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Abstract "Laws of localization germanium in the the Donets Basin coals"


  • 1. General characteristics of work
  • 1.1 Communication with academic programs, plans, themes
  • 1.2.Communication with academic programs, plans, themes
  • 1.3. Goals and objectives of the study
  • 1.4. Subject and object of study
  • 1.5. Research methods
  • 1.6. Scientific novelty
  • 1.7. Practical value
  • 1.8. Testing results
  • 2. . Contents of the paper
  • 2.1 Overview of research on the topic
  • 2.2. Communication with academic programs, plans, themes
  • 2.3. Goals and objectives of the study
  • 2.4. Object and subject of study
  • 2.5. Research methods
  • 2.6. List of references

    General characteristics of work

    1.1 Relevance of Research

    Germanium and its compounds are used in high-tech fields of engineering, medicine and industry. Loading germanium deposit in nature absent. Its main mass scattered in the earth's crust as isomorphic impurities in the minerals of rocks. Therefore, the main source of its income for industrial use is the simultaneous extraction of various minerals. One example is the extraction of germanium from coal. Integrated use of any raw material deposit has always been the main challenge in the development of resources. To increase the profitability of the coal deposits of the Donets Basin is necessary to extract germanium as components associated with coal use.

    Problems estimating reserves and further the efficient extraction of germanium from coal associated with the complexity of its distribution. Assessing the impact of the main geological factors determining the patterns of distribution of germanium in coal-bearing strata is an urgent and important task to improve the profitability of the coal deposits of Donbass. Consider the example of its mine "October mine».

    1.2 Communication with academic programs, plans, themes

    R & D associated with the State Program of development of mineral resources base of Ukraine for the period until 2030 (V³domost³ Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VVR), 2011, N 44, st.457)

    1.3 Purpose and objectives of the study

    The aim of this work is to study the geological factors affecting the distribution of germanium in the Donbass coal seams.

    In accordance with the intended purpose of the set were the following tasks:

    1. Set literary sources theoretical distribution factors of germanium in coals of various fields in the world; Get
    2. statistical characteristics of the object of research on various indicators of quality raw materials for the comparative evaluation standards;
    3. establish meaningful connections with the germanium content geological characteristics of the field of mine "October Mine";
    4. Perform spatial analysis of the distribution of all parameters; Check
    5. known theoretical impact of each factor on the field geological mine "October Mine";
    6. Make recommendations on the most productive coal seams for germanium and the field of mine sites;
    7. To comparatively assess the effectiveness of germanium extraction technologies used in different countries.

    1.4 Subject and object of study

    object of research is the field of mine "October mine».

    subject of the study - the geological conditions for the accumulation of germanium in different coal seams of the Donets Basin.

    1.5 Research Methods

    - system analysis;

    - complex statistical methods;

    - spatial and statistical analysis;

    - lithologic and stratigraphic method.

    1.6 The scientific novelty

    A detailed study of the localization factors of germanium in coal mine "October Mine" will clarify the genetic model for the formation of the Donets Basin coals.

    1.7 Practical value

    Study of factors localization of germanium in coal mine "October Mine" will find the most promising areas for the co-extraction of germanium.

    1.8 Testing Results

    Research results were presented at the VII International scientific-practical conference DONBASS 2020: DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS eyes of young scientists.

    2.Content of work

    2.1 Overview of research on the topic

    We can say that today there are several hypotheses about the genesis and the form in which germanium in coals. Thus, some researchers believe that the high content of germanium due to the fact that peat accumulation occurred in the conditions of the flow medium, when coupled with water streams brings great amounts of minerals rich germanium (ASIP AA, Sokolov, NI, etc.) . The main conclusion of the work is that germanium mainly concentrated in gelefitsirovannyh microcomponents coal. Other professionals (YP Kostin, VV Mids and etc.) believe that coal mineralization due to post-magmatic activity in the areas of thermal waters alleged faults of the crystalline basement. Another hypothesis suggests that the accumulation of germanium and other trace elements in coal was due to plants that were fed waters rich in these elements [10]. Perhaps the accumulation of germanium in coal associated with the introduction of its rocks with enriched germanium - volcanic-sedimentary, ferruginous quartzite, sulfide ores in ancient peat bogs. Probably some of the germanium further concentrated during diagenesis.

    Coal, which is formed in different geological conditions, characterized by different germanium content. Most enriched germanium coal basins, which are located in intermountain troughs young movable areas (Eastern Transbaikalia, Sakhalin, Central Asia, Japan, Transcarpathia). Within coalfields germanium distributed unevenly. The highest concentrations are found in the peripheral parts of the basins, which are located closer to the areas of nutrition, as well as along paleovalleys, on which Germany introduced here by the river water.

    Installed some local patterns of distribution of germanium in coal. In deposits of coal germanium unevenly distributed and increased its content relates to humic coals. There are various hypotheses distribution of germanium in coal layers. One of these hypotheses is that the germanium content increases with the coal metamorphism. So most germanium concentration in coals of the G, F, K. Within one stratum enriched with germanium coal samples located closer to the bottom and top layer. Most enriched germanium thin coal seams.

    Main carrier of germanium in coal is gelefitsirovannoe substance which basis are humic acids and humates. Ability gelefitsirovannogo substance (vitrain) germanium concentrate depends on the degree of reduction of coal: the less restored gelefitsirovannoe substance, the more it is able to concentrate germanium [3]. In the process of carbonization and coal metamorphism gelefitsirovannoe agent loses its functional groups characterizing coal recovery. Accordingly them lost and germanium, which is carried out of the limit of the coal seam and can accumulate in mine waters [2].

    Germanium from coal can be extracted in various ways. In the Donets Basin to obtain enriched germanium products recommended to melt the ash with the addition of 20-25 wt. % Coal and fed to the reaction zone of a hot (900 ° C) air. Sublimation occurs secondary volatile GeO and enrichment of precious metals in the ash 10-20 times compared with the original ash. Capture fumes for the absorption apparatus by spraying a solution of hydrochloric acid, followed by blowing air solution provides a hydrochloric acid solution of Ge (IV) [8].Depending on the task, it can be processed using the methods of sorption, extraction, distillation, etc. was studied ash from the incineration of Donbas coal, its content is 0.019% Ge.

    Diagram of producing a solid GeO2

    Figure 1 - Diagram of producing a solid GeO2
    (animation: 12 frames, 125 KB)

    Thus, from the literature, the following factors are the concentration of germanium in coal:

    1.Germanium content depends on the power of layers and grows in thin layers and thinning areas, with maximum absolute concentration values ??are confined to a thin sections of coal seams;

    2.An inverse relationship between the germanium content and depth;

    3.Main carrier of germanium in coal is gelefitsirovannoe substance;

    4.Germanium concentration depends on the degree of reduction of coal: the less recovery gelefitsirovannoe substance, the more it is able to concentrate germanium.

    2.2.Geological characteristics of the test field

    Donetsk coal basin originated on the southern edge of the Russian Platform. In the coal-bearing strata lies 310 Donbass coal seams and pulley power, of which 95 layers are sediments of the Lower Carboniferous, 200 to the middle Carboniferous strata and 15 to Upper Carboniferous strata. The total amount of coal seams, reaches operating power, averages layers 120, including the lower carbon deposits occurs reservoir 29, the average carbon - 87 and in the upper layers of carbon - 4 formation. The pool is being developed 70 layers, including the different areas from 40 to 2 layers. Most of the coal seam (70%) has a complex structure. Have a simple structure seams to 0.6-0.7 meters. The layers of coal seams are mostly represented by shales. Power working on the Donbas coal seams varies widely: from 0.5 to 1.5-1.8 with an average power developed layers of 0.7-1 meters. Power of some coal seams reaches 2-2.5 meters, but it applies mainly to small areas or groups of mine fields. In the Donbas coal seams flat prevail. Cool layers deposited in the Central and Kadievskom areas and in some areas in other areas.

    Donets Basin coals include a number of items that can not be extracted. In coal, the products of their enrichment and mine waters in the region has germanium in industrial concentrations. Climb its recovery - is one of the ways to improve the economic performance of the coal industry. Germanium is used in many industries and the demand is constantly increasing. Note that in the USSR coal is the main source of germanium. According to modern requirements germanium content in energy coals exceed 10 g / t (air-dry weight) in the coking - 3 g / t[9]

    The study area of the Donets Basin - Donetsk-Makeevskiy carboniferous area, mine "October mine." Described area is located in central Donetsk-Makeevka geological and industrial district. According to the administrative division, this area is part of the Kuibyshev district, the city of Donetsk, Donetsk region of Ukraine. Geographical location of mines and mine fields defined geographical coordinates: 48 ° 04 east longitude and latitude.

    In geological and tectonic relation estimated area is located in the southern part of the basin Toretskoy Kalmius-in hanging wall of the thrust fault between the French and the thrust axis Koksovaya Vetka flexures. Territory "the October Mine" is located on the watershed Kalmius in the east and in the west of the Wolf. The first takes place at a distance of 3.0-3.5 km from the site, the second 8.0-9.0 km. The surface area of exploration is a slightly inclined steppe space divided beams and valleys flowing into them spurs and ravines.

    Schematic geological map of Donetsk-Makeevka carboniferous rayona

    Figure 1 - Schematic geological map of Donetsk-Makeevka carboniferous rayona.1 - Paleogene; 2 - Jurassic; 3 - Carboniferous boundary limestone formations; 4 - faults; 5-shaft (vertical and inclined); 6 - cutting lines.

    Total depressions observed in a northwesterly direction to the valley-beams Verbovoy. Maximum surface marks 240.0 m located in the lower part of the plot, 800 m northwest of the mine number 10bis, minimum 180 m - in the valley beams Verbovoy. Thus, the oscillation amplitude of the absolute surface elevations within the site is 60 m main morphological unit area is Verbovaya beam entering the system p. Wolf. It takes its origin from the mine number 10 bis and extends from the south-east to north-west.


    Formation Ñ27 - Gorlovskaya

    Formation sediments Ñ27 studied in detail, both in mining operations, and according to a large number of exploration wells.

    Lithological composition Formation sediments characterized by the following average value species:

    argillaceous shales - 39,0-42,6%   sandy shale - 26,0-35,6% sandstones - 23,6-29, 2% coals - 0.80-0.90% Limestone - 0,90-1,30%.

    In Formation sediments significantly dominated shales, smaller distribution has sandy shales and sandstones, subordinate significance belongs coals (seans m41 end m3) and limestones.

    m41- pack capacity 0.45-0.55, unevenness, there is both simple and complex (mostly 2x burst) structure.

    m3- relatively Braves capacity 1,07-1,70, notes and simple and complex (mostly 2x burst) structure.

    Formation Ñ26 - diamond

    Formation sediments within the described area studied in detail according to a large number of wells and a broad front mining. Formation sediments Ñ26 characterized by widespread sandstones, well maintained on the whole area and increasing in power in places erosion of coal seams.

    Value of the coal facies in the retinue C26 is particularly high compared to other productive suites Middle Carboniferous. lithological composition of sediments Formation is characterized by the following relation:

    Sandy shale 25,9-39,6% Argillaceous shales - 24,0-25,0% Sandstones -32,6-45,1% Coals -2,4-2,6% Limestone - 1.4%

    In terms of the suite made ??up to 16 layers of coal, of which 9 reach operating capacity: l81 , l8 , l71, l7, l4,l3, l21,l1b, l1n. The most stable of them are layers: l81, l4 è l1n, widely developed-mines: ¹ 10-áèñ end 13.

    In terms of the suite pointed to 4 limestone, among which are the most stable L7 end L1 . Last reaches 4-5th. capacity.

    l81 end l4are the most stable of his entourage.

    Coalbed l81, sustainable on a large stretch, with dvuhpachechnym structure and capacity 0,30-0,65 top 0,45-0,90 m - bottom packs. relatively restrained, and celebrated the simple and complex (mostly 2x burst) structure.

    Coalbed l8 – relatively stable, its capacity 0,10-0,79 m relatively restrained, simple structure.

    Coalbed l4 – one of the main reservoirs, develop a broad front mining, power it 0,61-1,79 m Aged, notes and simple and complex (mostly 2x burst) structure.

    Coalbed l3 capacity 0,40-0,90 m relatively restrained, simple structure.

    l1n- relatively restrained, 0.25-0.5 power pack, notes and simple and complex (mostly 2x burst) structure.

    Formation Ñ25 - Kamensky

    Formation sediments Ñ25 are lower horizon area being considered.

    In terms of the suite plays a major role sandy facies, which is up to 75% of total deposits, 40% of which is sandstone.

    Subordinate role shales. Coals occur as rare and narrow bands. The exception is the limestone K8 capacity reaches 4 m

    The number of coal seams in the sediments reaches suites - 19, 9 of them: k8, k7,k61, k51, k5, k42,k41 ,k4 end k22 have more or less sustained operating power. Resistant layer is only k8 others - unstable.

    Stratum k8 is a seasoned, whose power 0,64-1,23 m, simple structure.


    On the area under consideration and mining operations boreholes identified a number of large and small disjunctive dislocations.

    In the southwestern and western parts of the area developed, and Coke blind thrusts; in the neutral part of the area developed thrusts "Small", "A", Vetkovskiy 3 and a series of small thrusts identified by mining operations mined seam mines m3 , l81, l8, l7,l4, l1 è k8 .In the eastern part of the area developed thrusts Abramovskij, Vetkovskiy, Vetkovskiy I », Vetkovskiy 2 and Semyonov.

    Area "the October Mine" on all evaluated layers lies between Koksovaya thrust to the west and Abramovskikh Semenovsky and thrusts in the east, including the wings Vetka flexures and thrusts Vetkovskiy, Vetkovskiy 1 and 2 Vetkovskiy. Mine field on October minus 350-650 m horizons marked by small flexure deflection, where the angles of falling rocks replaced with 8-100 to 20-300.

    Qualitative characteristics of layers and have a thickness and depth given in Table 1.

    Table 1. Indicators of quality of working layers

    Layer Power, m Depth interval, m Organic sulfur ot-do/srednee Ash content of coal packs ot-do/sredee
    m41 0,45-0,55 874-1120 1,5-6,3/4,6 5,4-28,3/12,2
    m3 1,07-1,70 1005-1198 0,6-5,0/2,2 1,0-18,0/5,5
    l81 0,3-0,9 968-1285 0,9-2,7/1,6 2,9-25,7/9,2
    l8 0,10-079 799-1960 0,6-2,2/1,0 1,7-21,8/7,3
    l4 0,61-1,79 934-1415 0,8-1,8/1,1 1,7-19,7/6,2
    l3 0,4-0,9 1013-1342 1,0-1,9/1,2 2,1-21,4/7,6
    l1n 0,25-0,50 982-1490 1,4-3,4/2,0 2,1-26,0/9,5
    k8 0,64-1,32 1096-1362 2,8-6,0/3,4 2,2-16,4/7,2

    2.3 Technique and results of experimental data processing

    We have audited geological factors established by literary sources, the example of the distribution of germanium on the "October Mine" Donetsk-Makeevka coal-mining region of Donbass. Mine "October Mine" is a part of the production association "Donetskugol." Neighbors are mine them. ET ABAKUMOV, "Panfilov" to them. AF Zasyad'ko. Listed on the balance shaft layers: m41, m3, m2, l81, l8, l71, l7, l4, l3, l1n, k8. Of them developed: m3 è l81.

    For the study were taken layers m41, m3, l81 , l8, l4, l3, l1n and k8. Statistical evaluation of quality of these layers are shown in Figure 2. Elevated levels observed in germanium layers with a complex structure (m41, m3, l8, l1n). According to the average sulfur content of coal seams most low-sulfur and that of medium, except m41 and k8 (brand 2G), which are elevated sulfur. Sulfur in coal is presented sulfide, sulfate and organic varieties with a clear predominance of the first component.

    The contents of germanium and sulfur in coal seams

    Figure 2 - The contents of germanium and sulfur in coal seams

    The highest content of germanium is observed in the formation m3 (power = 1.20). Lowest content of the reservoir l1n (power = 0.60). Distribution of germanium with depth is not changed regularly.

    A more detailed analysis of quality indicators was carried out for the formation k8, the statistical characteristics are given below (Table 2).

    Average germanium content in the layers is relatively small, but there are outliers of the high content of certain sampling locations, which may relate to tectonic disturbances in the western territory.

    Table 2. Statistical characteristics of quality in reservoir k8

    Statistics Ge m Ad Sd Vdaf
    Mean 2,2491 0,8482 9,245 6,045 36,118
    Median 1,06 0,8 8,4 2,9 36
    Mode 1 0,8 7,2 2,4 31,6
    Standard deviation 2,75 0,076 3,27 10,05 2,08
    Variance 7,54 0,006 10,673 100,985 4,33
    Ìinimum 0,5 0,75 4,7 2,4 31,6
    Maximum 9 1 14,9 36,3 38,9

    Correlation analysis was carried to study the dependence between the germanium content and other indicators. Based on the calculation of the linear correlation coefficient was established significant negative relationship with the volatile components(Vdaf) – -0,604

    Maps of the distribution of germanium content (Fig. 4), ash content (Fig. 5), the yield of volatile components (Fig. 6), sulfur content (Fig. 7) and power (Fig. 8).

    Distribution of germanium content in reservoir k<sub>8</sub>

    Figure 4 - Distribution of germanium content in reservoir k8

    Figure 4 can be seen increasing the germanium content in reservoir k8 in the northwest area, which may be associated with a diagonal thrust. And also in the southwest area near Koksovaya thrust. It is known that tectonic fractures increase the permeability of rocks, facilitating penetration of hydrothermal fluids. Obviously with this process and associated higher germanium content. With the same process responsible for the formation of sulfide sulfur in coal. Lowering germanium concentration in the east and north-east of the territory.

    Map reading capacity of the reservoir k<sub>8</sub>

    Figure 5 - Map reading capacity of the reservoir k8

    Figure 5 can be shown that the reservoir thickness increases in the northern and south-easterly direction. If we compare Figures 4 and 5 it can be noted that in the southwest area near Koksovaya thrust increased germanium content and seam thickness increases. Consequently, at the site of power and positive relationship germanium content.

    A schematic map of the ash content A<sub>d</sub>

    Figure 6 - A schematic map of the ash content Ad

    In Figure 6, one can observe small concentrations of the ash content in the north-western and south-eastern part of the site. The highest concentrations are observed in the central part of the plot and reach the ash content equal to 14.4. Map matching and map ash content of germanium can say that there is an increase of germanium in areas with low ash content. This confirms the hypothesis of a link with the organic germanium part of coals. A negative relationship, but non-significant linear relationship, indicating that the complex dependencies between the form and content of germanium ash content. The study forms a subsequent challenge studies.

    Map index sulfur S<sub>d</sub>

    Figure 7 - Map index sulfur Sd

    Map sulfur content (Fig. 7) can be observed an increase in the east of the site. Limit of 38. Established a non-significant negative association of sulfur and germanium content.

    Schematic map of the index yield of volatile components V<sup>daf</sup>

    Figure 8 - Schematic map of the index yield of volatile components Vdaf

    Figure 8 is observed increase in the yield of volatile components from the south-west to the north-eastern part of the site. Established a significant negative relationship between the content of germanium and volatile components.


    1. Coal and mine fields of different formations formed under different conditions, which correspond to their stratigraphic position. In our case, this suite Ñ26 – Diamond, Formation Ñ25 – Kamensky and Sweet Ñ27 - Gorlovskaya. We can say that in these conditions changed suites peat accumulation and intensity Prinos mineral impurities, rich germanium. Found that in the suite Ñ27 ïëàñò m3 germanium content of 26.10 g / t the greatest maximum germanium content, as opposed to content in the suite Ñ26 â ïëàñòå l3 ,power is 11.87 g / m. In formations Ñ25 in the reservoirk8 maximum content was 9.0 g / t

    2. Not established a significant linear relationship between the germanium content and seam thickness. But one can observe an increased content in the layers m41, m3, l81, l4 end l1n which are generally complex 2-burst structure. Their maximum concentration is higher than in the layers with a simple structure. Furthermore, the maximum content of these layers are observed in the minimum power packs.

    3. Organic component of coal coal expressed mark (D, GJ, F) and the presence of organic sulfur. Organic sulfur content ranges from 1.0 to 4.6. The highest content of organic sulfur is observed in layers m41 (4,6) end k8 (3,4). The presence of high content of organic sulfur in the strata with a high content of germanium germanium confirms the hypothesis hydrothermal mineralization.

    4.A negative relationship with volatile components, which defines the relationship germanium content with the degree of metamorphism. Therefore increases with increasing metamorphic germanium content.

    2.5 Expected results

    Result of the recommendations will be integrated as much as possible the use of coal bed and coal mine field Donets Basin as a whole

    2.6. List of References

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