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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Pariy Oksana
Date of birth March 17,1992
Place of birth Donetsk
1999–2003 Secondary school ¹ 101, Donetsk
2009–2013 Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of management, speciality Sociology, bachelor.
2013–2015 Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of management, speciality Intellectual property, master.
Average score 4,7
Languages Russian  – (perfection), Ukrainian  – (free), English  – (baseline)
Personal achievements Participated in conferences: interuniversity and international
Hobbies and interests I love to read books on psychology, esoterica, doing sports, cooking fond
Personal qualities Purposeful, responsible, sociable, competent
Professional and computer skills 1.Operating systems: Windows 7, Windows XP.
2. Applications Office: MS Office 98/2000/2003/2007/2010, MS PowerPoint.
3. Work with browsers and search engines.
Additional courses, internships, grants Cooking lessons, piano lessons, participation in one of the International scientific – theoretical conference of young scientists and students
Professional experience
6.06.2011 – 27.06.2011 Educational practice in the Department of the Fund of social insurance from accidents on manufacture and occupational diseases.
28.01.2013 – 17.02.2013 Educational practice in Donetsk transport–economic College.
Future plans Get a masterʼs degree to become a skilled and sought – after expert, complete driving courses
Contact information Å‑mail: pariy‑oks@mail.ru