- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Overview of international sources
- 4. Analysis of patterns of interaction with the introduction of intermediaries
- 5. Development of a mathematical model of agents interacting with the introduction of an information agent
- Conclusion
- References
The interaction of two economic agents: consumers and producers are usually considered in analyzing of resource sharing models in microeconomics [1]. Meanwhile, an advertising provides a significant effect on the interaction of these agents, being an information intermediary between them.
Аdvertising of goods and services over the Internet is one of the advertising markets that are rapidly developing. The main difference of contextual advertising from other types of advertising, is, firstly, that the consumer does not pay for the resource, where the advertising is placed (as opposed to newspapers and magazines) and, secondly, it is available to all market participants.
Portals provide the ratings of resources. Rating may be considered as a place in a catalog portal, a search rank for keywords for an entreprise. Ratings help a consumer to compare the manufacturers. For some services, this can be done by comparing key indicators, such as commodity price, price and time of delivery of goods and so on. But for many services such comparison is difficult, for example, for choosing a reliable bank. In such cases, the consumer has a confidence for the rating portal, chooses the resources that have a higher rating. Portals tend to provide the consumer with the most objective rating. However, some companies pay for the advertising to increase the ranking in the portal. This situation leads to a conflict of interest for the portals.
In this paper we consider a system that consists of three subsystems: companies, portals and consumers.
1. Theme urgency
The relevance of this work is due, on the one hand, to a great interest in the topic of information portals in modern economic science and, on the other hand, to its lack of fragmentation [1] because of the large number of model parameters, incomplete knowledge of individual agents of the environment; distribution, potential indetermination etc . The presence of these properties, as well as a significant dimension of tasks [2] led to the formalization and to the poor orientation of the conducted research. That is what caused the need to improve existing models of interaction between economic agents in order to increase efficiency. The next steps follow for providing this:
- to review current approaches to the theoretical study and formal description of the model;
- a comparative analysis of existing models, finding out their shortcomings;
- to develop an economic-mathematical model of the interaction of economic agents.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The aim is to develop a mathematical model aimed to improving the efficiency of agents interacting through the introduction of an information agent for the analysis and study of problems arising from the interaction of economic agents with the use of information portals.
The result of the accomplishment of this work is a mathematical model of the interaction of economic agents based on information portals and analysis of its effectiveness.
3. Overview of international sources
In the work of B. Galician and M. Levin [2] an economic system is considered which consists of two subsystems: companies and portals. Each portal is characterized by reputation. The objective of firms is to increase your ranking on portals, with one step, you can improve your rating only on 1. Portals involved in this process, seeking to increase their reputation.
Analyse of existing works, such as [3-5], shows that the interaction is used to simulate a small portion of research and development with extensive experience of building of intelligent systems. From the above analysis it was concluded about the shortcomings of existing models and proposed new solutions of the problem.
4. Analysis of patterns of interaction with the introduction of intermediaries
The interaction of economic agents becomes more and more important at the present stage of developing of transition economy. The formation of a new type of a mechanism of management in Ukraine shows that the effective development of competitive processes and economic growth is not possible without the relationships that are developing at the micro level. Analyze of the behavior of basic structural units of the economic system — companies and firms — acquires a particular significance in this regard [3].
Market Development in Ukraine leads to the fact that factors associated with centralized economic system gradually lose their dominant role.
In a command economy the relationship between enterprises play a subordinate role, passively reflecting those "team" coming to the company from the central authority of sectoral management. As the company acquires the features of the company — primarily independent actions — like its interaction with economic agents (other companies) are beginning to play a significant role in its behavior. The significance of a particular market structure increases that prevails any industry or any region for the development and evaluation of behavioral strategies of firms in this market. Operation of Ukrainian companies is increasingly associated with their micro existence, specific to each industry and each market [4].
Market structure is expressed through the interaction of firms which represent one of the main factors that determine the structure of industrial production, consumption, production and prices in the industry. In this connection it is necessary to study the characteristics of interactions of firms and their impact on production in the transition economy of Ukraine [3].
Analysis of the mechanism of interaction of firms — micro economic relations in transition economies enables deeper insight into the transformation of the economic system of Ukraine and to better understanding of the specific behavior of enterprises in transition. In general, the study of this problem represents one side of a comprehensive study of the economic mechanism of modern society [4].
Investigation of inter-firm relations aloows to reveal the regularities of a market evolution in transition economies, strengths and weaknesses of the state industrial policy, particularly antitrust and sector regulation and to make the recommendations for improvement of the economic impact of the state on the structural processes in today Ukraine [4].
Interactions of firms could be considered in two aspects: as a horizontal relationship between contractors of the same level and the vertical as the relationships between contractors successive stages of production and distribution process. In addition, the interaction of accounting firms suggests not only really active agents that are already on the market, but also potential competitors and partners — companies that easily could enter the industry with changing conditions [3].
Manufacturer, acting as a seller, is interested in selling goods at maximum price. Intermediator, acting as buyer and seller, is interested in buying the goods from the manufacturer at the lowest price and in saling it on the market at a maximum price. Conflictual interests of economic agents, competition in the market and limited by these factors a rationality of agents behaviors and their awareness asymmetric determine the choice of mechanisms of interaction of economic agents. It is obvious that in this model a managing person (active agent) is a manufacturer and a managed entity (passive agent) is an intermediator. The criterion of performance management is the hidden benefit derived active agent [10, 11].
Figure 4.1 shows the principle of operation of the model with the introduction of an intermediator named portal.
![The principle of operation of the model with the introduction of an intermediary (animation)](images/animation_eng.gif)
Figure 4.1 — The principle of operation of the model with the introduction of an intermediary (animation made using GIF Animator. It consists of 3 frames with intervals between frames 180 ms and 5 cycles of repetition)
New aspect of the research are directed on the study of the mechanisms of increasing producer income under the influence of changes of various parameters (factors) of "manufacturer-intermediator-market" that is associated with the development of intermediary network, and analysis of the functioning of the system and optimization of intermediary network.
The following paper deals with a fragment of the commodity market, which consists of its manufacturer and h trading intermediators. Intermediator sells goods to a consumer for the price p, buying it from the manufacturer for a price of (1-k)*p. Thus, the value of k*p is the difference between the demand and the offer price in this market. This difference generates the revenue of an agent.
5. Development of a mathematical model of agents interacting with the introduction of an information agent
We consider a system consisting of three subsystems: portals, companies, integrated consumer. The structure of the system is shown in Fig. 5.1.
![Structure of the system](images/pic_eng.jpg)
Figure 5.1 — Structure of the system
Portals provide consumers with ratings of companies, their products and services. Rating may be presented as a serial number in the catalog portal, a search result for keywords and so on. We assume that all firms seeking to improve their rating.
M(s,p,t) — rating of s-th firm on p-th portal, it can be an integer;
s — the total number of firms, we assume that the number is the same on each of the portals;
p — total number of portals.
Portal itself characterizes by the reputation R(p,t). It shows how the ratings that are presented on the portal are close to the consumer.
Firms are trying to sell as many of their product that depends on its ranking in the portal. For this part of the income they spend on raising their ranking.
F(s,p,t) — p payment from the s-th firm to p-th portal for advertising. We assume discrete time t, and assume that at a time portal can apply to only one firm. We call the process of payment of advertising services, in order to raise its rating on portals, "the subscription process".
Consumer buys products of the company s worth r(s,t). On the volume of purchases affect the ratings of firms on portals M(s,p,t) and the reputation of the portals themselves R(p,t). In addition, the consumer has a rating Mb(s,t), which depends on the volume of buyable products and its true quality M0(s,t), which is known to consumers only after a period of operation of production companies. Based on the ratings of consumers Mb(s,t) and rating companies on portals M(s,p,t) the reputation of portals is defined [17].
This model will be improved further by the removing of artificially imposed restrictions and the use of more advanced software for modeling.
The task facing the master in the subsequent writing of:
- Conduct a review of modern approaches to the theoretical study and the formal description of models describing the interaction of economic agents.
- Analyze existing models.
- Develop a mathematical model of agents interacting with the introduction of an information intermediary.
- Check the model developed in accordance with existing regulations.
- To analyze the effectiveness and adequacy of the results.
When writing this master's work is not completed. Final completion: December 2013. Full text of the materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.
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