- Introduction
- 1. Topic relevance
- 2. Goals and tasks of the research
- 3. Analysis of the structures of Donbas specially protected natural territories
- Conclusion
In connection with the current situation in Ukraine, there have been significant changes in the administrative division of the Donbass territorys are namely the emergence of Donetsk Popular Republic (DPR) and Lugansk Popular Republic (LPR). As a result, also changed markedly qualitative and quantitative indicators in the structure of Donbass Natural Reserve Fund.
DPR is part of the former Donetsk region and LNR as part of the former Luhansk region are densely populated areas, which however are characterizes by a high level of biodiversity. This fact is due to a variety of geomorphological, hydrological, soil and climatic conditions. Therefore, the question of the preservation of biodiversity and natural landscapes is one of the important environmental problems of the area.
The aim of the study is to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the structures of DPR and LPR specially protected natural territories.
To achieve this goal had the following major objectives:
- To study the structure of DPR and LPR specially protected natural territories and to evaluate their qualitative and quantitative composition.
- To identify and assess biological and ecosystem diversity of DPR and LPR specially protected natural territories.
- . To determine and evaluate the representativeness of the landscape (based on physiographic zoning) of DPR and LPR specially protected natural territories.
- . To determine conservation potential of DPR and LPR specially protected natural territories and spend on the basis of their comprehensive analysis.
The object of the study is especially protected natural territories of Donbass.
The result of the work will be a comprehensive analysis of biological and ecological diversity of Donbass specially protected natural territories.
Specially protected natural territories — areas of land, water surface and air space over them where natural complexes and objects, that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and improving value which are withdrawn by fully or partly decisions of public authorities from economic use and for a special protection regime. Specially protected natural territories areas are national heritage sites [1].
Natural Reserved Fund of the former Donetsk region reached 84882 hectares, accounting for about 3.2 % of the area (2 659 200 hectare) [2].
To date, the approximate area of DPR — 858 660 hectares, which is 32.3 % of the total area of the former Donetsk region.
The proportions of areas of Donetsk National Republic specially protected natural territories are: natural reserves (NR) — 5.2 %, national parks (NNP) — 32,2 %, regional landscape parks (RLP) — 16,6 %, a landscaped recreational parks for (LRP) — 29.3 %, reserves (R.) — 15.6 %, nature monuments (NM) — 0,97 %, natural monuments of landscape art (NMLA) — 0,09 %, reserved tracts (RT) — 0.04 %. The total area of the Republic is 30673,41 hectares, or 3.57 % of all territory.

Figure 1 — Share of specially protected natural territories of the DNR %.
(animation: 9 frames, 5 cycles of repeating, 51.2 kilobytes)
The natural-reserve fund of Lugansk region was 68,255 hectares and occupied 2.5 % of the area — 2,668,400 ha [3].
Square of LPR to date is 835200 hectares, what constitutes 31,3 % of the total area of the former Luhansk region.
The proportion are of areas of specially protected natural territories of the Luhansk National Republic is: natural reserves (R.) — 3,2 %, sanctuaries (NR) — 86,6 %, natural monuments (MN) — 6.3 %, natural monuments of landscape art (NMLA) — 0.87 %, reserved tracts (RT) — 3.03 %. The total area of the Republic is 18538,5 hectares or 2.2 % of all territory.

Figure 2 — Share of specially protected natural territories of the LPR %.
(animation: 5 frames, 5 cycles of repeating, 27.9 kilobytes)
- The objects of DPR and LPR specially protected natural territories was considered.
- A comparative analysis of the structures of DPR and LPR specially protected natural territories was made.
- According to the study, it was determined that the area of the LPR specially protected natural territories must be expanded by category of Tourism recreational purposes, since these objects have an important role not only in nature conservation, but also in performing an integral social function.
When this abstract master's work was writing is not yet complete. Final completion: May, 2017. Full text works and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author after the specified date.
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