Name | Vadym Ianushkevhych |
Date of birth | March 4, 1992 |
Place of birth | Donetsk, Ukraine |
Schools | 1999–2007, School №130, Donetsk 2007–2009, Lyceum "Erudite" |
Universities | 2013-2015, Donetsk National Technical University, Department of computer engineering, "System Programming", master 2009-2013, Donetsk National Technical University, Department of computer engineering, "System Programming" bachelor |
Average score | 4.98 |
Languages |
Russian: native Ukrainian: native English: intermediate German: intermediate |
Personal achievements |
A bronze medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics |
Hobbies and interests | Foreign languages, traveling, programming, sports |
Personal qualities | High performance |
Professional specialization and computer skills |
A high level of:
Middle level of:
Experience | February 2013 — current time – С++ Software Developer |
Plans for the future | Make this world a better place |
Contact Information |