Table Of Contents
- Topicality
- 1. The purpose and objectives of the study
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Theoretical bases of formation mechanism of staff motivation
- Conclusion
- References
One of the major problems at the present stage of economic development is to increase the motivation of staff, as the leaders of the Ukrainian companies do not pay enough attention to promoting the activities of the staff. Errors in the process of motivation lead to a significant loss of both financial and material, as well less competitive. For this mechanism to be effective, it is necessary to start with the introduction of effective methods of motivation on the analysis of errors. Of particular relevance motivation gains in the economic downturn. After the economic crisis facing the company, not only financial problems and the weakening of the market, but also the loss of skilled professionals that are essential to a successful business. It's the people, their labor activity and the pursuit of their goals, their knowledge and values, creativity allow efficient operation of any organization. The importance of a successful and productive employment of workers is shown in competition between enterprises. Motivation of staff largely determines directly the success of the organization and development of the economy in the country, the welfare lyudey.Problema improving staff motivation is widely regarded today in the scientific and journalistic literature. This problem is such representatives as Aseev V. G., Vilyunas V. K., V. I. Kovalev, A. N. Leontiev, Magomed-Emin M. Sh, Simonov VS, Jacobson PM Basics modern concepts of motivation laid Maslow, J., Atkinson, R. Hall, K. Madsen and others. The study of the internal and external motivations motivation engaged and involved many scholars as: V. R. Vesnina, A. Vikhansky, B. M. Genkin, V. Dyatlov, A. P. Egorshin, P. V. Zhuravlev, A. Morozov, A.I. Naumov, I. A. Hovhannisyan, G. Odegov, I.P. Ponomarev, V. V. Travin, E.A. Utkin et al. However, attempts to adapt the classical theories of motivation to modernity in many respects are not systematized, which hinders the practical use of technologies and methods of motivation. Issues involved in the mechanism of motivation domestic scholars such as D.P. Goddess V.S. Diesperov, G. I. Kupalova [17] and others. The complexity of the practical organization of the mechanism of personnel motivation to improve it is determined in the same insufficient study of employee motivation. Although a number of works devoted to this subject was published. Some assistance in the study of the structure of motives and incentives of personnel managers may have conducted case studies on the features and trends of development of motivational sphere of work today.
1. The purpose and objectives of the study
The purpose and objective of the work is to formulate recommendations to improve the motivation of the personnel at the Ukrainian enterprises on the basis of the study and generalization of the theory and practice of personnel motivation, as well as on the basis of the existing incentive schemes.
The object of study is the management of motivation.
The subject of the study is a set of theoretical and practical problems arising in the process of increasing the motivation of staff.
The theoretical basis of the study are scientific works of domestic and foreign authors in the field of strategic management. In order to determine industry characteristics create organizational – economic mechanism used financial analyses of various companies, Internet sources and periodicals relating to this problem. We used the following methods: a systematic analysis and synthesis, abstraction and comparison methods, allowed to investigate complex multi-faceted the phenomenon of motivation.
Scientific novelty is to deepen the theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the essence of motivation in the development of methodological principles and standards to promote the effective labor.
The theoretical significance of the study is that the results of the study can be used to motivate employees in the enterprise by improving the mechanism of motivation.
The materials presented in this paper were published in the book of abstracts and reports of scientific conference Modern problems of investment and innovation
- Features of motivation of employees to innovate
(Donetsk, 2014).
2. Theoretical bases of formation mechanism of staff motivation
The paper reveals the essence of the concept of motivation. Generalization of the evolution of scientific views of specialists in various time periods and countries allowed to systematize the conceptual approaches to the problem of staff motivation, became the basis for developing their own copyright proposals for the development of an effective mechanism of motivation.
Based on the results of the study the nature and relationship categories motif
, motivation
, stimulus
, need
(fig.1), the author proposed to the specific content of their specification.

Figure 1 – Beginnings motive

Figure 2 – Behavior motivated employee
Rightly, that the motivation of employees as a mechanism for long-term impact on the labor activity precedes employee incentive, as a factor of internal and external effects on its interests, with the help of a certain set of events (physical, moral, social), are able to solve the contradiction between the interests of economic entities. Last produces the formation of various motives for work (internal excitatory factors arising from certain requirements). This means that internal motivation is a motor that causes a person to move toward the goal, and external motivation - is the fuel that allows you to do this motor runs constantly feeding him and letting him know that his man is moving in the right direction. That is to say that the stimulus and the need can not exist without each other, that is, as a separate internal and external motivation. All this is important for the further construction of an effective mechanism for motivating their personnel.
3. Methodological approaches to development of motivation system in the company
At the present stage of economic development becomes apparent that no management system will not be able to function successfully, if not to include an effective system of motivation, encourages each individual employee (worker, technician, engineer, manager, employee) to work productively and efficiently to achieve a particular goal . Development of motivation system allows the greatest combine the interests and needs of employees with the strategic objectives of the enterprise, is a key objective of Staff.
Motivation system, called traditional, widely used in the Soviet economy. This system includes a generalized model of material incentives for workers, represented as a set of two elements [8]:
- Basic remuneration (salary, accrued under tariff rates, or salary);
- Additional compensation (bonuses and allowances, bonuses).
Use only the traditional system of motivation does not currently allow for involvement in an organization of workers with the necessary qualities, will not contribute to the preservation of staff. Especially because the main disadvantage of this system is the lack of real incentives for workers to additional actions that led to an increase in profitability, competitiveness and efficiency of the organization.
To date, the first foreign companies, but also Ukrainian companies have considerable experience in the development of systems of motivation. But despite the presence of a significant number of different motivational systems, choose the uniform and mechanically implement its principles in a particular Russian company is virtually impossible. First, none of the existing systems can not be considered perfect and devoid of drawbacks. Second, foreign labor motivation system include only material, socio-material and career incentives. For ukrinskih same employees (as happened historically) in some cases, an important role is played by moral incentives. And even in a market economy workers Ukrainian enterprises (especially scientific, engineering-technical workers, representatives of creative professions) provide moral stimulus value is not less than the material.
Thus, the problem of the development of effective systems of motivation, considering features of Ukrainian mentality is very relevant today.
4. Recommendations to improve the motivation of the enterprise
A well–known domestic experts in the field of personnel management Shkatulla formulated differences personnel services, working on new technologies of personnel services, working on old technologies. The essence of his development that personnel management – is an integral domain management organizations and social processes. Man, as the subject of his own activity, is able to continually improve and develop their abilities, his limitless opportunities and initiatives, while other resources are limited. Personnel management system according to VI Shkatulla involves the formation of goals, functions, organizational structure, personnel management, vertical and horizontal functional relationships of managers and specialists in the study, development, adoption and implementation of administrative decisions [20].
On the basis of its development can offer the following aspects of improving human resource management, allowing to increase its role strengthening the position of the HR department.Human Resources Department is involved in the definition of strategic objectives and addressing strategic and tactical problems of personnel work.HR department develops and implements a program of staff development.The structure of the HR department is determined by its objectives and functions, not just the number of employees.Revenues employee HR department consist of: salary and a percentage of the profits that bring workers adopted.Employees of the department of personnel management and have obtained training in the field of: manager, lawyer, economist, sociologist, educator, psychologist, psychiatrist, giving a holistic view of personnel management problems and solutions.Human Resources Department performs two basic functions: registration of labor relations and labor relations management.Department initiates audit personnel work at least once in two years.Luda, standing at the head of this direction control organization have a program of the department of personnel management.Human Resources Department defines and uses a constantly updated system of motivation.The department is working on modeling jobs, with the definition of job functions in the workplace.HR department initiates and makes conjunction with line managers an annual assessment of personnel and conducts rotation of staff on the basis of this assessment.Human Resources Department uses personnel selection techniques that can help to reasonably determine the right person to work in the organization
It is also important to pay attention to the company's management that the company provided training in other divisions, but it is very rarely used, but herein lies the provision of managerial staff. Moving supervisors from one unit to another on vacation senior management, the company introduces him to many aspects of business. As a result, the head of the novice learns a variety of problems of various departments, clarifies the need for coordination, informal organization and the relationship between the objectives of the various units. This knowledge is necessary for successful operation on his neck top positions for concerted action by all departments, for the development of professional supervisors and mid-level management hierarchy.
Staff motivation occupies a central place in the management of the organization's personnel. The positive attitude of employees towards work and the associated high availability, business initiative and integrity are achieved only when the employee personal interest in their activities. This interest is due sustained motivation to work, reflects a certain structure of motives of labor rights.
The motivation to work in the psychological sense of the word is ierarhizirovanoyu together motives of labor determines the desire to satisfy the employee any needs (to receive certain benefits) through employment. Everyone has certain specific structure for him motivation to work, depending on its individual characteristics, experience, character lessons labor standards and values.
Knowledge of this structure is valuable. It allows, first, to understand the nature of the expectations of employees, work-related, and secondly, to provide (with some degree of probability) of occurrence of certain facts of labor behavior, and, thirdly, to successfully manage the activities of the team, to use methods and means of influence not only on the behavior of people working, but also on the labor situation as a whole, allowing employees to work in it comfortably and in accordance with your request.
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