- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Overview of Research and Development
- 3.1 Overview of the literary source
- 4.Conclusion
- References
Thermal energy systems of industrial enterprises (TPP PP) combined flows of energy (RE) in the enterprise, as coming from the outside, and internal (SER) to their fullest and most efficient use. This should be provided: the uninterrupted supply of all consumers ER and environmental protection. TPP of any company is determined the nature of its production, as well as power and performance characteristics of its constituent units and technological productions. Energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness of this process depends on a number of production companies particularly energy intensive, from perfect TPP PP. Since in this case there is an inverse interaction, optimization of thermal power plants and PP technology production must be conducted jointly.
1. Theme urgency
In our country, we have a paradoxical situation: the centralized heat supply the highest in Europe, and the state of boilers, of heating equipment and in-house network - one of the worst. That is what prevents quality care consumers. Centralization also clearly not conducive to improving the efficiency of heating systems and restructuring. It is possible that soon the great heat and power and utility monopoly enterprises are converted into medium and small with various forms of property and a simplified control system that will increase the efficiency of their work. At the moment, most of the enterprises power system are the debtors, and some of them have already become bankrupt. Worsens the situation in this area the existing system subsidies and substantial debts of the population. Some consumers do not pay for heat supply due to their poor quality. Heat supply enterprises do not have the ability to upgrade or repair old equipment, as paid by the public not enough money even for current expenses. These and other factors make consumers solve their problems of heat forces.
However, it is worth being noticed that during the transition of such enterprises to the private sector, there is a risk of reducing the quality of service because entrepreneur is always interested in maximizing profits. In the absence of a number of laws governing the transition to such a system would only worsen the situation of power system in Ukraine. So you should make an effort to modernitsaztsii district heating system.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The aim of this task is to optimize the structure of the existing energy system, by the use of the most effective schemes and technologies available today.
Main tasks of the research:
- Evaluation of the existing energy supply system.
- Analysis of the structure of the power system (heating, electricity ...).
- Analysis of the performance of its work by compiling a mathematical model.
- The development of energy-efficient projects and activities.
Research object: energy system
Research subject:optimization of the energy system
3. Overview of Research and Development
There are many studies on achieving maximum efficiency of centralized power plants. Such as Denmark and the Netherlands are considering the idea of a mini TEC, which will be located near population centers, as a large the amount of heat generated in the production of electricity discharged. This scheme provides a direct heat on production or used to provide public services.
Equally important is the environmental aspect. European countries tend to use the least harmful resources and technology. Electricity is generated from coal-fired thermal power and direction of the turbines. This is the most common method. However, if physical resources can afford to burn fuel gas, combining it with the biomass or coal. In such a scheme emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are reduced.
Approaching the post-Soviet reality one of the most suitable methods for improving fuel combustion technology is combustion of solid fuel-fired circulating fluidized bed.
As the national coal reserves Ukraine will be enough for several hundred years, it is understandable the active development of new technology on its use. Coal is primarily used in the production of electricity in CHP and IES, and one of the new stages of development of methods of thermal processing technology is the development of solid fuel combustion in units with a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) at atmospheric pressure.
According to the "technical solution to modernize the unit number 4 Starobeshevskaya TPP" of 15.04.1997 April 1997, the power unit Number 4 in April was taken out of service for renovation with the replacement of an existing coal-fired boiler capacity of 640 t / h, to the boiler with the circulating fluidized bed capacity of 670 tons of steam. The boiler ATSKS firm Lurgi Lentjes AG (Germany) electrical output of 210 MW and an efficiency of an average of 88.5% has been put into operation, the 25.05.2011 The main fuel at this time is used slurry anthracite. A distinctive feature of this technology is the organization combustion process in a fluidized bed and in a space with a return nadsloevom and multiple fuel particles circulating in the reaction zone.
CFB boiler has a number of advantages over coal-fired boilers, among which are the following:
- efficient combustion of fuel quality without any gas or light fuel oil due to turbulence in the two-phase system in the layer;
- possibility of burning different fuels in the quality of the same pot for a simplified scheme toplivopodgotovki and high isothermal throughout the bulk of the layer;
- ability of deep discharge without auxiliary fuel (up 25%) and rapid hot start;
- these units have a greater maneuverability. They divided the area of burning and intense heat and mass transfer between phases;
- due to the specific organization of the CFB combustion boilers do not require the installation of additional gas treatment equipment and minimize maintenance costs of going to ensure that unit was able to meet the most stringent European standards for emissions of harmful substances.
Major developers CFB - technologies for coal combustion and boiler equipment manufacturers: firms Lurgi, Steinmueller, Deutsche Babcock (Germany), Foster Wheeler Energia Oy (ранее Ahlstrom Pyropower; Finland - США), Riley Stoker (CША), also Stein Industrie (France) и Mitsubishі (Japan) under license Lurgi.
Let us consider in more detail the technology of solid fuel combustion by «Lurgi». The figure shows a schematic diagram CFB - boiler unit of the system.

Picture –Schematic diagram of the CFB - the boiler system «Lurgi»
1 - cyclone, 2 - burner, 3 - exchanger fluidized bed, 4 - bag filter, 5 - L - valve, 6 - evaporating heating surface.
Boilers «Lurgi» cyclones are equipped with outriggers and contain the external fluidized bed heat exchanger. The output of the furnace solid particles trapped in the cyclone back to its lower part by an external circulating path. As a consequence of repeated circulation provided the necessary fuel particles during their stay in the reaction zone, and the uniform tension of the flue volume. The combustion of the coal particles takes place at temperatures 850°С – 900 °С, gas velocities in the furnace 4 – 7 м/с.
To sum up, it should be noted the need for intensive technology adoption combustion CFB for thermal power plants in Ukraine, due to the need to improve the technical and economic performance of the thermal power plants, as well also reduce emissions of oxides of sulfur and nitrogen.
3.1 Overview of the literary source
Urgency of modernization of heating systems localities mentioned in the works of M. Kulik, Kutz GO, Bіlodіda VD Copper IN and EE Nikitin considered the main ways to solve communal problems energitiki, to decide whether the development of energy-efficientheating systems of cities [1-4].
Angelica A.N. Maystrenko A., S. Onishchenko, A. Topal set out the thermodynamic calculations of combustion and gasification of coal in CFB under pressure, conduct a comparative analysis of the technical and economic performance of the thermal power plant using clean coal technology [5-7].
Particular attention is paid to existing coal technologies Korchevoi UP and G. Gaister, they provide an estimate of their status and further development [8-10].
Korchevoi U.P. and Maystrenko A. considering the reconstruction of coal-fired thermal power plant, justify the feasibility of introducing CCS technologies in use. Provide examples of these installations on technology «Lurgi», «Pyroflow», «Multisolid», «Circofluid», «Babcock & Wilcox» [11,12].
Unfortunately, the city is not yet ready for a deep modernization of heating systems on a return basis, you need a long training period, you need to change the laws and regulatory modernization of heating systems. For the country and Cities need a long-term strategy of modernization, where the first stage of a modernization of the existing system of the vehicle, at the same time is preparing the second phase - the substitution of natural gas to local sources of fuel and energy. Technical problems for small and deep modernization is not, almost all solutions are known and tested in the cities of developed countries, the U.S. and the EU. The world has accumulated experience of interstate cooperation in the implementation of projects for modernization of municipal systems heating. In this regard, a very wise to start positive changes in engineering.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2013. Full text of the and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.p>
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