DNTU Master's portal

Summary Master

Name Shayakhmetova Katå
Birthday 03.07.1990
Birthplace Makeevka city
School (s) 1997-2000 School ¹ 5 1-3 classes Makeevka
2000-2004 School ¹ 61 Grades 5-8 classes Makeevka
2004-2007 Lyceum ¹ 1 9-11 Makeevka
University 2007-2012, Donetsk National Technical University, Department of Computer Science and Technology, "System Programming" bachelor
2012-2013, Donetsk National Technical University, Department of Computer science and technology, "System Programming", Master's
Average 3.6
language Oral Ukrainian (base)
Russian (full)
English (above average)
Personal Achievements -
Hobby games (strategy, selectively MMORPGs)
book (Fantasy)
Personality Calm
inner peace
ability to look at a situation from different points of view
I do not drink, do not smoke, do not use drugs
I have the right to drive a motor vehicle of category "B"
Professional specialization and computer skills 1. Experience installing, configuring, and working with Windows 2000-7.
2. Familiarity with routers CISCO.
3. C++, Java (programming language)
Additional courses, fellowships, grants -
Experience main IT-specialist Voroshilov district court of Donetsk - 6 months
Future Plans find their place in life
Contact edel-rauko@yandex.ru
RaukoTaur - Skype