Curriculum vitae

Name Kateryna Furlet
Date of birth October 2, 1992
Place of birth Donetsk
School 1999–2007 Donetsk Gymnasium ¹70,
2007–2009 Lyceum at Donetsk National University, Matematica l specialisation
University Donetsk National Technical University, Economical Faculty,
Bachelor of Science in “Economy of Enterprise», 2009–2013

Donetsk National University, Faculty of adjacent and additional professions,
Specialisation «Translation of functional documents (English)», Diploma, 2011–2013

Donetsk National Technical University, Economical Faculty,
Master of Science in “Economy of Enterprise», 2013–2015

Catholic University of Eichstatt–Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt School of Management,
Master of Science in “Business Administration” with a focus on Finance, Accounting, Controlling and Taxation, expected in 2016
Average Average during training at the undergraduate - 4.83.
Languages skill Russian, Ukrainian–mother tongue, German exellent, English advanced
Hobby Self–study, Sport, reading, travelling
Personal qualities Goal–oriented, ambitious, considerate
Computer Skills Microsoft Office advanced user, Bloomberg terminal–basic
Additional courses, internships, grants May-august 2012, Exchange program «Work and Travel, USA»

May 2013, National–Investigatory University «Higher School of Economics» Moscow–intern program

May 2013, Lectures of a key specialist of the world bank Michael Lokschin “Poorness and social protection: conceptions, measuring procedures, features of data handling” Moscow

October-december 2014, Lectures of a Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers Andreas Eigel «Fanancial and management reporting of concerns», Munich November 2014 Finance tour, Munich
Experience July 2011 October 2012–Economist at industrial and commercial firm “Donpromsnab”

November 2012–April 2013 Imerys Ceramics, Trainee at Logistic and Sale department
Plans for the future Being one of the Top–100 women according "Forbes"
Contact Information FB: katya.furlet