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1. The theoretical bases of housing and communal services’ development of Ukraine
2. Methodological regulations’ development of housing and communal services reforming
3. Methodological recommendations about improvement of housing and communal services’ development and reforming


The significance of a research subject.Housing and communal services is one of the most important and the most problematic sectors of Economics. It defines the formation of the basic living standards of the population which influence on the process of social and economic development of this country on the whole. Housing and communal services’ reform has been carried out in Ukraine for a long time. Market transformations concerned many aspects of its functioning, however they hadn’t become the factor of a quality growth of housing-and-municipal services of the population and the improvement of living conditions.
A set of problems connected with housing and communal services’ reforming, need the deeper scientific reconsideration of the conceptual bases of realization of this process with the aim of a course’s correction and its direction on ensuring productivity and social efficiency of the future reforms.
The researches connected with a stated above problem, found its reflection in a numerous scientific works of the leading scientists-contemporaries. It should be pointed out the names of: Adamova B.I., Danilishina B.M., Dolgoleva A.V., Dorofiyenko V. V., Zapatrina I.V., Kutsenko V. I., Lega Y.G. , Osipenko I.N., Hobta V. M., Chechetova N. F. and others. Their researches have become a basis of reforms’ correction in the housing-and-municipal sphere. At the same time there is no possibility to provide their high productivity without system changes in housing and communal services reforming at the legislative level.
The research purpose is the deepening in a theoretically-methodological bases and development of housing and communal services reforming measures. For a further achievement of a research aim it is necessary to solve the following problems:
- to analyse a condition and problems of housing and communal services of Ukraine;
- to consider prospects’ processes of reforming and housing and communal services development;
- to carry out the analysis of management of housing and communal services enterprises’ features ;
- to develop methodological recommendations about improvement of housing and communal services reforming and development.
The Object of a research-paper is the processes of housing and communal services development and reforming.
The Subject of a paper is the theoretically-methodological bases and development of housing and communal services reforming in Ukraine.
The research methods. Fundamental provisions and the principles of development and housing and communal services reforming, scientific works and methodical development of leading domestic and foreign scientists are put in a basis of methodology of research of housing and communal services. In the course of work the following methods were used: induction and deduction (at the definition "housing and communal services"), the analysis and synthesis, classification, graphic method (for the evident image of results of research of housing and communal services in Ukraine); approaches: informative (the analysis of the sources of information), the systemic principle of interrelation with an environment, the researches of the housing and communal services as a difficult completely-economical system (in a justification of the concepts), the process approach.
Practical value of the received results consists in the development of the scientific and applied provisions, allowing to create the effective organizationally-economical, institutional and innovative mechanisms of housing and communal services reforming in the economics of Ukraine.
Approbation the results of research. The main ideas, stetements, offers passed approbation on 3 international, All-Ukrainian scientific and scientific and practical conferences, among which: the 5th International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Economy of the XXI century" (on April 22, 2011, Donetsk, DONNTU), All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Modern problems of management of investment and innovative activity" (on March 22-23, 2012, Donetsk, DONNTU), All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Modern problems of management of investment and innovative activity" (on March 28-29, 2013, Donetsk, DONNTU).

1. Theoretical bases of housing and communal services’ development of Ukraine

In the first section, the theoretical approaches of the essence studying of housing and communal services are generalized, the analysis of a condition and prospects of housing and communal services development is carried out, the essence and features of management is opened by housing and communal services enterprises, the legislative and regulatory base of the enterprises’ functioning is presented.
The housing and communal services reforming and development of Ukraine is the object of a close attention of politicians and scientists for a decades. However, the housing and communal services (HCS) in Ukraine are reformed extremely slowly, problems haven’t being ceased to be sharp, the branch remains in a critical condition, as the quality of services is unsatisfactory.
It should be noted the factors which influence on the housing and communal services development: the increase in investment appeal of a complex, introduction of an innovative technologies in production and service processes, the level increase of the use of available resources; modernization of inhabited and municipal infrastructure’s objects; regulation of tariffs for housing and communal services and definition of thresholds of their growth; the address support of lower-income strata, the increase level of the population’s service.
The deficiency of investments into the given branch leads to the high level of objects’ wear of municipal infrastructure, the consequences of it are the huge losses in the municipal networks. The Program of development of housing and communal services for 2011-2014 years according to which the total amount of investments into housing and communal services makes 23,365 billion UAH can correct such situation. The realisation of this program will allow to carry out complex modernization and re-equipment of the housing and communal services enterprises for the purpose of resources consumption reduction, to provide a gradual conclusion from operation of emergency houses, to finish completion of apartment houses by house metering devices of heat, cold and hot water, to provide transparency in formation of the tariff and price policy on housing utilities (fig. 1.1).

Fig. 1.1. Scheme of functioning and state regulation of utilities

(Animation: capacity – 11,5 Kb; size 640õ370; quantity of shots – 5; delay between shots – 0,2 ñ; cyclic)

One more important problem of housing and communal services is the regulation of tariffs for housing-and-municipal services and definition of thresholds of their growth. The growth of tariffs for housing-and-municipal services is one of the main problems of housing and communal services, thus their annual growth is higher than the growth rates of the income of the population that leads to increase in receivables of housing and communal services. The social support of families is necessary in such situation. Subsidies for housing payment in January-November, 2011 were received by 1720,9 thousand families for the sum of 257,6 million UAH that is in comparison with the corresponding period of 2010 is 23,7% more. The number of the families demanding charge of subsidies are growing. It testifies that more and more consumers aren't capable to pay housing and communal services.
In pursuance of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ukraine of 27.06.03 No. 976 "About the statement of the Order of repayment of the restructured debt and introduction of the current payments for housing-and-municipal services" in January-October, 2012 with the population signed 55,3 thousand contracts on repayment of the restructured debt. Total amount for which contracts regarding repayment of the restructured debt were signed, made 150,7 million UAH, and the sum of made payments taking into account long-term contracts made 134,6 million UAH. Since the beginning of the resolution’s action on repayment of the restructured debt (July, 2003) and to the present 3145,7 thousand contracts for the sum of 2723,2 million UAH were signed. The sum of payments made 1910,7 million UAH (fig. 1.2).

Fig. 1.2. Indebtedness of the population

(Animation: capacity – 11,4 Kb; size 592õ456; quantity of shots – 13; delay between shots – 0,2 ñ; cyclic)

Thus, the main problem of housing and communal services is a low investment appeal which is caused by a number of a complex functioning problems. Their decision is possible when the system of the measures that is applied at the various levels of management will be developed taking into account the principle of interests’ coordination of the state, municipal authorities, business structures and the regional population.

2. Methodological regulations’ development of housing and communal services reforming

The second section is devoted to the theoretical statements of reforming of housing and communal services’ and reforming’s on an innovative basis necessity. The reform of housing and communal services is a system of the balanced relations between the suppliers of utilities and the consumers. Its purpose is to improve quality of services for the population according to the corresponding economic justifications of payments, caused by the organization and housing and communal services functioning.
The solution of all collected problems in housing and communal services are the full reforming of a branch. Reforming directions:
development of a state regulation of natural monopolies’ activity in the market of utilities;
formation of the state housing policy;
improvement of a of financial system of housing and communal services, payments of housing and utilities and system of social protection of the population, implementation of effective tariff policy;
housing and communal services demonopolization, development of the competitive environment in the market of housing-and-municipal services;
creation of the developed competitive environment in the market of service of housing, including introduction of a complex reconstruction of the quarters (residential districts) of outdated housing stock with an involvement of investors- builders on a competitive basis;
increase of the efficiency of the energy use and other resources, radical decrease in power consumption of production, increase of the energy efficiency of buildings, creation of the incentives and conditions for transition of economy on rational use and an economical expenditure of energy resources;
improvement of the organizational structures of management in the sphere of housing and communal services;
technical re-equipment of housing and communal services, the approximation to the European Union’s indicators requirements of the energy and material resources usage on the production of housing-and-municipal services.
Taking into account the huge social importance of the housing-and-municipal services , ensuring the growth and quality of the population’s living standards, the reform and stabilization of development of the housing and communal services (HCS) by activization both innovative activity of the housing-and-municipal enterprises, and system of its financial security becomes a priority today.
Rebuilding of the production base of housing and communal services inclusively new achievements of scientific and technical progress, the introduction of an innovative model of development of a branch is named as one of the priority directions of housing and communal services reforming. Stimulation of the technical and technological modernization of housing and communal services is one of a target task of the Program of economic reforms of Ukraine for 2010-2014.

3. Methodological recommendations about improvement of housing and communal services’ development and reforming

In the third section the investment appeal, justification of tariffs for housing-and-municipal services are generalized and solutions of the main problems of housing and communal services are formulated. The problem of a tariff policy is a subject of sharp public trials now. There are many publications concerning the growth of tariffs for housing-and-municipal services, discontent of inhabitants and inadmissibility of their further increase in mass media.
At the same time, experts of housing and communal services prove that the operating tariffs don't cover all expenses that are need for a production and granting to the population of the corresponding services. In improvement of investment climate in housing and communal services sphere a natural consequence of a lack of positive shifts on the basis of limitation of opportunities state and local budgets for financing of development of this sphere is wear of fixed assets of subjects of housing and communal services which excludes safe work of the sphere and pushes to continuous emergence of emergency situations of technogenic character.
The problem of development of economically reasonable tariffs for services of the housing-and-municipal enterprises is one of the fundamental bases which causes permanent and reliable development of this branch. According to the plan of activity of the commission for 2012 ,improvement of a standard and legal base of tariff setting in the sphere of the heat supply, the centralized water supply and a drainage system, in particular development of the relevant proposals to techniques are provided . Besides, the concepts about the introduction of a block tariffs (the differentiated rates of a tariff depending on a water consumption volume), stimulating model of tariff setting on utilities, etc. are developed.
Development of the resolutions of the commission about the approval of implementation rules of the centralized water supply and water disposal is also planned, rules of connections to the networks of the centralized water supply and a drainage system; the standard contract for a delivery of a thermal energy (between owners and consumers of a thermal energy), the rules of an access of suppliers of thermal energy to thermal networks, accessions rules to the thermal networks and many other normative documents.
As for the population, the commission carries out the calculations of a new tariffs based on the economically reasonable level for this category of consumers and to the beginning of a new heating season it will have all the necessary enterprises’ calculations which give to 80% of water and heat as a whole . Condition and prospects of the branch development of housing and communal services substantially influence on the development of the other branches and national economy as a whole. Therefore, the program and housing and communal services reforming are among the priorities in Ukraine at the present stage.
The investment appeal of a branch will be substantially depend on the successful solution of the specified problems in the short term. The question of an organizational support of the management improvement by the housing and communal services during the planning actions are of a particular importance. It is caused by a specific of this branch and the observance of the processes’continuity and rhythm. The satisfaction of the population’s requirements in the housing-and-municipal services of the necessary quantity and types is probably possible only with the providing the necessary capacities according to the rational norms.


The theoretically-methodological bases of reforming and development of housing and communal services of Ukraine, the analysis of a condition and prospects of innovative activity in the municipal sphere are investigated in the given research-paper. As a result, the following conclusions are drawn. In the given research the economic essence of housing and communal services as the important social branch which provides the population with the necessary utilities is opened and which significantly influences on the development of the economic relations in every territorial community.
Also, the analysis of a data statistics of a condition of payment and debt repayment by the population of housing-and-municipal services, tariffs for a rent, innovative development in the sphere of housing and communal services was carried out. So, statistical data as a whole testify that there is an imperfection of a social protection system of the population in housing and communal services sphere, the low-quality level of providing housing-and-municipal services, the low level of the population informativities, inconsistency of the legislation standards and the absence of the relevant standards on regulation of consumers’ and producers’ of housing-and-municipal services relationship.
The solution of the all above collected problems in housing and communal services is a complete branch reforming. The reforming of a control system and the structure of a branch should provide the increase of a role of local governments in providing the high-quality services to the population and other consumers. One more solution is the increase of the responsibility of the enterprises of all forms of ownership which work at the market of housing-and-municipal services. The realization of the reforming of housing and communal services’ program allows to increase significantly the social efficiency of the planned transformations, to provide modern scientific and technological level of design and the implementation of difficult projects and programs in the separate branches of housing and communal services, to provide the increase of functioning efficiency and restoration of housing-and-municipal infrastructure on this basis, to give an impetus of education and science’s development in this sphere, to involve domestic labours in the realization of this reform.
When writing the following author's abstract, the master's research paper hasn’t being comleted yet. The final end: January, 2014. The full version of the abstract and the research paper can be found after the specified date from the author or the head of the research.