- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose and tasks of the research, the expected results
- 3. Description of the developed mechanism
- 4. The principle of operation developed by mechanism
- 5. The advantages developed by mechanism
- References
1. Relevance of the topic
Exploration and production of mineral deposits is set research and work carried out for the purpose of identification and evaluation of mineral reserves, as well as the extraction of a solid, liquid or gaseous mineral resources from the earth. Production is an open pit and underground, in this case, mining the underground mining method.
All exploration wells for solid minerals and maintenance of resistance to drilling for oil and gas, should be considered directed, so as to designing a variety of constructionas applied to those or other geological and structural conditions of fields, the trajectories trunks. For each type of trajectory - apply their complex sets of tools for the generation of optimal the bottom hole assembly and drilling technology.
During the drilling of deep wells question during their holding on design trajectory can be very important, and for their solutions being spent considerable funds. Only qualified implemented methods of directional drilling can improve the quality and reduce the cost of drilling, tremendous increase operating efficiency of of hydrocarbon deposits.
To increase the volume and quality of geological information, reducing the cost of exploration, reducing the volume of drilling in complicated mining and geological conditions, to increase the production rate of oil and gas neftegazootdachi and collectors are widely used technology of drilling multilateral wells.
In this paper we examine several types of diverters, which are designed to provide resistance to drilling wells deviation from a given direction.
Drilling of additional barrels from the ground is generally performed with an artificial face with a stationary wedge or wedge diverters, which are extracted. This provides the most information about the test field in the exploration and exploitation at - the most efficient production of oil and gas and mining its fullness, especially with the introduction of methods of long intervals of horizontal drilling boreholes for oil and gas saturation layers. Using retrieved shells reduces zaburivaemogo diameter barrel. A stationary wedge typically not removed from the main trunk after drilling additional.
This work is devoted to improving the design of the wedge whipstock open
Creation deflectors, conserving options unchanged diameter of the well, to simplify the procedure of setting, to reduce the number of sub-process operations in the well is an important task, since it would significantly reduce the cost of drilling multilateral wells.
2. The purpose and tasks of the research, the expected results.
Objective: To develop improved technology the design and technical means to simultaneous drilling of wells.
The main tasks of the study:
- The known technical tools for drilling multilateral wells, which artificially distort.
- To develop software to calculate the trajectory of curvilinear multilateral well.
- To develop an improved version of the extracted wedge whipstock open type to drilling conditions of multilateral wells.
- Assess the possible technical and economic effect of the implementation of the developed schemes and devices of hole.
The object of study: Drilling wells
Subject of research: Schemes and technologies of multi-well drilling, technical methods of directional drilling.
The problem is solved following way:
- Through the development of existing constructs whipstocks.
- By generalizing design expertise deflecting systems.
- Through the establishment the software.
3. Description of the developed mechanism
Whipstock wedge (Fig. 6) consists of 1 of the wedge coupled to the adapter 4. The guide (stretcher), the surface of the wedge is provided with a central hole to skip necessary drill pipe 13 with a cylindrical threaded adapter 3 at the end. The adapter 3 is screwed to the adapter 4. It also joins the adapter 4 5 spacer tube site. By its surface sliding flange 6 in which holes with four bolts 7, 8 are fixed thrust. The ends of the rods are connected with spacers dies 12 mounted on the cone of the spacer 11 which, via an adapter 9 is connected to the barrel.

Рис. 6 – Разрабатываемый отклонитель
4. Principle of operation of the developed mechanism.
Descent of the wedge into the hole made ??in the drill string. The developed design consists of a yoke and a spacer portion. The deflector is designed to deflect part of the shell from a given direction, and the expansion part to fix the projectile at a certain depth. The guide (stretcher) one wedge surface provided with a central hole for passing the necessary drill pipe to the adapter 3 at the end of the descent. On the left there is a cylindrical adapter thread.

5 frames, the amount of 140 Кбайт
Animation 1. – Scheme sidetracking
When setting the projectile plate 12 moves under its own weight down the cone 11 into contact with the borehole wall or casing. During the drill string through the cone spacer tube adapter and the adapter 9 lifted up. This provides the indentation in the wall of the well plates, firmly fixing the device to a predetermined depth.
If you drill a hole further clockwise rotation of drill pipe adapter is unscrewed from the adapter 3 and 4 is retrieved to the surface. Otburochny descends into the borehole 13 with the shell 14 and the bit produces a new collaring hole slotting or window in the wall of the casing.
After gouging additional docking orientation of the barrel is made CBT with a projectile. Is lowered into the borehole 15 with a conical nipple hand thread, it enters the central aperture stretcher wedge surface, and right rotation is attached to the adapter 4. For centering guide is attached to the nipple peak 16.
To detach the dice from the borehole wall or casing and removal of the wedge drive is transmitted to the adapter 9, which unwind from the cone 11. Cone under its own weight goes down, removing plates from the wall of the well. Wedge retrieved to the surface for CBT.
5. Advantages of the developed mechanism.
The advantages of the developed design wedgewhipstock is speed of installation and reliable fastening system in the well.
This design whipstock, allowing a number of additional drill boreholes in different azimuthal directions, making it especially suitable for the application of exploration of multilateral wells with little waste of extra barrels to re-drill the body of minerals, especially for sampling a large mass for the various studies of minerals. On coal deposits diverter allows you to make redrilling formation without loss of diameter and not waiting until the end of the well.
This whipstock due to the simplicity and the possibility of manufacturing in mechanical workshops exploration parties can be recommended for practical use.
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