- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Modern methods of personnel development
- 4. Evaluating the effectiveness of training
- Conclusion
- References
Today's the most important tool for ensuring the stability of the company and increase its competitiveness, is the professional development of staff in line with current and future requirements of the internal and external environment.
1. Theme urgency
The ability and willingness of workers to training is an essential factor in ensuring the effective functioning of the enterprise in the market for labor, goods and services, as You can achieve good results only when people have the specific knowledge, skills, and action oriented, so in the current circumstances, the problem of staff development is becoming increasingly important. The importance of professional development is evidenced by the fact that most foreign companies are dedicated to the development of up to 10 % of payroll [1]. According to the analytical data in the U.S. increased investment for training a 10 % increase in productivity of 8,5 %, while the increase in investment 10 % productivity increase by 3,9 % [5].
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of research is to develop a system of professional development and evaluate its effectiveness on the basis of domestic and foreign personnel management practices in modern conditions, as well as improved methods of training their personnel.
Main tasks of the research:
- analysis modern methods of teaching staff;
- identify the factors influencing the choice of forms and methods of training;
- analysis existing models evaluating the effectiveness of training;
- to offer recommendations for improving the system of vocational training;
- economically justify the feasibility of methods of professional training.
Research object: the system of vocational training in enterprises.
Research subject: the organization of professional training and methods for assessing the effectiveness of training.
3. Modern methods of personnel development
Professional development – it is a continuous integrated process, which includes training, career development and training. Implementation of the concept of staff development provides a flexible system of vocational training, focused on the strategic objectives of the enterprise. Education staff can solve basic problems in the interests of the enterprise – improving the efficiency and quality of work, and in the interests of the individual – rising living standards, the creation of opportunities for the realization of their abilities, to ensure competitiveness in the labor market [1].There are a number of methods for development of professional knowledge and skills. The whole collection of them can be represented by two groups: the training on the job and training outside the workplace.
The method of training in the workplace is most often used for mastering the necessary skills and familiarize new employees with how to use the available equipment and tools directly in the course of professional activity. Such training usually does not play some of the organizational conditions (eg noise, stressful pace of work), is narrowly specialized, does not give the employee the opportunity to abstract from the current situation and to go beyond the usual behavior [2].
Education outside the workplace more efficient, but due to the additional financial costs and distraction of an employee's official duties [3]. It can occur in many ways and in many ways: it is trained in specialized centers and training institutes or through systematic listening specialized courses. Effective is visiting specialists conferences, congresses or symposia, where problems relating to the activities of the company.
Determination of the forms and methods of training depends on the personal qualities of employees who are trained (official level, education, work experience, age, etc.), their size, cost and funding sources, the content of the study. The budget for education is directly dependent on the number of students, their place in the organization (the higher the level of the employee, the more money is allocated to his training) and how great is the need for training companies [2].
4. Evaluating the effectiveness of training
Evaluating the effectiveness of training is an important step in the process of training staff. Its purpose is to determine what benefits workers receive training from the company, or to determine which form of learning is most effective. Information obtained from the evaluation of the effectiveness of specific training programs need to be analyzed and used in the preparation and implementation of similar programs in the future. It should be carried out continuously in a qualitative or quantitative manner, evaluating the impact of training on business performance such as sales, product and service quality, productivity, installation workers, etc.
According J.Philips there are five criteria that should be used to evaluate the effectiveness of training:
- Employees attitudes to learning.
- Quality Learning.
- Behavioral changes.
- The results of labor.
- The cost effectiveness of training.
J.Phillips offers a rate of return on investment in staff training (ROI), which characterizes the feasibility of the training costs. To calculate the ROI summarizes all the costs of the training program (the costs of needs analysis, curriculum development and implementation). Taking into account both the direct and indirect costs. Calculation of the formula:
NPV – income worker training;
PV – training costs.
Along with the model ROI J.Philips there criterion model assessing the effectiveness of training. This model divides learning on the immediate and long-term, because different types of employee training appropriate to use different methods of assessing the effectiveness of the process
For short learning assessment is based on information from the feedback that relates to the knowledge and skills acquired through training, practical value method, and when the long-term scheme to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of operations staff with training. Short-term training is typically 1-5 days. All other types of training are usually regarded as non-current.
In criterion-model also takes into account that the ratio of workers to the content of the curriculum takes into account the opinion of his immediate supervisor. Also in this model, a trained employee should make proposals for the improvement of their activities.
The system of personnel development at the enterprise must be flexible, able to change the content, methods and organizational forms to meet the needs of production and the situation that is emerging in the labor market. In line with this development management personnel should focus their efforts on addressing issues such as the development of the strategy for the formation of qualified personnel, the definition of training needs of employees, the choice of forms and methods of professional development, financial support for all types of training in the required amount.
To evaluate the training to effectively use the model J.Philips and criterial model estimation. Calculations of the effectiveness of training according to the different methods: ROI model takes into account two parameters: directly measure the effectiveness of training and rates of return on investment as criterion model considers the measure training effectiveness as a relative value expressed in percentage.
In Ukraine, the development of vocational training – is an essential condition for the production of security as highly skilled staff and increase its efficiency. However, the system of vocational education in Ukraine has certain disadvantages.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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