- Introduction
- 1 Relevance of theme
- 2 Analysis of the Impact of the negative object of research on natural environment
- Conclusion
- References
Rational use of natural resources, environmental protection, compliance with environmental and safety regulations are important in the context of the development of coal deposits. Donbass, being the largest coal basins of our country is characterized by a huge industrial potential. Coal mining face such negative phenomena as the formation of mine waters. Mine water is water entering the underground workings of the undermining of aquifers, surface water bodies (reservoirs) and the drainage pattern. Mine waters have a negative impact on the equipment and mining technology and degrade the quality of extracted minerals. Usually, mine waters are characterized by mechanical, chemical, bacterial contamination, and also deep mines and high mineralization.
The aim of the work is the selection and justification of technology of clearing of mine water in a mining enterprise on the basis of a water enterprise management
modernization through the introduction of new technologies to expand the use of mine water for technological needs.
In this formulation of the problem the object of research is the water industry Subdivision Mine 1/3
and the subject of
research is the latest technology to expand the use of mine water for technological needs.
SE Selidovugol
1. Relevance of theme
Enterprises of coal industry reinforce existing environmental destabilization of the hydrosphere. They cause significant damage to water resources due to the depletion of ground water in drainage and exploitation, as a result of pollution of surface water discharges of inadequately treated mine, mining, industrial and domestic wastewater and runoff rainwater and meltwater from the industrial sites of the coal enterprises, dumps web of railways and roads. Featured industry and the general regulations of the mine water treatment schemes are cumbersome, require considerable capital investment in the current economic climate is unrealistic. Therefore the search for new and innovative solutions to reduce the harmful effects of mining enterprises on the natural aquatic environment with minimal cost is very important [1].
2. Analysis of the Impact of the negative object of research on natural environment
The main source of pollution of the water basin is mine water, which is issued to the surface of the drainage pump. For pre-treatment of mine water mine sump is used in which also water disinfection with liquid chlorine is carried out. Final mine water is lightened settling ponds of mine water capacity of 230 thousand m and further reset is at the beam Steep Yar in salt river. Domestic waste water from the site with the help of a sewage pumping station is discharged in full biological treatment facilities. Rain and melt water is drained naturally by the terrain in a retention pond mine water [3–6].
Drawing 1 — Driving shaft cleaning and sanitation and household wastewater
(animation: 15 frames, 5 cycles of repetition, 136 kilobytes)
Drawing 2 — Carrying water consumption and disposal scheme
Generally mine water is contaminated with dissolved and suspended minerals, mineral bacterial impurities, organic and bacterial origin. Mineral contaminants are sand and clay particles, coal mineral inclusions (quartz, pyrite, carbonates), inert dust, as well as contained in mine waters dissolved salts, alkalis and acids. The predominant ions are calcium, magnesium, sodium, chlorides, sulphates, bicarbonates, carbonates. Besides various mineral salts and other chemicals in mine waters 13 micronutrients are found. Generally, mine waters contain iron, aluminum, manganese, nickel, cobalt, copper, zinc, and strontium. In general, the content of trace elements in the mine water by 1–2 times higher than in groundwater, due to which they are formed. When going through the mine workings, developed space, trunks mine water is contaminated with suspended solids, oil, organic and bacterial contaminants.
Suspended solids are represented by particles of coal and host rocks of various sizes, their ratio is not constant and can change with the development of conditions. They are produced and go into the water usaresultof the destruction of the rock mass and the reflected load mass on vehicles; when draining water through out space to drift; when mounting workings. petroleum content in mine waters is determined primarily by the level of mechanization of mining operations. Organic dirt particles are presented by coal, mineral oils used for the lubrication of mining machinery, waste products of living organisms, decomposition of wood, etc., the main part of which is the organic carbon. Organic contamination of mine water can be characterized by chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) [7–8].
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of mine water is determined by the amount of oxygen on the oxidation unstable organic substances for a certain period of time and is expressed. In the presence of a water sample using strong oxidizing COD. It characterizes the total content of organic matter in water by the number of oxygen consumed in the oxidation of 1 liter of water in certain conditions. Bacterial contamination of mine waters is represented by different microorganisms, among which the most common fungi, bacteria coliform. This is due to the water entering the products and wood rotting organisms [10].
Coal mining by underground methods can not be done without pumping mine water to the surface. Output from the mine water is polluted to varying degrees, suspended and colloidal substances, dissolved minerals (salts), bacterial impurities and therefore, as a rule, can not be used fully in the national economy, or discharged into the water body without treatment.
Pollution of mine waters is an important environmental problem of the coal industry, scientific and research work in this direction is carried out, but a wide industrial application stage has not been reached yet. In order to solve this environmental problem, to carry out modernization and technical re-equipment of enterprises of the country.
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