- Introduction
- 1. Relevance
- 2. Purpose and objectives, methods
- 3. Analysis of recent research
- 4. Main part
- 4.1. Ways to Protect Intellectual Property
- 4.2. Legislation on Intellectual Property
- Сonclusions
- Referencess
Intellectual property – are products of creative activity in the industrial, scientific, literary, artistic fields, wearing intangible nature. However, intellectual property embodied in certain material objects or accompanies them, present as a component of quality, price of the product. From this perspective, it becomes itself a kind of product [3]. However, unlike the item as material things, intellectual property itself is able to make a profit to its owners, unless special legal protection provided by the state.
Protection of intellectual property rights – a set of measures aimed at restoring or recognition violated or disputed rights and interests. Protection of intellectual property is directly related to combating unfair competition. Under unfair competition, in particula, understand that the spread distorted information about the product, the nature, manner, place of manufacture, consumer properties and other qualities of the goods; unauthorized use of a trademark, trade name, product labeling, copying forms, packaging, product design and external other problems of intellectual property protection in the context of globalization of world trade has been the World Trade Organization (WTO), which together with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and other international organizations to develop a framework rules. They are fixed in the Agreement on Trade – Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights – TRIPS) [6].
1. Relevance
Large scale violations of intellectual property rights is a growing threat to the sustainable development of the world economy and the stability of the development of civilization. This threat has formed an important problem with serious economic and social consequences in the event of timely unresolved.
The modern world today faces a number of fundamental problems that may already have catastrophic consequences. Some of these acute problems related to the protection of intellectual property in the – it's the first increase in dangerous counterfeit goods (pharmaceuticals , food and beverages, cosmetics or toys, car parts , etc.), and secondly it is the speed and ease digital playback, as well as the growing importance of this Internet as a means of dissemination, refinement in the use of technology by international financial scams. All these factors make this problem more than ever acute and urgent to resolve.
2. Purpose and objectives, methods
The purpose of studying ways to protect intellectual property.
Main tasks:
- Consider the basic concepts;
- Explore ways to protect intellectual property rights;
- Analyze and examine legislation on intellectual property;
We use historical, dogmatic, sociological, critical, comparative legal methods, and the method of synthesis and analysis
3. Analysis of recent research
Origin of the term intellectual property
is usually associated with the French law of the XVIII century, largely fair.
The emergence of the legal protection of copyright has its own interesting history and the various prerequisites, it contributed to the establishment and development in the world.
In the Athenian republic existed to protect the integrity of the work and the prohibition to make changes to it (2300 years ago). And in 330 BC. there. a law was passed prohibiting correspondence with texts tragedies known authors, as well as the actors who played in these tragedies, modify the original work (official text), which, in turn, kept the official archive [5]. The turning point in the formation of the system of legal protection of copyright in England was April 10, 1710 – the day that marked the end of privileges and the advent of the Charter of Queen Anne. This Charter is the first regulatory text that the author admitted his inalienable right to property created by him.
The theory of individual rights presented in the works of Kant, Gareysa, Salleyl, Berar. According to this theory, despite the fact that the historical development of copyright basically pledged property protection component, but all the rights guaranteed by law, contain inherently personal right website that has unlimited duration and can not be subject to any action of any by creditors, it is the right website to keep his work secret or make it public [5].
Advocates of the exclusive rights are scholars such as AA Pylenko, GF Shershenevich and dr.Soglasno this theory, intellectual property – the right of a special kind , which does not apply to not corporeal , nor the law of obligations. According to GF Shershenevich, "this law, which provide a unique opportunity to use their one subject result of intellectual activity with the rest of the prohibition of such acts". This establishes a so – called monopoly on the use of the product – hence was born the term "exclusive right " [5].
Vasin VN Kazantsev and VI write intellectual property
(ie, cognitive abilities) can be very different and not all of them are the subject of civil rights. In connection with this, it seems more suitable term "result of creative activity" [1].
4. Main part
In Ukraine, the protection of intellectual property rights – is provided by the legislation the activities authorized by the state executive and the judiciary to recognize, restoration and removal of obstacles that hinder the subjects of intellectual property rights exercise their rights and legitimate interests [6]. P>
Оudicial protection of intellectual property by the courts of general jurisdiction, the economic courts of Ukraine, and in the sphere of public law relations – the administrative courts system which today is formed and which is already active Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine [6]. p>
4.1. Ways to Protect Intellectual Property
Ways to protect intellectual property rights in accordance with the Civil Code (Article 16 paragraph 2):
– recognition of the right (ie, a particular intellectual property rights is especially important – in respect of copyright and related rights);
– recognition of the contract as invalid (for example, a license agreement);
– termination that violates the law (ie the law of intellectual property);
– restore the situation that existed prior to the violation of law (intellectual property);
– enforcement of obligations in kind (eg, payment of royalties for the non – transfer of intellectual property);
– changing relationships (for example, changing the terms of the license agreement for the use of intellectual property);
– termination of legal relations (eg, termination of the license agreement for the use of intellectual property);
– damages, and other methods of compensation of property damage (eg, damages caused by violation of intellectual property rights);
– compensation for moral (non-property) damage;
– legitimizing the decisions, acts or omissions of a public authority (such as a patent issued by the State Department of Intellectual Property) [7]. p>
Image. 1 — The ways of legal protection
(animation: 6 frames, 6 cycles of repeating, 28,7 kilobytes)
Accordance with paragraph 9 of the second paragraph of Article 16 of the Civil Code, any person may apply to the court for non-pecuniary damages for breach of intellectual property rights. Moral damage is, in particular, the humiliation of honor, dignity and business reputation of a person or entity, and its reimbursement made in cash, other assets or otherwise (Article 23 of the Civil Code). p>
4.2. Legislation on Intellectual Property
In a special Ukrainian legislation on intellectual property as defined by a lot of ways to protect intellectual property rights. As a rule, the owner of intellectual property rights violations can not use any, and any specific way to protect these rights. Most often it is determined directly or special rule of law should be of nature of the offense. More often, however, the owner of the intellectual property rights given the opportunity to choose how to protect it.
We have ways to protect is not exhaustive given placed in the same article injunction that the court may protect a civil right or interest in another way, which is set by contract or law. First part of Article 432 of the Civil Code provides that every person has the right to apply to the courts for protection of their intellectual property rights in accordance with Article 16 of this Code [7].
In Ukraine, the protection of intellectual property rights – is provided by the legislation the activities authorized by the state executive and the judiciary to recognize, restoration and removal of obstacles that hinder the subjects of intellectual property rights exercise their rights and legitimate interests.
In a special Ukrainian legislation on intellectual property as defined enough ways to protect intellectual property rights.
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