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The value of professional training and development is growing both in Ukraine and in the world. Virtually no country that would not have been obliged to such training to its technological, social, economic, cultural progress and did not associate with it his future. This system plays a vital role in social development forecasts. Staff training is the foundation for a successful implementation and operation of the quality system, and efficient operation of the enterprise. It is aimed at improving and updating professional knowledge and skills of the staff of the enterprise. So, the staff is the primary resource that requires constant development and learning.

1. Actuality

The human resources’ professional training is one of the important factors that ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of companies. It provides a sustainable economic growth in the long term at the present stage, and competitiveness of enterprises in the country and abroad. The company’s competitiveness is determined not only by the amount of natural and industrial resources, but, above all, the intellectual capacity and the ability to generate new knowledge. Therefore, the issue of human resources’ professional development and training is relevant to enterprises and organizations of Ukraine.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of this scientific research is studying the system of professional training and the advanced experience of foreign countries, identification the models and methods for assessing professional development, and presentation the author’s vision of ways to improve the professional training of a specific company.

Main tasks of the research:

  1. Disclose the theoretical foundations of the system of professional training of personnel.
  2. Analyse the professional training in Ukraine.
  3. Synthesize information on models and methods for assessing professional training.
  4. Investigate the world experience of professional training and development.
  5. Suggest methodical recommendations to improve the human resources’ professional training of a particular company.

Research object: the process of professional training and development of personnel.

Research subject: theoretical, methodological and practical basis of the process of professional training and development of personnel.

3. The system of professional training of personnel

Professional training is the process of the formation of specific professional knowledge and skills through special training methods for workers. Professional development is a broader concept than training. The professional training focuses on the needs of the modern enterprise, and the professional development – on the future and is more fundamental [10].

According to the polls 18 % of Ukrainian workers are fully satisfied with their education, 46 % – profession, 22 % – creative possibilities, 18 % – professional growth. People should be aware of the training needs of these conditions themselves. 84 % of respondents consider that for the greater efficiency of labor they need additional knowledge, 79 % – regular professional development. 82 % of managers and 77 % of professionals are striving to raise the qualification. At the same time, not all people want to learn because they do not understand the importance, not see the need and not prepared for this, afraid of difficulties or negative attitude towards the new [3].

Professional training includes several steps and is represented as a cyclic model (figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1 – The process of the organization of professional training (animation)

Figure 1.1 – The process of the organization of professional training
(animation: 8 frames, 7 cycles of repeating, 24 kilobytes)

Professional training is associated with significant material cost, therefore the determination of financial resources in the budget is an important moment of management of professional development. The forms of training are determined in accordance with the objectives. Forms should be adapted to the requirements of the workplace and considered the characteristics of staff and needs of organization. Content of the training programs is determined by the organization’s goals. It is created for the formation and consolidation of skills and abilities, and for the formation of a certain type of thinking and behavior. Listeners should be interested in the results, confident in their abilities and training needs, have a normal relationship with the team.

The system of professional training should take into account the interests of businesses in the fast filling of vacancies and the cost savings that are associated with the preparation of workers. Also, it should take into account the interests of workers – to get a comprehensive professional training [10].

Professional training begins immediately after determining the training needs of staff and setting learning goals.

A significant number of methods and forms of development of professional knowledge and skills exist in the world practice. Among which the main are:

– a workplace training;

– an outside workplace training (and performance of official duties) [10].

A workplace trainingis is characterized as the study together with the performance of work in a normal working situation. New employees are attached to experienced workers or foremen, who actually carry out professional training [7]. This training can be performed in various forms. Defining feature of this training is that it is organized and carried out specifically for the organization and for its employees only [10]. Also, internal courses provide the necessary information is not available, allow you to adapt training to the needs of a particular group, help implement practices [3].

A workplace trainingis involves the use of teaching methods, instructions how to work on a specific location, and includes the following forms:

1. Apprenticeship involves the attachment of individuals, who do not have a degree, to experienced workers, who transfer their knowledge and form the necessary skills, for training purposes [3].

2. Mentoring (coaching) is the transfer of knowledge and skills from more experienced and competent person to a less experienced, using the method of interviewing, counseling, advice and method complicates the task [18].

3. Instruction includes the definition of all the steps that are necessary to perform a particular job in the desired sequence. With every step also marked the corresponding key points (if they occur). These steps show you what should be done, and the key moments talk about how this is done and why [7].

4. Delegation is the transfer of a limited number of problems with decision‑making powers on the issues discussed to employees.

5. Method complicating tasks is a special program of action of workers, which is based according to their importance, the expansion of tasks and increase their complexity [10].

6. Rotation suggests that the employee is consistently transferred to a new job or occupation for further professional qualifications and enhance the experience for a period of several days to months [18].

We should not forget that the use of teaching methods, instructions how to work on a particular workplace is sufficiently effective method of training [10].

An outside workplace training includes all types of training outside of work. This training is conducted by training units and, as a rule, outside the walls of the organization [10]. External training is advisable if there are few students and a distant period, if you need special knowledge and skills, if set only educational tasks.

An outside workplace training includes:

1. Business game is an analysis of the case study, in which the players get the role in the business game situation and consider the consequences of decisions [18].

2. Case study is an analysis and a panel discussion of the real problem, which exists in the enterprise, and making an appropriate decision. Emotional debate and dominance of individual listeners may not be used here, that requires high professionalism of the head.

3. Sensitivity training involves participation in the group in order to enhance human perception and improve interaction with other.

4. Lecture is an instructor monologue, during which the audience perceives the material on hearing.

5. Self‑study suggests that the employee chooses the rate of learning, the number of repetitions [10].


Human resources’ professional training is gaining more and more importance for the majority of Ukrainian organizations nowadays. This is due to the fact that work places high demands on the level of qualification of personnel, knowledge and skills of workers in the market. Knowledge, skills, attitudes, which helped staff to work successfully yesterday, today lose their validity. External conditions and internal conditions of functioning of the organization is changing very rapidly. It makes the majority of Ukrainian enterprises prepare staff for change.

Organizations receive enormous benefits as a result of training. Human resources’ professional training allows organizations to successfully solve the problems associated with the emergence of new activities, to maintain the necessary level of competitiveness. Fuller use of the organization of knowledge, skills and abilities of workers resulting from their training , allows it fast enough to recoup investments made for this purpose. Through training guide is able to increase the ability of staff to adapt to changing social and economic conditions and the increasingly stringent requirements of the market. Training can not only preserve and disseminate staff core values and priorities of the organizational culture, but also to promote new approaches and guidelines. Consequently, human resources’ professional training is now moving at such a stage of development when it becomes a vital element of the existence and development of the enterprise.

This master’s work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2014. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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