The contents
- Introduction
- 1. Urgency
- 2. Computer training system
- 2.1 Analysis of computer training systems
- 3. Flash, as the way to implement training systems
- 3.1 Formats static graphics
- 3.2 Tools program Macromedia Flash Professional 8
- 4. Development demos
- Conclusion
- References
Computer graphics - engineering discipline that studies the techniques, methods and algorithms for creating, storing and processing descriptions of objects and their images using a computer [1]. p>
In the area of interest of computer graphics are all aspects of forming an image on the computer screen. P>
Examples of its use are known almost anyone. Computer graphics is used in all spheres of modern society - that the illustrations in magazines and computer games, and special effects for the movie, and more. Of particular interest is the use of graphic applications in Internet. P>
By means of computer graphics to create a digital image that can be changed at any time and can be manipulated to produce different, while maintaining different versions of what had previously been impossible to do with traditional art forms [3]. P>
To create graphical applications is not enough knowledge of the language. The foundation of most applications of computer graphics are mathematical methods, especially linear algebra, geometry and transformation methods [1]. p>
If the user can control the characteristics of the objects, then talk about the interactive computer graphics, ie the ability of the system to create kompyuternoy schedule and conduct a dialogue with the person. Currently, almost any program can be regarded as a system interaktivnoy computer graphics. P>
Interactive computer graphics - is just the use of computers for the preparation and reproduction of images, but the user has the ability to quickly make changes to the image directly in the process of reproduction, that is, assumed the ability to work with the graphics in the dialogue in real time [4]. p>
This process can be successfully used in the training. After a dialogue with the computer user has more than reading the terse sheets methodical material. In the process of implementation of the master's work will create a computer system to support the discipline "Computer Graphics", which will allow to control the knowledge of students at different stages of learning. P>
The system will contain all the theoretical and practical material, which corresponds to the curriculum. P>
1 Urgency
Computer graphics now emerged as the science of the hardware and software for a variety of images from simple drawings to realistic images of natural objects. Computer graphics is used in almost all scientific and engineering disciplines for clarity and perception, communication [2]. p>
The computer system of support for this discipline - it is a necessary development, keeping up with the times. That will simplify the work of teachers, students and improve learning will allow to study the course remotely. P>
Distance learning is very popular nowadays. Distance learning experts on strategic issues of education called educational system of the 21st century. Today, it has made a huge bet. Relevance of the topic of distance learning is that the results of social progress, previously concentrated in technology today are concentrated in the information sphere. The era of informatics. In addition, the system of distance education provide equal opportunities to all people, regardless of social status (schoolchildren, students, civil and military, the unemployed and so on. D.) Anywhere in the country and abroad to realize the human right to education and information. This system can most appropriately and flexibly to the needs of society and to ensure the implementation of the constitutional right to education of every citizen of the country. P>
2 Computer training system
There is a great variety of computer training systems for the functional purpose and technical execution. However, common to all is their composition: soderzhit any computer system in a complex both hardware and software . To implement QoS requires two parts: data-processing machines (hardware) and software obespechenie - a set of programs for different purposes. P>
The software - the brain of the system. This control environment, which, depending on the situation arising adequately responds to the actions of the trainee. Computer software for educational purposes - Any software tool specifically designed for primeneniya training [5]. P>
The level of computer training system is equally opredelyaetsya not only the program but also the hardware component. Under apparaturoy understood as a set of computer equipment and providing input and output, modify text, graphics, audio and video. The main components of the apparatus yavlyayutsya processor type, the type of bus (line), the size and characteristics of the memory parameters of external media, sound cards, video adapters, peripherals. P>
computers, which are used in the educational process should be nadezhnymi and provide a solution to all the problems encountered in the training courses. They may have different performance and memory, but should provide a high degree of readiness. P>
The intensive development of microelectronics has led to a significant expansion opportunities and cheaper vychislitelnoy technology. It provides its ubiquity. Now, personal computers have become really personal in every sense of the word. They are confident in the training and povsednevnuyu life. P>
There are several reasons for the success of personal kompyuterov. One of the main - the ease of use provided by a pomoschyu dialog mode of interaction with the computer, user-friendly interface software (menus, prompts, "assistance", etc.). Possibility of individual interaction with the computer without any intermediaries kakih and limitations - is another reason. P>
The development of technology is enormous pace; there raznovidnosti computer training with the involvement of the automated training systems (AOS). Work on the systems is carried out in many nauchno and educational centers. P>
Computer technology is developing very quickly and apparently soon as computers and software will become cheap enough and the speed of information transmission network znachitelno increase. All this will contribute to the unhindered access to the international network of teachers, students, school children and as a result - more effective their training. P>
2.1 Analysis of computer training systems
There are two main applications of computers in obuchayuschey activity . The first of these is associated with traditional learning, supported by a computer. P>
This is sometimes called computer support traditional teaching. Thus suitably programmed computer is used for a variety of teaching tasks: 1) the presentation of information in various forms (verbal, visual, and experimental); 2) formation of students' general educational and spetsialnyh knowledge and skills in specific subjects; 3) monitoring, evaluation and correction of learning outcomes; 4) organization of individual and group training; 5) management of the learning process. P>
The second area covers training, which is realized by a computer. In this case, the computer acts as the bank of pedagogical information: collects, preserves in its memory, and provides the teacher a variety of data about students. P>
The overall objective of the use of computers in the learning activities of the teacher - a radical increase in the efficiency of student learning. P>
Currently, there are many computer programs designed to improve the educational process. P>
It is necessary to distinguish between the computer systems of learning stand-alone mode and network (remote) . P>
When the student is located in close proximity to kompyutera as a source of knowledge - in this case we speak about the system obucheniya working offline. Completely new perspectives open up for the CO telecommunications networks and intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). Combining these systems and networks already segodnya allows you to create as a local area network (LAN) and global system of distance education. P>
The main motivation of the ITS development efforts is the desire to speed up the learning process due to purposeful, methodically gramotnogo course, using modern achievements of teachers, and the implicit desire to reduce the cost of education, making it independent of unifitsirovannym and teacher qualifications. P>
The most significant advantage of a LAN is the ability to use virtually unlimited amount of information glo-point network called the INTERNET (Internet) - a unique means of access to information at the level of mirovom different spheres of human activity - economics, tehnike, science, culture and education. P>
The network computer training systems allow individualnym users located at their workplace or at home, to have access not only to a strong academic network, but also to the latest podsoedinyatsya network (multimedia) learning tools. P>
3 Flash, as the way to implement training systems
Flash-technology, or as they are called, the interactive technology web animation, developed by Macromedia and joined a host of powerful technological solutions in the field of multimedia presentation. P>
Animation ("revival" images) - is an important means for the transmission of information. Animations and videos with proper use can greatly increase the effectiveness of learning, as well as serve as an excellent illustration during reports and presentations. A relatively new and quickly became very popular technology for creating animation projects of varying complexity have been developed by FutureWave from Macromedia. The program, which implements this technology, first received the name of Macromedia Flash, now it is known as Adobe flash. P>
Adobe Flash - a multimedia platform used to create vector animation and interactive applications (including games), as well as to integrate video into web pages. The advantages of Flash-technologies are: - A high level of interactivity and multimedia, - The opportunity to work with the original as bitmaps and vector (the final product has an animated vector format) - High quality display for viewing Flash-rollers at any screen resolution and any installed browser - The small size of the resulting animations, - Fast loading animations on the screen, - The availability of creating animated objects, not only professionals but also amateurs. P>
Focusing on vector graphics as the main development tool flash-enabled programs to implement all the basic elements of multimedia: movement, sound and interactive objects. At the same time the size of the program is minimal and the result of their work does not depend on the screen resolution of the user. P>
One of the main amenities Flash, which brought this product very popular, - ensuring the principle of «Build once, deliver anywhere» («Developed once, distribute anywhere"). Applications built on the basis of Flash, running on different platforms Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, PDA or even mobile phones. Macromedia Flash Player Product actually become the standard today installed on the computers of Internet users 97.6% . P>
Flash Professional 8 has many brand new features, including new graphic effects, integrated independent video codec, support for alpha channels, high-quality text rendering with advanced anti-aliasing control, improved tools for working with text, the new video plug-in to export Flash files Video (FLV) from professional video products, etc. P>
The main innovations of the program can be divided into three areas - a new graphics capabilities, new features for working with video and interface improvements. P>
3.1 Formats static graphics
Computer graphics has evolved along with the computer "iron" and software. First there were pictures made in sixteen colors huge pixels. With improvements in graphics subsystems and displays images on them began to look more like the original and less - a bad puzzle. With the improvement of graphic file formats, compression algorithms and programs, graphics processing, improved image quality and reduced the size of the image file. P>
In order to fully work with computer graphics, you need to know what format it is stored, what they represent and what format is used in any way. Storing graphics format - is a method of recording image information in a file on disk. To properly display a particular image file, the software must support the format in which it is recorded [6]. P>
storage format graphic information exists in abundance. The main mass was created for a long time, along with programs for graphics, t. E., They are branded, "native" format for a particular program. Very few graphic formats have been designed specifically for the exchange of graphic files between different programs (inter-programmatic and program-independent formats). By the first format may include known format BMP, created specifically for the storage of graphics in Windows-based programs, and to the second - the most popular format of GIF. In the future, many graphics formats have disappeared (often together with the programs for which they were created), and only a small number of them survived to our time. P>
Raster Graphics p>
If you take an ordinary newspaper illustration and carefully consider it, preferably under a magnifying glass, you can see that it actually consists of a set of points. These points can be fatty-black (in those places where the illustration is visible deep black background) and more or less gray (where present semitone) or even be almost invisible (in white areas). If we consider this illustration at a distance, but not close, as did we, the individual dots merge into a single image. We can say that regular newspaper illustration - a classic example of raster graphics. P>
Raster Graphics was first created by printers to a minimum consumption of ink printed on paper illustration. At the same time the original image as if imposed a fine mesh, called a pattern, and the image is broken into a plurality of dots (pixels). It then only remains to calculate the intensity of the black color in each pixel or for color image, the color point and possibly its transparency. This process is called rasterization. The resulting data rasterization or immediately transferred to the printing film, or written to a file for further processing. P>
Vector Graphics p>
Assume that any, even the most complex graphics can be broken down into its simplest elements: straight lines, curves, ellipses, rectangles, and so on.. These simple elements called graphics primitives can be described by certain formulas. The result is a set of parameters, using which you can accurately recreate the original set of graphic primitives, which means that the original image. P>
Such a schedule consisting of separate entities, called vector graphics. In this form the images are saved Flash. P>
Hybrid Graphics p>
In fact, the hybrid graphics - a kind of vector graphics, containing within itself bitmaps. Due to this often manage to overcome the major drawbacks and raster and vector graphics: high resolution (from raster graphics) and the impossibility of accurate transmission of halftone images (vector graphics). P>
A hybrid image is divided into fragments, some of which are performed in a raster, and some - vector. Usually all halftone fragments of balloons, charts, maps, and so on. N. Thus, we achieve a compromise between image quality and file size. P>
All current vector graphics editor, including Flash, provide an opportunity to create a hybrid graphics. You can actually even be called a hybrid graphics editors. Also, hybrid graphics created and desktop publishing programs. P>
The main advantage of raster graphics - fidelity scanned images. This raster graphics takes the greater the volume, the larger the image itself, and does not provide any opportunity for its processing (scaling, distortion, rotation, repainted). The main advantage of vector graphics - exceptional image processing capabilities. The disadvantage - the inability to save the vector halftone images in near-original form. Accordingly, the scope can be determined for each type of computer graphics. P>
So, bitmap graphics used for: - Save gray scale images (scanned or drawn on the computer originally paintings, photographs); - The creation of small-sized images for processing programs or Web-pages. In this case, usually critical speed and display resolution "responsible" for the output code, and not the image. P>
Vector Graphics best suited if you want to: - Save the image bar (maps, drawings, pencil drawings, etchings) in electronic form; - To create a small image that will be further processed in every way in the output. A good example of such images - font format TrueType, that when displayed not only scale, but also to paint in different colors, rotate, etc. P>
Most common image formats - raster. P>
These include: p>
BMP p>
The format of BMP (BitMaP - bitmap) - just a recording format bitmaps. Designed by Microsoft to save graphics in the Windows operating system and compatible with it programs. P>
PCX p>
Format PCX - one of the oldest graphic formats. It was developed in the early eighties now-defunct firm Z-Soft for your own bitmap image-editing PC Paintbrush, worked in medium MS-DOS. Also supports many other programs running under DOS and Windows, and continues to be maintained today, although it is obsolete. P>
GIF p>
Format GIF (Graphic Interchange Format - graphics interchange format) was developed by CompuServe in 1987 for use in their own computer network of the same name. I got a huge spread of computer networks, particularly the Internet. Perhaps now the majority of computer graphics used in Web-design and in general for image distribution to the Internet, is stored in this format. P>
PNG p>
The format of PNG (Portable Network Graphic - Portable Network Graphics) p>
So far, the PNG format is used to store graphics, developed in Fireworks, and some "advanced" sites. However, it is supported by virtually all graphics packages. P>
The format of JPEG (Joint Picture Encoding Group - a group encoding still images) of the same name developed by a team of programmers specifically for the dissemination of high-quality graphics in computer networks. This is why he is currently in use. JPEG - the second most common graphics formats on the Internet. P>
The format of TIFF (Tag Image File Format - tagged image file format) was developed by Aldus, developer of the popular desktop publishing package PageMaker, for another of their product - raster editor PhotoStyler, not come down to our times. It is used to preserve high-quality full-color graphics with no loss of quality for publishing purposes. Often used for the exchange of high-end graphics between users of different programs.
Vector format are as follows: p>
Shockwave / Flash p>
Format Shockwave / Flash developed by Macromedia to store images and movies created with vector graphics package Shockwave. Later, based on Shockwave package was created web graphics Flash, "inherited" this format. Therefore, they say that there is a single format Shockwave / Flash. P>
Windows Metafile and Enhanced Windows Metafile p>
The format of Windows Metafile - simple recording format vector images. Designed by Microsoft to save vector graphics in the Windows operating system and programs are compatible with it. Support for this format is built directly into the core of Windows. P>
Adobe Illustrator p>
This format was developed by Adobe for vector graphics editor Illustrator. Currently supported by virtually all packages used vector graphics and vector images for sharing between users of different programs. P>
CorelDRAW! P>
It was developed by Corel for vector editor CorelDRAW !. In fact, it allows you to store hybrid graphics. Sometimes it is used to exchange graphics. P>
VML p>
Format VML (Vector Markup Language - Vector Markup Language), developed by Microsoft for use in its own program's Web-Based Internet Explorer version 5.0 and later. Just as Encapsulated PostScript, the format is not so much as textual language to describe vector graphics. P>
PDF p>
The format of PDF (Portable Document Format - Portable Document Format) was developed by Adobe to create a portable, platform-independent electronic documents. Such documents may also contain formatted text, different vector and raster graphics, paginated, printed on a printer or viewed on a computer screen. In addition, documents in this format have a very small size (compression is used, and each type of compressed graphics at the most appropriate for him algorithm), thus, they can be distributed over the Internet. P>
3.2 Tools program Macromedia Flash Professional 8
The interface of the program Macromedia Flash Professional 8 consists of the following elements [7]: p>
The temporary tape p>
to expand and collapse when you click on the button Timeline. Each frame of the film reflects the state of the tape at a specific time. When moving the scanning head across the filmstrip objects shown on each frame, will begin to move, or will change. Frame in which the change begins and ends are called keyframes. Intermediate frames program Macromedia Flash Professional fills itself. Also during the time the tape can work with layers. Layers make it easier to work, allowing them to focus on working with individual objects without affecting the rest of the film. All layers are played simultaneously, but there are special objects, clips, which are placed in the film are played by themselves. P>
Toolbar p>
Like similar panels in other image editors, for example, in Photoshop, you can create and edit objects on the desktop. Since Macromedia Flash Professional works with vector graphics drawing features in the program more than Photoshop, thus it is possible to embed and raster graphics. Vector graphics in the program Macromedia Flash Professional, you can convert to characters and use any number of times in the film. Each used version of the same character is called an instance. Copies can move, rotate, resize, color and shape. P>
Properties panel p>
to expand and collapse when you click on the icon drop-down menu next to the word Properties, under the workspace Macromedia Flash Professional. Displays and allows you to edit the properties of any object, if they are marked or work area or the active tool. Properties panel, you can completely hide or expand by pressing the black triangle, which is right in the middle of a work area. P>
Additional panel p>
is to the right and expand the opportunities for creating and editing objects in the workspace Macromedia Flash Professional: change the color, alignment, work with the library, and so on. Additional panels can hide or expand, if click on the black triangle to the right of the workspace. P>
Documents Macromedia Flash Professional can be exported as images. Furthermore, in this program you can also create movies. Films in the program Macromedia Flash Professional can be in two formats: p>
.fla - a file that you can open and edit the program. This file stores information about all objects layers animation parameters and so on. P>
.swf - file you want to play, that is the final result of the program. It has a relatively small size, it can not be edited. P>
Workspace p>
To change the workspace, click on the toolbar Selection (black arrow on the top left). If nothing is selected, in the Properties pane in the Properties tab will workspace parameters: size (Size), background (Background), the number of frames per second (Frame rate). All these parameters can be changed. P>
The tool Zoom (magnifying glass) increases or decreases the scale. By clicking on each tool in the toolbar you can see its properties in the lower pane. In this case, the properties will be two magnifying glass: with a plus and minus. You choose the magnifying glass that you need, and click on the work area to zoom. Also, if you double-click on the icon Zoom, the image is displayed at 100%. P>
The tool Hand (hand) moves the working area on the screen. Click on the icon Hand, then left-click on the workspace and hold down and move the cursor in any direction. You will see that the stage moves with the cursor. To move can also use the scroll bars. Double-click on the icon Hand workspace scales to fit the screen, so that it was visible to all. P>
4 Development demos
As an example, this paper was developed a training video. To do this, the team analyzed and simulated assembler AND. P>
The logical operations are an important element in the design chips and have much in common in logic programming. These commands They are used to reset and set for bit arithmetic code ASCII. They are treated with a single byte or single word in a register or memory, and sets the flag CF, OF, PF, SF, ZF. P>
In the first video clearly shows the principle of team work AND (Figure 4) .Funktsiya AND is 1 only if both operands are 1. p>
Figure 4- The principle of command AND
(flesh-animation: 23 kb)
Then, examples of which are specified operands and the result of (Figure 4.1). P>

Figure 4.1- Examples of the team AND
In the second video the possibility of using the AND to retrieve selected bits from the first operand (Figure 4.2). P>

Figure 4.2 - Method of using the AND
Distance learning - study at a distance - was a real innovation of the 21st century. Virtual lectures can reduce or stretch while learning at their own discretion. Among the advantages of such training calls the opportunity to engage in any place where there is a computer, the material is strictly metered by week and matches all the requirements that apply to all students of the university, in addition, the student has the ability to perform the job at a convenient time. The process of implementation of tasks behind the scenes. Theoretically they can make someone else. P>
Talking about the features of distance learning technologies, it should be noted that this type of training is not suitable for all: the system of training in Ukrainian schools is not focusing on the formation of students' independence, and sometimes man the technology just does not fit. P>
The most modern technology in the creation of demonstrations for the students is the technology of Flash. The main advantages of Flash are versatility and affordability. P>
The large format gives the possibility of Shockwave Flash (SWF), developed for the design of Internet sites, giving them the dynamics and interactivity. This format can be used on any hardware and software platform. P>
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