DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Grigorenko Katerina
Date of birth June 4, 1991
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools Donetsk Specialized Humanitarian school ¹ 95 - 1997-2008 ãã.
Universities Donetsk National Technical University, MFF, dep. "Industrial power" Bachelor - 2008-2012 was, MA - 2012-2014, Specialty "energy management";
Average score Average score during Bachelor course - 4,8
Languages Russian, Ukrainian - "perfectly", English - "Upper-Intermediate", German - basic
Personal achievements Diploma for the 2nd place in the championship of Donetsk National Technical University Table Tennis Women's 1st year
Diploma for the third place in the table tennis tournament dedicated to the birthday of the university students of 1-4 courses
Hobbies and interests Sports - table tennis, fitness, books - fantasy, classic, training, music - pop-rock, trans, pop
Personal qualities Purposeful, sociable, responsible
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems - Widows.
2. Programming languages - Object Pascal
3. Environments - Delphi, Excel.
Future plans I will find a job by spesiality and will succeed in doing it
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