- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. The nature and structure of intellectual capital
- Conclusion
- References
In the last quarter of the XX century, many developed countries have shifted to an innovative development model towards a post-industrial economy. The key to commercial success became effective investments in human capital, the production of new knowledge, introduction of resource-saving technologies and other In such conditions the main source of value is the rational use of intellectual resources, or intellectual capitalpal intellectual capital (intangible assets) – problem more complex than managing material and financial resources, because the methodological instruments for accounting and valuation of such assets is still in its infancy. In everyday language, under the intellectual capital usually refers to special knowledge and abilities of people. Intellectual capital as an economic category is much more complicated and complex concept. Complicated
means that it consists of a series of connected parts: intellectual property, technology and organizational know-how, network capital, human capital, reputation. Comprehensive
means that all these parts are interdependent, are heterogeneity (compare, for example, technological knowledge and reputation of the company), to accurately predict the result of the management influence on such an object is impossible. Meanwhile, the intellectual capital is a main resource for innovative activity of the enterprise, and control they need.
Unwritten wisdom management says: you can only manage what you can Izmeritel modern conditions of global competition in all areas of social life, the urgent need for modernization of the economy key to sustainable socio-economic growth is dynamism, stability and range of innovative development. The viability of the state is largely determined by technological progress and the intellectualization of the main factors of production. Innovation does not occur spontaneously, it appears as a result of purposeful actions rather more people in conditions of a favorable environment. Intellectual capital is the capital that is constantly generating innovations, i.e. providing a continuous process of transformation of new knowledge into new products and services. What is happening today in the economy of the changes allow us to speak not only about the innovative orientation of economic growth, but also of considerable transformation of factors define it. The fundamental criterion of economic growth becomes more and more understanding of human and intellectual resources and use them in practice.
1. Theme urgency
In the modern market economy of knowledge, information and creativity of entrepreneurs and discussed by workers are the resources, without which it is impossible to create a truly commercially successful and profitable productuion involvement and effective use of knowledge and information in the production process determine not only the amount and quality of the manufactured products and rendered services to all sectors of the national economy of the state. It depends on competitiveness and sustainability of the country’s economy, its place and role in the world economy. Since the end of the 70-s of the XX century, the role of these resources is increasing, since they determine the vector of development of the entire global economy.
Update of production objectively leads to increased demand for skilled workers with knowledge, creativity and ability to realize it in the organization of the reproduction process. Today, knowledge, information and commercial idea, along with other resources, are factors in the growth of added value of any of the created product. Intellectual resources, providing the necessary competitiveness and profit become the intellectual capital of modern proizvodstvennaya regularities of the process of involvement of the intellectual capital in economic circulation and creation of necessary conditions, is today the most actual problems of economic theory and economic practice. They are particularly relevant for modern Ukraine, as a country with a huge scientific-technical, cultural and creative potential. Ukraine in the period of transition to the market was not able to multiply this potential and use it in full measure in improving the efficiency of production. During this period marked a trend of degradation of science-intensive sector of the national economy and the reduction of specialists of high qualification. Ukraine should use the resources of the so-called knowledge economy. This will provide her with effective economic growth and its sustainability. This objective to promote the theoretical investigation of the inclusion of the intellectual capital in the economic turnover.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The aim of the research is to study the economic role of intellectual capital, functioning in today’s society, peculiarities of the mechanism of its reproduction and involvement in the economic turnover.
Main tasks of the research:
- To consider the concept of intellectual capital, as well as its role and structure.
- To name the problems of formation and management of intellectual capital.
- To reveal the changes of the economic mechanism of modern society under the influence of information and knowledge.
- To determine effective mechanisms of reproduction and circulation of intellectual capital
- To show the prospects for the use of intellectual capital in the conditions of modern Ukraine.
Research object: intellectual capital and the conditions for its effective use in economic activities.
Research subject: new aspects of management arising from the use of intellectual capital.
3. The nature and structure of intellectual capital
On Inozemtsevo V. intellectual capital is information and knowledge that is specific in nature and forms of participation in the production process factors in the framework of firms take the form of intellectual capital
. An integral part of the intellectual capital, according to the viewpoint Inozemtsevo V. L.: first, human capital embodied in the company’s employees in the form of their experience, knowledge, skills, abilities to innovations, as well as to the shared culture, philosophy of the company, its inner values; the second, structural capital, including patents, licenses, trademarks, organizational structure, databases, electronic networks [8–13].
Under intellectual capital for a certain subject B.B. Leontiev understands the value of the totality of the available intellectual assets, including intellectual property, its natural and acquired intellectual abilities and skills, as well as his accumulated knowledge base and useful relations with other entities. The value of the subject of intellectual capital must always be considered in relation to really expected results of intellectual activity and, on this basis should be the corresponding cost [3, 5].
By A. Steward intellectual capital is the sum knowledge of all employees of the company, providing its competitiveness. Patents, processes, management skills, technology, experience and information about consumers and suppliers, combined together, these things are intellectual capital
[3–5, 10].
Under intellectual capital for a certain subject B. B. Leontyev understands the value of the totality of the available intellectual assets, including intellectual property, its natural and acquired intellectual abilities and skills, as well as his accumulated knowledge base and useful relations with other entities. The value of the subject of intellectual capital must always be considered in relation to really expected results of intellectual activity and, on this basis should be the corresponding cost. Intellectual capital is the leading capital and is the basis of any company at the present stage of development of the market economy. It is intellectual capital sets the pace and nature upgrade production technologies and products that then become the main competitive advantage on the market. B. B. Leontyev follows the definitions of intellectual capital, this HP Edwinson, according to which intellectual capital consists of three components: human capital, organizational (or structural) capital and customer equity, each of which can be borrowed, or private.
In the post-industrial economy the main source of positive dynamics of growth of company’s value is to increase the value of intellectual capital, which is formed on the basis of commercialization of objects of intellectual property and other intangible assets. Intellectual capital is becoming a key factor in maximizing company value. This strategy should take into account the need for simple and expanded reproduction of intellectual capital. For management in the context of maximizing the value of companies is of great importance system commercial use of results of intellectual work.
State support of innovation activities, including the formation and use of intellectual capital, should provide for the possibility to apply different levers incentives (fiscal and non-fiscal), is able to compensate the investor for more losses related to long-term implementation of innovative projects and high uncertainty of their results.
In the future it is necessary to improve the methodology for determining the fair value of the intellectual capital in the situation of instability.
When writing this abstract master’s work is not done. Final completion: December 2014. The full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after that date.
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