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Special place in human life from the most ancient times occupied a copper and its alloys. A long period in history of civilization is adopted the name of word of copper with tin is bronze age. During all history of civilization a copper and its alloys was successfully used both in the way of life (tableware, instruments, instruments of treatment of earth etc.) and in the wares of military-oriented swords, taking into account cannons, shells and other the special role of copper in soldiery wares (shells, shells, cartridges, bullets). It is named as an element of shot.

With development of the electrical engineering of XIX-XX consumption of copper for the production of explorers of current, cables, engines, generators etc. increased from year to year.

A systematic decline of maintenance of the nonferrous metals is in ore raw material, diminishing of world ore supplies, increase of expenses on his processing, from one side, and the increase of metallic fund in the most world countries, from ather side, is instrumental in growth of production of the nonferrous metals from the second raw material. Among the heavy coloured metals, producible from a crow-bar and wastes, on volume issue the first place is occupied by a copper and its alloys.

It is related to the large metallic fund of copper and presence of the major specialized concerns, processing a clean copper as raw material (cable factories, enterprises of electrical engineerings wares, metallurgical factories on the production of copper and alloys on its basis, machine-building plants etc.).

Especially sharp question of consumption of copper is in Ukraine, as an ore base of copper absents in a country. Therefore a question of the use of the second copper from the own second copper raw material is primary for the Ukrainian factories of users of copper. The electro-slag chill mold casting is a hi-tech method receipt of foundings from the second raw material, a decision to probe foundings, got in this way izvtorichnoy coppers was therefore accepted.

1. Review in DonNTU researches

The department of "Nonferrous metallurgy and construction materials"is engaged in the problems of the electro-slag chill mold chasting of copper and copper alloys.

2.Basic results

The electro-slag chill mold casting is a hi-tech method receipt of foundings from the second raw material, a decision to probe foundings, got in this way from wastes of copper explorer products was therefore accepted.

For the receipt of foundings the electro-slag chill mold casting as a charge the cable crow-bar of copper of brand of M00 was used; as gumboils used the industrial gumboils of brands AN-348A, ANF-6, ANF-1P, and also mixture of gumboil of ANF-1P and cryolite(Na3AlF6).

Were conducted row of melting with the use of these gumboils. Chemical composition of the got foundings of,byl is got by the spectral atomic-electronic analyzer of «Spectrolab».

On the basis of endevouos was done a conclusion, that copper of brand of M00, in these terms is possible to get only conducting melting under the gumboil of M1.As a chemical analysis did not give information about maintenance of oxygen in foundings, the mass stake was certain in the got foundings by a metallography method (GOST 13938.13 – 93).

Comparing the standard of macrosection to the least on standart GOST mass stake of oxygen (material is the deformed copper, mass stake of oxygen – 0,01%,in the dissipated light), itis found, that at the last the amount of the oxide including below on an order, I.e. in the probed standard mass stake of oxygen less than 0,01%.

Measuring of hardness of standards got the electro-slag chill mold casting determined the method of Brinellya, loading of 250kg., the diameter of marble 5 mm. is a diameter of the got imprint 2 mm. Got hardness equal 75,8 HB. This index corresponds the deformed copper.


The method of the electro-slag chill mold casting under the slag of mixture of gumboil of ANF-1P and cryolite (Na3AlF6) makes possible consisting to get the copper foundings without dirtholes and gas porosity, in quality not yieldings forged ones (passing treatment of metal pressure).

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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