- Introduction
- Basic content
- 1. General theoretical framework to stimulate innovation entities
- 2. Organizational and methodological support of innovation entities
- 3. Recommendations for improvement of innovation entities
- Conclusion
- References
Relevance of the topic. During the modern period of development of Ukraine the basic social purpose of the state scientific and technological and innovative policy consists in ensuring progressive development of society by maintenance of the scientific and technical potential of the nation necessary for this level, use of discoveries, highly effective inventions for the solution of problems of the real and future state, providing a mutually advantageous exchange (transfer) of technologies in the conditions of world division of labor.
Creation of the organizational and economic mechanism of stimulation of innovative activity finally has to lead to ensuring stability of an economic condition of the country and to become one of the main components of strategy of the state innovative policy.
The purpose of a master's thesis is further development of theoretical provisions and creation of methodological recommendations about stimulation of innovative activity of objects of managing.
According to the aim objectives of the study were:
- analyse a stimulation role in management of innovative activity;
- define essence of stimulation of innovative activity;
- specification of the content of process of stimulation innovative activity;
- define influence of tax incentives of innovative activity;
- analyse tendencies of development of stimulation of innovative activity in Ukraine;
- make recommendations about improvement of stimulation of innovative activity of subjects of managing.
The practical importance of work consists in development of practical recommendations about improvement of stimulation of innovative activity in Ukraine which will allow to increase efficiency of innovative activity of the enterprises and to promote the economic growth of national economy.
Basic content
In introduction relevance of a subject of a master's thesis is proved, the purpose and research problems are formulated, the subject, object and research methods, scientific novelty are defined and practical value of the received results is opened.
1. General theoretical framework to stimulate innovation entities
In the section 1 "General-theoretical Bases of the Mechanism of Stimulation of Innovative Activity of Subjects of Managing" features of innovations as object of stimulation are investigated, the content of stimulation of innovative activity and the specified mechanism of stimulation of innovative activity is defined.
All categories as an innovation, innovative activity, motivation, motives and incentives we can create sequence of definition of the concept "stimulation of innovative activity" are sorted.
Which main objectives is ensuring economic efficiency of innovative works, increase in number of innovative offers, improvement of quality and intensity of implementation of projects and work of subjects of innovative process, providing high scientific and technical level of innovations, growth of innovative (scientific and technical) capacity of the enterprises [1].
On the basis of the analysis of innovative activity of the enterprises and methods of their stimulation we offered the following principles [2]:
- Complexity
- Balance;
- Stability;
- Organizational regulation in the form of provisions, instructions, I ruled, etc.;
- Justice and transparency;
- Economic feasibility;
- Flexibility and adaptability.
How duties on creation and use of system of incentives between participants of innovative process are distributed, forms of realization of stimulation of innovative activity are shown, namely: state, non-state and mixed (with partial participation of the state), differing with extent of participation of the state in the course of stimulation and, respectively, structure carry out its economic subjects [3].
Methods of stimulation of innovative activity are presented by two groups of methods – economic and organizational and legal Methods of stimulation of innovative activity

Figure 1 – Methods of stimulation to innovative activity
(animation: 6 frames, 10 cycles of repeating, 63 kilobytes)
Instruments of stimulation define efficiency of the state stimulation of innovative activity and a way of its increase [4].
2. Organizational and methodological support of innovation entities
In the section 2 "Organizationally — Methodical Ensuring Stimulation of Innovative Activity" the stimulation role in management of innovative activity is analysed, foreign experience of the state stimulation of innovative activity is systematized and influence of tax incentives of innovative activity is certain.
Important in stimulation of innovative activity are:
- Financial support of implementation of innovative projects by preferential crediting at the expense of budgetary funds.
- Stimulation of commercial banks and other financial credit institutions by granting guarantees according to innovative projects and property insurance of implementation of these projects in insurance establishments.
- Establishment of preferential rates of a value added tax on operations on sale of goods and a profit tax.
- Use of flexible system of depreciation of fixed assets of the innovative enterprises.
- Release from payment of import duty and value added tax concerning raw materials, the equipment, equipment, components and other goods necessary for implementation of the priority project.
- Support of functioning and development of modern innovative infrastructure. [5]
The review of references allows to allocate the major tools which are used for assistance of innovative activity: creation of the centers of a transfer of technologies, scientific and technical parks, research establishments, direct co-investments of innovative investments, tax privileges, simplification of administrative procedures, creation of technological parks [6].
Separate tools of innovative policy and mechanisms of their use effective in one country also are absolutely unsuitable for use in another. Therefore the majority of the states, as a rule, realize a state policy in the innovative sphere, combining methods of the direct and indirect influence which level of application depends on the national innovative policy gravitates to what direction [7].
3. Recommendations for improvement of innovation entities
In the section 3 "Recommendations about Improvement of Stimulation of Innovative Activity of Subjects of Managing" development of the recommendation about improvement of stimulation of innovative activity of subjects of managing is offered.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2014. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
In a master's thesis the complex of topical issues of general-theoretical bases, the organization and improvement of stimulation of innovative activity of objects of managing is investigated. The main conclusions and recommendations are reduced to the following:
- The specific features reducing complexity of their stimulation are inherent in innovations. Therefore at the organization of the mechanism of stimulation of innovative activity these features need to be considered. Stimulation of innovative activity has the difficult and multilevel character integrating the relations of the state, society and the managing subjects acting as addressees of innovative support.
- Activization of innovative activity of the enterprises demands creation of effective system of its stimulation. Stimulation of innovative activity of the enterprises we understand as process of external impact on interests of the enterprises as subjects of managing and their workers, other participants of innovative process, first of all subjects of financing of innovations for emergence in them incentive motive in implementation of innovative activity and increase of its efficiency.
- Ukraine, despite not absolutely favorable general economic climate, can make use of experience of a number of the new industrial countries who managed to achieve considerable success in development of innovative activity and increase of competitiveness of the national economies. In particular, it would be expedient to adopt experiment of France on creation of technological parks; America – about features of the organization of venture business; Japan – about features of financing of innovative projects; EU – on formation of the general innovative space.
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