Abstract on the theme of master's work
- Introduction
- 1. Actuality
- 2. Goals and objectives of the study
- 3. Methodology of making decisions of mining entevprises
- 4. Integrated computer systems for strategic planning in mining
- Conclusion
- Sources
Formation in Ukraine of high dynamic mining, indastry that satisfies the needs of society and integration into the European economic system requires a reasonable approach to the use of productive resources of mining enterprises.
In these circumstances, the enterprises of the coal mining industry face the problem of effective strategic management, providing the shortand longterm successful development in an environment, used to rapid, radical and often unpredictable changes. Methodology of strategic management as a tool for management of enterprise development in conditions of uncertainty external and internal environment involves both strategy formation and evaluation of the economic efficiency of its implementation of the strategic planning process.
Strategic program as a result of strategic planning is formed within a certain direction of enterprise development, selected from a plurality of sets of strategic alternatives, and provides the strategic objectives [1].
Nowadays, the coal industry of Ukraine does not develop and is at the stage of stagnity. But at the same time, it can be characterized by the presence of sufficient resources and a strong industrial base. The guarantee of existence of a mining enterprise in the long run is the right strategic planning. It allows you to objectively assess the situation and plan actions and ways to achieve a successful outcome. Indeed, in the long term businesses that manage their resources well win.
2. Goals and objectives of the study.
The purpose of the master's work is to improve the methods of strategic planning in the coal mines on the basis of integrating the influencing factors, considering the link between the basic units of a coal mine, as well as due to modern computer technology decision-making.
Research objectives:
- Analysis of modern integrated computer systems for strategic planning in the mining industry;
- A review of methods for making strategic decisions of mining companies;
- Study of the strategic planning process in the mine "South Donbass number 3 named after N.S. Surgaya" and make recommendations for its improvement.
3. Methodology strategic decision-making at mines.
Strategic planning for the mining company is a set of actions and decisions taken by management, which lead to the development of specific and new strategies designed to achieve their goals. The strategic planning process is a tool to assist in decision-making. His task is to ensure the process of implementation of necessary changes in the organization of production, aimed at improving the efficiency of its operation. Theory and practice has identified four main types of management activities within the strategic planning process:
- Allocation of resources;
- Adaptation to the external environment;
- Internal coordination;
- Organizational strategic vision.
Resource allocation includes distribution of organizational resources such as funds, scarce managerial talent and technological expertise. as funds, scarce managerial talent and technological expertise.
Adaptation to the environment covers all the strategic nature that improve venture relationship with its surroundings. Businesses need to adapt to external both opportunities and risks, to identify appropriate options and to ensure effective adaptation strategies to environmental conditions.
Internal coordination includes the coordination of strategic activities to show the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise in order to achieve effective integration of internal operations.
Awareness of organizational strategiesincludes the implementation of systematic development of thinking managers by forming enterprise organization that can learn from past policy decisions. The ability to learn from experience enables the company to correctly adjust their strategic direction and enhance professionalism in the field of strategic management. The role of senior management is more than just initiate a strategic planning process, it is also associated with the implementation , and evaluation of the union of the process [2].

(animation: size – 85 KB, 400x183; number of frames – 8, cycles of repetition –5, the delay between shots – 1)
- Increased production through the introduction of new mining faces, replace equipment more productive (including the implementation of waste equipment at net book value), process improvement (ventilation scheme, transport schemes, systems development).
- Maintaining the level of production by opening new horizons and training, implementation of activities related to transportation, ventilation, decontaminate, equipment replacement. This strategy is applied in the lucrative mines have reached design capacity.
- Reducing the cost of production at constant volume production – at the expense of introducing new technology, improving mining technology, changes in the system design, the concentration of mining operations.
- Improved product quality – due to changes in production technology, improving the organization of work (separation of coal and rock flows during transport). Used in mines with uncompetitive products are sold at a low price.
To justify the strategies applied in the enterprise, it is necessary to analyze the current production situation [3].
Strategic planning of coal production is necessary to conduct a quantitative and qualitative study, description and prediction of changes in the external and internal environment of the functioning of the enterprise.
At the planning stage of coal production should take into account the possible constraints on the growth of production. Number and kind of restrictions are justified by specific mining and geological, technical, economic and other conditions of functioning of enterprises and supported by appropriate calculations.
By mining and geological limiting factors should be classified as natural conditions, which reflect the geological structure and capacity of coal seams, physical and mechanical properties of rocks and strength characteristics of coal, the conditions of its occurrence (hydro and gas dynamics) and typing of existing violations.
Restrictive technical and technological factors to ensure the maximum possible amount of coal due to the applied technology and technological solutions at all levels of coal enterprises.
Applied technological equipment and the degree of wear, the existing organization of work and the presence of extraction front make organizational and operational limitations.
Among the socio-economic constraints can be identified lack of skills and low motivation of workers, understaffed state.
In the 5th group of factors that limit the load on the shaft, including those that govern the relationship of mine with suppliers and customers and are transactional. Transaction limitations associated with the search for information, as well as with the preparation, negotiation and implementation of contracts, overcoming internal and external barriers in the acquisition of resources and the sale of finished products.
Can be regarded as constraints and difficulties with sales, lack of transport and untimely payments for produced and delivered to the consumer coal. Growth in finished goods inventories increases the duration of the working capital turnover, leading to a deterioration of the financial condition of companies and as a result — a reduction in coal production[4].
4.Integrated computer systems for strategic planning in mining.
Computer simulation allows coalfield mining enterprise resource planning, count scenarios of mining operations, control production capacity in the mining process , most fully take into account all the circumstances and characteristics of mining operations and the most reasonably calculate schedules.
Many companies in the world market are engaged in modeling of mineral deposits that incorporates useful features as required payment of economic performance indicators , automatic payment schedules and more. Consider in detail the leading figures in this sphere.
GEOVIA Surpac ™ – an integrated product for geology, modeling resources, mine planning and management of field development. World's most popular software for geology and mine planning support for open-pit mining and underground mining and exploration in more than 110 countries. It provides efficiency and accuracy in the work at the expense of ease of use, powerful three–dimensional graphics capabilities and automate workflows.
Surpac satisfies all the needs of geologists, mining engineers and surveyors in the field of mining and can be adapted to any raw materials or ore body extraction method. Multilingual support program allows companies to use the same resource in the world. [5]

Figure 1.2 – Example of constructing a model of an open field development using GEOVIA Surpac.
ON "Volcano" – an advanced software for the mining industry, allowing users to confirm and organize primary geological data, translate them into three–dimensional dynamic model to obtain precise projects and mining plans.
Volcano is possible to compare different scenarios of production prior to mining. Vulcan plays a key role in the process of mining, from exploration stage, geological modeling, design, mining, calculation of blasting and haulage to compiling plans and schedules, facility closure and reclamation [6].

Figure 1.3 – Example of modeling career with software "Volcano".
MICROMINE – allows you to design careers with optimal parameters, significantly reducing the cost of production and increase the profitability of the enterprise.
Using the algorithm Lerksa-Grossman to calculate a subset of the blocks within the existing block model, pit optimization module in MICROMINE helps to get a result in the form of shells career and open pit optimization sequence. On the basis of geological parameters using MICROMINE is possible to create a complete 3D model of the deposit.
Using this model of the underground mine or quarry is possible to accurately interpret the data and determine the amount of the ore body, which is an important factor in the planning and financing of any project [7].

Figure 1.4 – Example of an object image in MICROMINE
Thus, effective decision-making for the development of a single coal enterprise and the whole industry should be based on an analysis of influencing factors and constraints. To select an adequate scenario mining enterprise should have an information about geological, technological and organizational conditions of mine. In this regard, an important role is played by the embedding of computer simulation fields.
Remark. In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. No comparative analysis of strategies for specific coal enterprise. Final deadline: December 2014. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.
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- Official website of Gemcom [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http://ru.gemcomsoftware.com/продукты/surpac
- Maptek Official Website [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.maptek.com/ru/vulcan.html
- Official website Mikromine [Electronic resource]. – Mode of access: http://ru.micromine.com/