hours set aside for current teachers, and selects exactly those disciplines in which the total number of occupied hours coincides with the normal hours for this teacher. In case of failure of distribution of workload of teachers the process of redistribution is beginning based on previous unsuccessful results.
3.3 Description of the new approach
Also, the distribution can be made by this method: the data on the distribution of workload standards, discipline of students, teachers (position, rate) imported into the software. Next, the system calculates the coefficients for each subject taking into account number of groups. After receiving coefficients, the system edits the values listed in the column "Total per semester" and calculates amount of hours per semester. This may lead to connect the various groups for the same subject, and thus the amount will remain unchanged. As a result, the number of hours spent at lectures and other forms of classroom workload decreases and the number of hours worked out will not change.
During the execution of scientific work was examined existing approaches and alternative new approach of distribution of workload of university lecturers.
The new approach provided an automatic and manual distribution of workload. In case of failure of distribution of workload of teachers is the process of redistribution based on the results of previous unsuccessful.
This approach allows decrease time spent on distribution of workload and reduces the number of errors that occur in the distribution of workload by hand without the aid system.
In an alternative approach, a method of load distribution is based primarily on the total number of students rather than on the amount of work load, and the opportunity to reduce the amount of time spent on classroom hours with no reduced rate teachers. So you do not need to artificially increase the training load and academic semester will not contain a large number of disciplines and will be easier to distribute educational courses among teachers and be easier to ensure logical consistency of teaching subjects. After reviewing this method revealed the following benefits:
- method stimulates teaching courses in one semester, as this without affecting the value of plant, reduces the workload;
- allocation algorithms of do not depend on the ratio of hours of classroom and independent work of the student, thus, increasing the CPC staff practically does not change;
- unprofitable artificial formation of small streams and academic formation of parent groups.
After analyzing we can conclude that the introduction of methods of calculating staffing, training will be part of most performance by reducing the time spent on routine operations calculating staffing.
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At the time of writing this master's work is still not completed. Estimated completion date: December 2013 through the full text of the work and materials can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date only.