- Introduction
- 1. Topic relevance
- 2. Goal and objectives of the research
- 3. Researches overview
- Conclusion
- References
1. Topic relevance
Relevance of this subject of research is caused by definition of new cultural and social conditions of development of society. In the modern world, we are witnesses; first, positive and negative processes in a globalization consequence that in turn have impact on society identification, the culture, traditional values. Secondly, there is a prompt search and fixing of new identity, (e.g. religious, national identity), emergence of the new religious movements (NRM), a freedom of choice of religious accessory, the appeal to problems of religious belief, religious experience [15]. However, it should be noted that on a row with such liberal values as tolerance, a freedom of worship, a freedom of choice and belief, are present negative categories as fanaticism, religious intolerance to other religions, religious xenophobia, fundamentalism that have impact on extremism, religious confrontation, and aggression of believers. Often in religious belief look for bases for prosperity and impossibility to eliminate these negative sides of development of society [7]. These circumstances also lead us to a question of a phenomenon, essence of religious belief, as it is the central link of any religious system, the integral element of human life, a paradigm of his thinking.

Figure 1 - The Bible as a source of Orthodoxy
Problem. Research of a phenomenon of religious belief: its essence, functions, manifestation, a place and a role in society and person life actual problem. The ontologic, psychological, social, culturological bases of belief are investigated. However comprehensive investigation of religious belief as element of the religious outlook including all aspects of belief as a religious phenomenon, revealing criteria, its intrinsic characteristic in modern researches practically it isn't developed. For this reason, the author of a master's thesis set a goal to investigate the categorial device of belief, intrinsic characteristics, functions, a place and a role of religious belief in lives of the modern person, its manifestations, the problem of integration and self-identification of the personality in society is in the XXI century timely and actual.

(animation: 3 frames, 3 cycles of repetition, 110 kilobytes)
2. Goals and objectives of the research
The purpose of the study is that based on the philosophical and religious studies research to consider religious faith in humanity knowledge as an existential and socio-cultural phenomenon.
In order to achieve the intended purpose, the following research objectives:
– Identify approaches in the study of the phenomenon of faith;
– Consider the levels and types of religious belief; follow the dynamics of its development;
– Analyze the functions of religious belief;
– To analyze the current state of religious belief, the role and place of faith in the context of processes of secularization in society;
– Expand the sociocultural and psychological dimension of the phenomenon of faith.
The object of research is the phenomenon of faith and religious identity as a source of study for value- semantic orientations in the context of religious faith.
The subject of research is the nature of religious belief as an element of the religious worldview, namely: the nature, function and appearance.
Research Methodology. Methodological basis of the research is a complex compound of Religions, religious filosofskogo, theology, theological knowledge, which represents the basis for multilateral and holistic analysis of the phenomenon under study.
Among which the comparative method, analytical method, and hermeneutical system-structural methods, psychological and socio-cultural approaches.
Theoretical and practical importance of the work lies in the fact that the study of this topic will expand the current understanding of the phenomenon of religious belief, as part of a religious worldview, identify criteria, functions, essential characteristics and its psychological and socio-cultural dimension.
3. Researches overview
Problem of the phenomenon of religious belief in a large number of Orthodox theology: V.V. Zenkovsky Fr. Sveshnikov, M.M. Tareev about. Bulgakov, archbishop. Hermogenes. Among the Russian religious philosophers concerned with religious belief note I.A. Ilyin [5], A.S. Homjakova, S.L. Frank N.O. Lossky, L.N. Tolstoy.
In the western sociological and philosophical question of religious faith traditions involved: Heidegger, B. Buber, Karl Jaspers, Erich Fromm, Max Weber, Georg Simmel [3], R. Otto, R. Bell, S. Kierkegaard, J. satchels. Attempts to conceptualize the phenomenon of inter-religious faith as engaged K. Seyer and WK Smith.
Modern Russian researcher’s religious scholars and sociologists I.N. Yablokov, M.M. Shahnovich, S.D. Lebedev, V.I. Garaja [1], M.I. Danilov, F.G. Ovsiyenko in his writings relate to matters of religion, faith, religious mobility, religious experience.
Psychological aspects of faith in the works affected by V.P. Fetisov, R.A. Ivanova, I.S. Andreeva, V.N. Reed, V.N. Nazarov, S. Nellina, L.A. Mishkevich. A question of faith and works in the soul consecrated D.V. Pivovarova. One of the approaches to the study of faith, was to investigate the stages of faith representatives structural theories, the most developed theory appears in the writings of R. Goldman.
Studies on the particular and the general phenomenon of belief issues are reflected in the works of A.N. Demidov, K.V. Kostikova E.V. Solovyov, E.J. Bazarov. The problem of faith and self-devoted to the works of A.I. Shafarstova.
Considered the problem of faith representative’s functional approach D. Capps, L. Sherrill, J. Gleason. Consideration element of faith involved psychologists William James, Makselon Yu, B. Guy. Mixing faith to emotion and understanding it as psychosis, found in the writings of Sigmund Freud, J. Pratt. Among domestic psychologists involved in the study of the phenomenon of faith, we can distinguish V.R. Bukin, D.M. Ugrinovich [19], P.N. Shihireva, R.M. Granovsky, and AI. St. George, A.K. Kozyrev, K.K. Platonov, etc.
Thus, we can conclude that as a result of research faith appears as a complex social and cultural phenomenon that is always associated with a particular culture, civilization, society, asking for specific people (hence individuality, originality religious faith experience) associated with the transformation of the social relations of people influencing on the outlook, outlook human society through internalized belief paradigm (knowledge, values, a system of moral ideals, religious experience) associated with religion, speaking her cognitive core.
* In writing this essay, master's work is not yet complete. Final completion – December 2014. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or the head after that date.
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