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Applicability of the topic. In the current economic conditions, the successful functioning of enterprises is based on the continuous improvement of production efficiency through the creative development and modernization. The intensification of innovation processes at this stage of development of Ukrainian economy is significant and controversial. On the one hand, there is an effective state mechanism for stimulating enterprises to innovations, there is a number of alternative sources of finances and entrepreneurs that are interested in implementing innovative processes [1]. At the same time, however, the number of enterprises engaged in innovation activities decreased from 1758 to 1312 during the period 2012‑2013 [2]. This existing discrepancy is due to the fact that the success of the work in this direction depends not only on the variety of innovative forms of activities, but also on the personnel interest and engagement in the implementing of innovations.

Personnel motivation is one of the most important functions of management. Management decisions efficiency is predetermined by how they take into account driving forces of a particular activity, where creativity is not an exception. Effective management in innovative field is impossible without knowledge, understanding and use of motives which drive both individual employees and work teams to enhance creativity and intensity of innovation.

All said above suggests the necessity of scientific research of personnel motivation to innovative activity, including the fact that overcoming of the present domestic crisis is impossible without intensification of enterprises' activity in the field of innovations. In this regard, there is great interest of researchers to innovation management, which is reflected in an increasing flow of publications [12], [9], [10], [7].

At the same time, the existing pubications do not show the fully reflection of the questions about the specificity of aspects of motivation to creativity. Taking into account the cruicial importance of motivational processes in innovations, development of such aspects becomes important for the practical management in HR in terms of innovation and creativity.

The aim of the master's project is the researching of the theoretical aspects and development of scientific and methodological foundations of personnel motivation to innovate activity.

The object of study is the process of personnel motivation to innovative activity, as an inducement of employees to engage in creative process by the analyzing and satisfying their needs.

The subject of study are the elements of the system of personnel motivation to creativity, their relations and specifity of functioning.

Methodology of research. In this paper methods of system analysis and synthesis, abstraction and comparison are using. They allow copmlex exploring the versatile phenomenon of staff creativity motivation. Theoretical foundation is built on the fundamental studies of management theory, innovation theory, the Law of Ukraine in the field of employment issues, scientific publicaions of domestic and foreign scientists.

Practical significance of the results is lying in the development of the scientific and methodological foundations of personnel motivation to innovations. The recommendations could be useful for enterprises engaging by motivation their staff in the innovation development and implementation.

Practical approval of research results. The key results of a given research have been published and presented in the following conferences:
– Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students and Young Scientists Modern problems of investment and innovation management (Donetsk, 2013 and 2014)
– V International Scientific Conference Creative search of Youth – focus on efficiency (Khmelnitsky, 2014)
– Youth II interdisciplinary scientific and practicalconference Actual problems of employment in Ukraine (Donetsk, 2014)

Basic contents

In the Introduction the relevance and applicability of this work is shown, the aim, work tasks, object, subject and research methods are defined, the scientific and practical significance of the results is discribed.

In the Part 1 author is going to identify the role and importance of the motivation in the innovative management, to justify the necessity of implementing a motivation system to enhance creative processes and to overcome the anti-innovative barriers of staff involved in the implementation of innovations. Moreover, the specificity of motivation to creativity is definded, that is lying in the the complexity and diversity of its object and finally the essence of motivation system is clarified by characteristics of its elements.

Part 2 is devoted to the research of features of motivation tools application according to the specificity of innovation. Personnel motives encouraging staff to the innovation process and theoretical aspects and practical use of a motivation profile are analyzed. Moreover, the classification of existing variety of forms and methods of motivating creativity is also proposed.

In the Part 3 the universal practical recommendations for motivating innovations will be given, it means that they can be applied at any enterprise which is engaged in the development and introduction of innovations. In particular, the complex of measures for improving the motivation system based on personnel motivational profile that takes into account specific needs of the staff involved in the creativity.

Furthermore, the principles and criterias of selecting the methods of staff motivation to creaticity are justified. They allow to overcome anti-innovative barriers depending on the stage of staff innovations perception stages of the innovation process. Development of the methodological foundations and recommendations of assessment of existing motivation to creativity system is carried out. These recommendations are able to improve the quality of existing and implementing systems of the personnel motivation to innovative activity that will lead to increasing efficiency of innovations in the enterprise.


According to the research in the field of staff motivation in this work the theoretical and methodological foundations of innovative management innovationare carrying out and developing, namely the intensificaion of the personnel motivation to innovative activity examination is provided. The main conclusions and results are:

1. Motivation and encouraging to innovation activity should be considered as an essential element of management of progressive changes in the enterprise, as a source of innovative activity intensification [11], as a way to overcome anti-innovative barriers of the staff.

2. To foster the creativity in the enterprise the specitic system of the employees' motivation is needed. In the given work the reccomendations on staff encouraging to innovative activity are proposed. With this aim thebmotivational factors that affect the employees and management of the enterprise are defined, the application tools and methods of motivation are analyzed and the most effective of them are defined. The practical use of ongoing studies allow to conclude that implementing the theoretical approaches within building and improvement the system of personnel motivation to innovative activity leads to raising the efficiency and profitability of innovative process.

3. Improvement of the system of staff encouraging motivate employees towards increasing innovate activity. It is possible due to the use of effective tools, leading methods of personnel motivation and comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures taken [8].

Note At the moment of writing this abstract the master's qualification work is not completed yet. Final completion is scheduled for December 2014. Full text of the work and materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or her supervisor after the stated date.


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