- Introduction
- 1. Fidler
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study.
- 3.Review of general provisions on the division of land in Ukraine categorized by purpose.
- 3.1. Contact the concepts of "land class" and "purpose of the land"
- 3.2. The classification of land for the intended purpose
- 3.3 Problems of land classification by category and definition of purpose
- Conclusion
- References
- 3.1. Contact the concepts of "land class" and "purpose of the land"
One of the main instruments of legal protection of land, and ensure their efficient use and protection is the establishment of special purpose of the land parts.
Purpose of the land - is the order established by the legislation, conditions, types of operation (use) of land for specific purposes in accordance with the categories of land.
All Ukrainian lands, depending on the purpose, are combined into certain categories.
Land category is the structural unit of land resources of Ukraine, which is characterized by the primary purpose and features of the legal regime.
Land, unlike other objects of property, for which the owner has the right to take any action (destroy, mutilate, eat, etc.) should be used only in accordance with its purpose, even the non-use area is an offense.
Thus, the purpose should be recognized especially important characteristic of the land.
1. Fidler
The problem of classification of land for the intended purpose is one of the major problems of modern legal science and land management at the present stage of land use reform. The study of this subject engaged such scientific figures as Martin A. G.. Miroshnichenko A. M., Droval O.M., Nikolaichuk A.M. and others.
Proper division of land into categories based on their intended purpose is an important factor in the economic, rational use of land. Each category has a separate legal regime, a system of taxation. Competence of public authorities in the sphere of land relations also differ greatly depending on the categories of land.
At the moment, the incompleteness and imperfection of the current regulatory framework governing the division of land into categories leads to a number of problems for the rational use and protection of land in Ukraine. In some cases, the legal regime of the land specified in the legislation for a particular category, it may not reflect the intended use of the land plot.
This leads to the fact that the purpose of the land may not correspond to the category of land to which it refers, respectively, will be incorrectly installed: the legal regime of the site, the tax system, land is the responsibility of other public authorities in the sphere of land relations.
All this makes it necessary to develop methods that allow you to select the category of land that best suits the actual use of the land.
2. The purpose and objectives of the study.
The study aims to: determination methodology to select the category of land that best suits the actual use of the land.
Research objectives:
- Definition of the stages of formation and development of the existing system of land categories based on historical retrospective analysis;
- Identify the principal, guidance for setting the purpose of land by exploring the world of experience;
- Identifying shortcomings of the existing regulatory framework for the choice of categories of land and the establishment of special purpose vehicles based on a study of the legal framework governing the division of land into categories and the establishment of special purpose land;
The object of the study were chosen public relations arising in the process of establishing and changing land categories and purpose of land. The subject of research in the rules of legislation adopted for the implementation of the principle of the division of land into categories according to the purpose.
3. Review of general provisions on the division of land in Ukraine categorized by purpose.
3.1 Contact the concepts of "land class" and "purpose of the land"
Since 01.01.2002 entered into force the new Land Code of Ukraine, according to Article 19, the Ukrainian land on the main purpose under the following categories

Picture 1 – Land categories
Picture 2 shows the division of the territory of Ukraine for the category as a percentage ratio [1].

Picture 2 – Division of the territory of Ukraine for the category as a percentage ratio.
The basis of the division of land into categories laid their main purpose [5].
3.2 The classification of land for the intended purpose
Based on the factors that determine the productivity of the land, their classification for the intended purpose should be based on such basic principles as:
- Economic viability in the environmental opportunities;Економічна доцільність при екологічній можливості;
- Territorial differentiation of uses, depending on the nature of the natural (natural and agricultural) regions;
- Taking into account the regional structure of land and land categories for the intended purpose;
- The sequence of classification, which is a matter of determining whether the most intensive use of land, with a gradual decrease in fitness class to the optimal level due to existing restrictions and poor performance.
3.3 Problems of land classification by category and definition of purpose
Create a comprehensive division of land into categories that would cover all possible kinds of purpose, it is very difficult and unlikely to be useful. It is unlikely that, in practice, may satisfactorily settle all land relations on the principle of "permitted only that provided by law" (ie, what is actually intended purpose). Regulation of land relations with this approach creates a lot of confusion and inconvenience of holding back the rational and cost-effective use of land. The legal regime of land more efficiently will be determined on a different principle, "allowed that is not forbidden, be sure that the right provided." Legislation should establish a list of the main limitations and regulations on the use of the most common land (land categories), and the statutory list of categories of land can and should be left open [8].
There feasibility of revising the principles of land allocations to categories, so that the basis for the allocation of land to a particular category in all cases, it was purpose of the land, not the other criteria (the subject of use, territorial belonging of the land).
The existing system of land classification has become obsolete. But for now, the efforts of the government are not aimed at the development of a new classification system and the improvement of existing ones.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: January 2014. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
Список источников
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