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Brief resume

Name Victoria Prusova
Date of birth Sep. 18, 1993
Place of birth Donetsk
School 2000–2008 — Donetsk profiled high school # 122
Universities 2008–2012 — Donetsk transport and economic college (formerly DITS), specialty Applied ecology, Jr. ecologist;
2012–2015 — Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of ecology and chemical technology, specialty Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Natural Resources, bachelor;
2015–2017 — Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of ecology and chemical technology, specialty Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Natural Resources, master
Average score 83 B
Languages Russian, Ukrainian (fluent), English (basic level)
Personal achievements Participation in scientific conferences, publication of articles
Hobbies and interests Cooking, books, needlework
Personal qualities Diplomacy, perseverance, honesty, fast learning, the pursuit of professional growth, responsibility, teamwork, communication skills, diligence
Professional and computer skills 1.Operating system Windows — 2003–2007/XP/Vista/7;
2.Application areas Tools Microsoft Office (Word97/2000/2003/2007, Excel, Power Point)
Additional courses, internships, grants 2013 — Getting a driver's license, category B
Professional experience 2009 — DTEC, the practice of chemical analysis, laboratory;
2010 — DTEC, the practice of geological and geomorphological analysis, laboratory;
2011 — DMP, the practice of buying work profession, Jr. ecologist;
2012 — Chumakovskaya Enrichment Plant, practice with measuring devices, Jr. ecologist
Future plans Successful defense of master's work. Search for future work with the possibility of professional and career growth. Personal development, in the professional field and in other fields.
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