- Introduction
- 1. Scientific-theoretical bases of the financial stability of the insurance company
- 2. The study of approaches and methods to assess the financial stability of the insurance company
- 3. Methods of increasing the financial stability of the insurance company conclusions
- Conclusion
- References
Insurance – a mechanism for compensating the economic losses caused by adverse events, as well as a universal means of risk management. It protects the property interests of economic entities, security and stability of business.
Relevance of the topic. Under current conditions, the industrial decline of the next industrial and financial crisis, military operations in the east of the country, the relevance of this topic is incredibly high and deep meaning.
Research objectives:
- To examine the scientific and theoretical basis of the essence of the financial stability of the insurance company;
- To investigate the factors affecting the financial stability of the insurance company;
- Examine the methods of analysis of financial stability and solvency of the insurance company;
- An analysis of the financial stability of the example of a particular insurance company;
- Develop mechanisms for a balanced system of evaluation and monitoring of financial stability of the insurance company;
- Test the research on materials of the company
and determine the level of financial stability and solvency of the company.
Subject of research – the control mechanism of financial stability and solvency of the company.
Methods of research is financial analysis, budgeting, costs, cash flow modeling.
The practical significance of the results. As a result of the study were provided recommendations for improving the financial stability of the insurance company. The system of risk diversification in investing insurance premiums.
The main content of the work
In the introduction the actuality of the topic of master's thesis, formulated the goal and objectives of the study, defined object, subject and methods of research, the scientific significance and practical value of the study.
In the first essence of financial stability
under the concept of the master's work Scientific and theoretical basis of the insurance company financial stability
disclosed and foreign experience in the consideration of this issue.
Human activity in absolutely every field carries the risk of possible losses, time of onset and the size of which can not be predetermined, but they require some complete sets. To this end, accumulated funds earmarked for repayment of losses brought random events, that is used by the insurance system. The study of financial stability as an economic category, belong to one of the most important problems of the market economy, because the low level of financial stability of any business entity, and even more so, the insurance company, leading to its insolvency and ultimately to bankruptcy.
In the second chapter, "The study of approaches and methods to assess the financial stability of the insurance company" identified the advantages and disadvantages of the existing methods of valuation of the insurer's financial stability by the example of an insurance company "Mir".
Methods for assessing financial stability can be classified as traditional
and alternative
(see. Fig. 1).
Figure 1 – Classification of methods for assessing the financial stability of the insurance company.
The following scheme is proposed to determine the type of financial stability of the insurance company. (See Figure 2)
Figure 2 – Determine the type of financial stability
(animation 8 shots, 10 cycles of repetition 16.9 kilobytes).
At the end of the second section of the work is necessary to emphasize that the interconnection and interdependence of the major factors in achieving the insurer financial strength (sufficient equity capital, the formation of a balanced insurance portfolio, sufficient insurance reserves, effective pricing policy, effective asset management, reinsurance), which in its complex create the corresponding guarantee fulfillment by the insurer of its obligations to policyholders. [2]
In the third section of the paper Methods of increasing the financial stability of the insurance company
is planned to offer the insurer's investment portfolio to diversify risks based on the Model Markowitz
The conclusions of the master's work proved the main aspects and the results of the study. It argued the degree of achievement of the goals and objectives of the study. The main conclusions and recommendations are as follows.
- In the current financial services market system, the stability of insurance companies is very important. It depends, inter alia, on the value of equity capital, formed insurance reserves, coordinated tariff, reinsurance and investment policies.
- Financial sustainability should be ensured, as a rule, for each type of insurance, although it is possible for the coating means one type of insurance deficit due to the profit for others, but so that the aggregate for all existing types of insurance the insurer had a profit or cover the costs.
- Financial sustainability management involves many processes. Failure or absence of one of them can lead to inappropriate management decisions, errors in the calculations, which in turn will lead to unforeseen costs. That's why were analyzed the main methods to improve financial stability, the recommendations for risk diversification.
In writing this essay master's qualification work is not completed yet. The final completion of the work is scheduled for June 2017. The full text of work and materials on the topic of research can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after that date.
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