Brief resume
Name | Darina Ermachenko |
Date of birth | Jan 7, 1993 |
Place of birth | Donetsk |
Schools | 2000-2010 - Donetsk comprehensive school I-III stages №106. |
Universities | Donetsk National Technical University, 2010-2014 - Bachelor, 2014-2016 - Master |
Average score | 4.63 |
Languages | Russian, Ukrainian - to perfection. English - intermediate level. |
Personal achievements | I read the book a historical novel genre, doing karate. |
Personal qualities | Responsibility, communicative and hard work, punctuality. |
Professional and computer skills | 1. Packet Microsoft Office 2. Delfy 3. Statistica |
Additional courses, internships, grants | Participation in student conferences, the international debate. |
Professional experience | No |
Future plans | Master's degree, get a job in his specialty. |
Contact information | |