DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Sorochak Natalija
Date of birth June 11, 1990
Place of birth Svobodnoe
Schools Secondary scool №1 (1-11 class)
Universities 2008-2012 years. – Donetsk National Technical University, Mining-Geological Faculty, specialization: Technology and technicus exploration of mineral deposits The qualifications of the Bachelor.
2010-2012 years. – Donetsk College of Engineering and Economics, Department of Economics, Major: Accounting and audit qualifications: Bachelor.
2012-2014 years. – Donetsk National Technical University, Mining-Geological Faculty, specialization: Technology and technicus exploration of mineral deposits The qualifications of the master.
Average score 4,5
Languages List of languages with level indicating basic Russian and Ukrainian and advanced English
Hobbies and interests In my spare time I like to read books novels, psychology sometimes adventure, listening to music in the mood, I like to swim helps to concentrate on the important things.
Personal qualities Diligent and hard-bitten, when I start something, make sure I bring it to the end, sociable, not conflict, I like to work in a team and easy going out of my people.
Professional and computer skills 1. Microsoft Word.
2. Kompas-3D.
3. Corel DRAW X5 Graphic.
Professional experience In the period 27.06.2011-24.07.2012 years – the first field trip to GRGP "Donetskgeology" in Artemovsk, for the posts stand-engineer technical department.
03.09.2012-30.09.2012 years – The second field trip to the CHP in the Azov Volnovaha, an engineer trainee.
Future plans Successfully complete a university, find a prestigious job and a happy family.
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