- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Influence of world religions on the dynamics of marriage relations
- Conclusion
- References
Religion - in the sense in which one speaks of three world religions: Christianity, Buddhism and Islam - is a complex catchall term that includes a mythology, a system of dogmas, religious and ritual acts, socialized religious institutions (church in Christendom) specific forms of relationships between believers and religious organizations, and more. For every religion, all of these points have their specific semantic content, its origin and history of the continued existence of, their special every time refraction through ethnic, national, class, and individual personal prism. The specific study of all these semantic and organizational features in the development of religions and their historical varieties belong to a special science - religious studies, which also addresses the specific philosophical questions of theology, and the social functions of religion in different historical conditions. This material will allow us to learn about the influence of surface three major world religions: Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, the dynamics of the marital relationship.
1. Theme urgency
Theme urgency is high and the fact that on the basis of references to society familiar with three world religions and their impact on the dynamics of the marital relationship. Currently, the major religions represented in Ukraine, are Christianity (as opposed to the entire world - Orthodox), as well as religion Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. Every religion in its own distinctive and interesting.
Today it is important to recognize that religion in the history of the world is high and it is not just a belief or disbelief in gods. Religion permeates the lives of the people all over the world. With the religious rites are born and die man. Ethics, morality, ethics in most countries was of a religious nature. With religion is related to many cultural achievements: iconography, architecture, sculpture, painting, etc. It is important to note that the religious tenets, religion and beliefs were largely determine the rate of demographic behavior of people to create families, the birth of children, the strength of marriage, etc. Moreover, there are big differences between the religions in their views on the problems that affect the demographic situation from practicing their peoples.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of this work: to evaluate the influence of world religions on the dynamics of marriage in today's society.
Main tasks of the research:
- Analyze the basic concepts and methodology of the study.
- Explore the value of the confessional factor in the shift in the functions of the family.
- Trace the weakening of traditional family functions, and new forms of marriage.
- To describe the form and content of religious education.
- To characterize the religion as a conservative factor of marital dynamics.
Research object: marriage.
Research subject: the impact of world religions on the dynamics of marriage.
3. Influence of world religions on the dynamics of marriage relations
Before turning to the content of the work, it is necessary to define the concept of "world religions" - a religion that spread among the peoples of different countries and continents. At the moment, this term refers to only three religions (listed in chronological order of occurrence):
- Islam;
- Christianity;
- Buddhism.
Unlike national and national-religious state in which the religious bond between people with the same ethnic and political connections (eg Hinduism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Judaism), global or supra-national religion bring people together by a common faith, regardless of their ethnic, linguistic or political ties.
In addition, when considering religion as the world is taken into account its impact on the course of history and prevalence [7].

Animation scheme spread of world religions
Women in the family of Islam assigns a high place so that it is equal to it does not take in any other religion [9]. The essence of the mutual relations of husband and wife can be seen from the teachings of the Messenger of Allah:
"Married a Muslim should never attempt to correct his wife in accordance with the fact that he is right and perfect. He should take into account the characteristics of its female temper and take it for what Allah has created it."
"... Easy on the missteps of his wife, and many prefer to ignore the little things, taking into account the inherent properties of the fairer sex, and as a result, your home will be peace, tranquility and happiness, and there will be no noise, no controversy."
Marriage in Islam is more than just a flash of feelings, and more significant than the impact of the manifestations of the passions. Stressing the importance of marriage, the Prophet Muhammad said, "Marriage - half the religion." Therefore, a Muslim should not be careless and frivolous when choosing his own half.
As for countries such as Turkey and Tunisia, there is officially banned polygamy law. That, however, does not prevent wishing to enter into marriage with another woman to do so without official relations.
Islam places great emphasis on the family [10]. Sunni Muslims have practiced marriages are allowed only constant, in contrast to the Shiites, who have practiced and temporary marriages. Islam has a negative attitude toward celibacy and monasticism.
It is in the Christian culture established monogamous marriage, Christianity for the first time in human history, declared that adultery men are as unacceptable as unacceptable betrayal of women. In the Middle Ages, when to replace the pagan culture by the culture of the Christian, the family is not just a "cell of society", but the mystery, which come in two Christians, declaring the joint solution to his community [12]. According to Christian teaching, the family has a small church. A church can not be built up "on time" - it's created for good husband in a Christian family - the head of the wife, on the same grounds as the Christ - the head of the church. A very important aspect of the Christian doctrine of direct relevance to the understanding of the meaning of marriage is the indication of the possibility of the celibate life, which is assessed not only not less, but in some ways higher than marriage. Ratio and the relationship between marriage and celibacy in Christianity is a very significant problem. In Christianity, the alleged ideal of perfect chastity and purity of body, which, however, can by no means all, but because - "avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and each woman her own husband" [14]. In marriage, a natural bodily intimacy and nepredosuditelna as husband and wife mutually belong to each other physically.
Unlike Judaism, it compulsory to marry all sexually mature men and women, Christianity is above every other state estimates virginity, marriage is seen as a necessary concession to impulses of the flesh, designed for those who are unable to suppress their efforts will. But the highest valor for a Christian is to preserve chastity [18].
Lay follower of Buddhism must always serve the father and mother, my family, myself and the Buddha. He also has to constantly take care of them and wish them peace and happiness [17]. First of all it is necessary to comply with the way parents and children. In the children's responsibilities include: to serve his father and mother, to help them through the house, cherish family tree, protect the inheritance after the death of neat celebrate a memorial service for him. Parents, too, must comply with five responsibilities to their children, they should restrain evil, to teach children good, give a good education, find a good pair of them, and at the right time to give them a house in the inheritance. If parents and children will honor their responsibilities in the family will be peace and quiet and there is no discord between parents and children. The husband should respect his wife, to be polite to her and be faithful. And the wife towards her husband to keep the house in order to be faithful, do not waste the income of husband and well-managed with chores around the house. Then the wife will be amicable and they will have no quarrels. The family most are spoken shower, so if a family friendly, she is beautiful, like a blooming garden. But if disturbed harmony shower, begin strife and family is doomed to collapse. In such a case, not blaming others, we must take care of yourself and your soul go the right way. The disagreement with the soul of the soul leads to a truly terrible trouble. Even the slightest mistake leads to big trouble. In family life, most of all it is necessary to be afraid of it [19]. For the maintenance of his family one has to work as an ant, a bee. It should not rely on others, do not have to wait for the offering. The relationship of husband and wife are set not only for reasons of convenience. And not just because they live in the same house. Husband and wife are to improve on the sacred teachings of their souls. The true meaning of family is to ensure that everyone is together on the path of enlightenment.
Influence on the dynamics of world religions marriage is great. Each religion encourages sexual activity is strictly limited the scope of legal marriage [20].
Christianity denies divorce. The New Testament unequivocally insisted on the indissolubility of the marriage bond. This ratio is based on the words of Jesus (peace be upon him) as saying:
"And I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery" (Matthew 5:32).
In Islam, marriage is sacred and can not be terminated without good reasons. Spouses instructed to use all means possible to save the marriage, if there is a danger of collapse. Divorce is not rejected if there is no other way out. As a last resort, Islam recognizes divorce, but he is warned by all means possible. First, it should be said about the recognition of a divorce. Islam recognizes the right of both partners to end their matrimonial relationship. Islam gives the husband the right to make talaq (divorce), moreover, unlike Judaism, grants the wife the right to divorce by the procedure, which is known as the "Kula" [21].
A Muslim can not divorce his wife just because she no longer liked him. The Qur'an instructs Muslims to treat their wives well, even if the feelings have cooled husband to wife or he does not love her: "Treat your wives with dignity. If they are unpleasant to you, because it may happen that an unpleasant turn you Allah for the benefit of great "(Qur'an 4:19).
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2013. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the website after this date.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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