- Introduction
- 1 Purpose and research tasks, planned results
- 2 The practical significance of the results
- Conclusion
- The list of sources
Porous carbon materials (sorbents)have been used by humankind for many centuries. The ability of charcoal to purify various liquid and absorb some gases was opened in the XVIII century. Until the beginning of XX century carbon sorbents (mainly wood and bone active charcoal)had been used primarily in food industry and the wine industry for purification of liquids. The need for decontamination of chemical warfare substances encountered during the first World War stimulating the development of cleaning gases. Developed by the Russian scientist N. D. Zelinsky gas mask with active charcoal as the sorbent is still the best method of protection from volatile toxic substances.
Currently, the main uses of carbon sorbents are connected with the technological processes of adsorption purification, separation, extraction and concentration processes in gas and liquid environments. The role of the carbon sorbents is constantly growing for following environmental issues: water treatment, wastewater, waste gases of industrial enterprises and energy. Expand the use of carbon adsorbents in medicine and pharmaceutics. So, for example, carbon hemosorbents used to clean the blood in patients, and chelators — inside in order to clean the body from harmful substances and germs.
Porous carbon materials was initially acquired mainly by heat treatment of wood, then of coal. They are now produced from nearly all types of carbonaceous materials: wood and pulp, coal and lignite, peat, petroleum and coal tar pitches, synthetic polymeric materials, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons, and various organic waste. Modern world production of porous carbon materials (PCM) is approaching one million tons per year.
Carbon sorbents are used in different forms: powder with a particle size up to 0.8 mm; granules of larger size; blocks of different shapes and sizes; films, fibers fabrics. The most common are powdered adsorbents, which are fairly easy to obtain from the crushed material. The aim is to create a new composite adsorbent for the purification and improvement of water quality.
1 Purpose and research tasks, planned results
The aim of this work is to minimize the content of the accumulation and negative impact of harmful impurities in the water through its adsorption treatment with modified natural adsorbent. In the work following tasks are suggested:
- The aim of this work is to minimize the content of the accumulation and negative impact of harmful impurities in the water through its adsorption treatment with modified natural adsorbent. In the work following tasks are suggested:
- To investigate the effectiveness of water purification using a sorption materials as natural silica. The composition, physical and chemical properties of the resulting modified sorbent.
- To investigate the efficiency of water purification using natural silica as the sorption material. To investigate the composition, physical and chemical properties of the obtained modified sorbents.
- To evaluate improvements in water quality and to suggest ways of disposal of spent sorbents.
Object of study: natural adsorbent.
Subject of research: the processes of adsorve purification of water from harmful impurities with the adsorbent, obtained on the basis of natural mineral components.
2 The practical significance of the results
The results will be used to develop recommendations for improving water quality.
Porous carbon materials are widely used in industry and environmental protection. In the traditional areas of use, primarily in the technological processes associated with the separation, isolation and purification of substances by carbon sorbents are gradually replacing less-efficient inorganic sorption materials. Their application area is constantly expanding through the development of methods for obtaining PCM with fundamentally new properties: carbon composite materials, molecular sieves, fibers, fullerenes, nanotubes and hollow etc.
Large-scale use of carbon sorbents for environmental protection (wastewater treatment, gas emissions, contaminated soil) requires increased production of cheap organic raw materials: fossil solid fuels, various natural and man-made organic wastes. On the basis of current theoretical ideas on the mechanism of structure formation of the PCM during the pyrolysis of solid and gaseous organic materials and activated carbon materials effective methods of obtaining carbon sorbents with the required set of properties are developed . In particular, high-speed methods of pyrolysis and activation in the fluid bed allow to acquire from the available raw materials cheap carbon sorbents that can be successfully applied in the processes of wastewater treatment and gas emissions instead of expensive sorbents derived from increasingly scarce raw materials (anthracite, cellulose, bake).
Perspective directions of use of PCM are connected with the catalytic synthesis of carbon-mineral and carbon-carbon composites with unique properties. Since porous carbon materials produced from any carbonaceous feedstock, including waste, and are applied themselves to environmental protection, we can confidently predict that PCMs will make an important contribution to the solution of urgent problems of sustainable development of humankind in the twenty-first century.
The list of sources
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