- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Destabilizing factors, which affecting on accuracy of navigation system of ensuring flights of aircraft
- Conclusion
- References
Since the beginning of the development of aviation technology, safety flying was the most important task. In our time safety flying is relevant too. In spite of very big reducing the number of undesirable situation risk of the accidents and aviation incidents exists. Statistics tells us the following causes of aircraft accidents:
Cause |
% |
Total Pilot Error |
50 |
Other Human Error |
7 |
Weather |
12 |
Mechanical Failure |
22 |
Sabotage |
8 |
Other Cause |
1 |
Table 1. Causes of Fatal Accidents by Decade (percentage) [1].
that says that need take into account each factor and need up-grade
1. Theme urgency
says, human factor is dominant cause of aviation accidents, this is 65
%. But
mechanical failure and weather a considerable part of the causes of
accidents, this is 34 %. This show necessity up-grade technical flight
flight control system, flight support system etc.
need to know which destabilizing factors influence on each system, in
order to
up-grade each system. Navigation system takes the important role of all
technical equipment flight support, because errors in navigation
lead to sad consequences.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
aim of the research is destabilizing factors, which affecting on
accuracy of
navigation system of ensuring flights of aircraft.
tasks of the research:
- Search destabilizing factors, which affecting on accuracy
of navigation system of ensuring flights of aircraft.
- Analysis destabilizing factors, which affecting on
accuracy of navigation system of ensuring flights of aircraft.
- Allocation of the main and most dangerous destabilizing
factors, which affecting on accuracy of navigation system of ensuring
flights of aircraft.
- To seek ways of eliminating the influence of
destabilizing factors, which affecting on accuracy of navigation system
of ensuring flights of aircraft.
Research object:
securing safety-flying.
Research subject:
destabilizing factors, which affecting on
accuracy of navigation system of ensuring flights of aircraft.
3. Destabilizing factors, which affecting on accuracy of navigation system of ensuring flights of aircraft
When is navigation system operated,
the destabilizing factors influence in it.
Destabilizing factors are divided into:
- Climate – Temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure,
dust, solar radiation, etc.;
- Mechanical – Vibrations, shocks, linear acceleration,
acoustic noises;
- Biological – Microorganisms and fungi, insects;
- Temperature – High temperature, low temperature, thermal
- Special – Ionizing radiation, space (deep vacuum
- Electromagnetic – Electric, magnetic, electromagnetic;[2]
Mechanical factors
Mechanical factors are divided into:
- vibration;
- shocks;
- linear loads;
- acoustic noise;
- integrated impact.
Vibration are divided into harmonic,
nonharmonic, periodic, random.
Shocks on navigation equipment may
affect not only in the operation of mobile objects, but also during
transportation, loading and unloading.
Linear loads occur during
acceleration and braking, change of direction.
Acoustic noises occur during the
work of powerful engines (especially), and the resulting aerodynamic
effects in
the movement of aircraft or missiles in a sufficiently dense layers of
Integrated impact is a combination
of the first four of the above. For example, this could be a
impact on equipment vibration and shocks, vibrations, and linear loads,
Such an effect is most often encountered in actual use, but they are
the most
difficult to reproduce in laboratory conditions during testing
Measures for protection against mechanical impacts on navigation equipment are of particular importance when supersonic military aircraft is designed, because their overload is above, than can see on figures of higher and advanced flying. Coup Immelmann is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1 – Coup Immelmann
(animation: 6 frames, 5 cycles of repeating, 40,1 kilobytes)
Electromagnetic interference
When electromagnetic interference
affect on navigation system may occur errors of accuracy of
calculations of
navigation system. [4].
Electromagnetic factors, which influence on navigation system, are divided into:
By origin electromagnetic interference, are divided into:
interference may be unintentional (industrial) and intentional
By type of distribution electromagnetic interference, are divided into:
-spatial interference;
By location electromagnetic interference, are divided into:
-external noise (outboard);
-internal interference (intersystem);
By type of signal electromagnetic interference, are divided into:
-deterministic interference. [7]
Those and other may be pulsed, wideband or narrowband.
Causes of unintentional
electromagnetic interference:
1. The limited range of frequencies used by man;
2. Imperfection of receiving and
transmitting devices;
3. Radiation of different kinds of
noncommunication equipment;
4. Impossibility or difficulty of managing weather conditions.
Countermeasure of electromagnetic
interference, are divided into :
1. Organizational;
2. Protective. [11]
thesis is devoted research is destabilizing factors, which affecting on
accuracy of navigation system of ensuring flights of aircraft. In the
carried out:
1. Destabilizing factors, which affecting on accuracy of navigation
system of ensuring flights of aircraft were classified.
2. The effects of the destabilizing factors, which affecting on
accuracy of navigation system of ensuring flights of aircraft.
3. Countermeasure of the destabilizing factors, which affecting on
accuracy of navigation system of ensuring flights of aircraft. Further
research will be on the next aspects:
1. The deepening in the consideration of destabilizing factors.
2. Detailing the countermeasure to combat the destabilizing factors.
master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2013.
The full
text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the
after this date.
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