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Personal formation


I was born in the most wonderful time of the year – summer, 11 June of 1994. My wonderful parents gave me a wonderful preschool years, mom accustomed to order and improve my childhood – circles of preschool education, sports dance and gymnastics, Dad installed in me a taste, which have successfully established themselves and help me this day.

But despite the limitless love of parents, a fundamental part of my life took my grandmother. She took my growing up the most active part, dispensed me with love and warmth, educated and raised me after the divorce of my parents. Despite this unpleasant event, I did not lose heart and continued to develop, with the support of her, and my own inner desire for the better.

Preschool years were remembered by my great interest in the book, I read every spare moment: at the dinner table, on a bench in the park at night under a blanket, pretending to be asleep for a long time. Books immersed me into the fascinating world and opened a lot of new, thanks to them could be distracted from the inner feelings and bad thoughts.

School, college

September 1, 2001 in front of me hospitably opened doors Donetsk secondary school number 51. I will never forget how it was amazing how much fun and anxious to apply their skills already accumulated in the walls of the school and a pleasure to please the teachers, who were the good people for us and guides to the fascinating world of knowledge. Despite my serious and focused external appearance, it was difficult to sit for school desk, I wanted to run away with a lesson and be alone in the library. Still, the power of the will and the understanding of what is happening out in the forefront in this struggle with the actual desired, and I soaked up knowledge like a sponge.

Time passed, and soon, it so happened that I stayed alone with his grandmother when his parents began its new life, my – has evolved into an independent. It started with my 4th grade, had to say goodbye to childhood and look at seemingly the most wonderful time of conscious schooling and adult eyes. The school managed to reach heights as for the school desk, as well as in various sports clubs and competitions. Free time is almost not there, I did not want to be alone with your thoughts and thank the grandmother, who was always there and kept me in good shape.

Behind all this cycling events time passed very quickly, and quietly life put before a choice of the university, which will be able to improve and remain at that level. After 9th grade, I entered the Donetsk Polytechnic College, which was finally formed as a person. And this time, rightly in my life the most intense on the events, contacts and knowledge gained. Amazing both in professional and human qualities on the teaching staff, led by the curator of the kindest Talla Navrichevskaya , gave a memorable stage in life, gave decent store of knowledge, so to speak, successfully prepared adult traveling under the name "university".

Professional formation


Although, on the profile of training in college associate's degree in the field of business economics and deservedly received a red diploma, I always wanted to be a writer: to write, to express their ideas and share them with people. Most likely, this has affected children's thirst for books, your view of the world and everything that happens around began to form at a time and eventually it wanted to keep not only the mind, but also to carry on a sheet of paper. But it happens in life, our desires do not always coincide with the possibilities.

And yet, I decided to stay the least interesting economic path that led me to the Donetsk National Technical University on faculty of management and commercial law. At the time of admission, it was pretty scary from the burden of responsibility and understanding that you came for higher education, and therefore easily and will not easily. Especially, after graduating from college, I began to earn my own on the life and work in the sales department of the Donetsk branch of pharmacy warehouse "Optima-Farm" has been very responsible for my then the insecure 18-year-old and the presence of some frivolity and carefree child.

But soon, this fear is dispelled when got acquainted with the teachers, and I began to realize that with such interesting people will not get bored, and hence the training will not be uncomfortable. The first two years of undergraduate passed interestingly and quickly, especially considering that the second of which came in very adverse events in our city, and radically changed everything. As a result, the circle narrowed classmate and teachers, but managed to keep the mood at and enjoy what is happening, no matter what. The second course, summer, session state. exam and all – I proudly am holding a bachelor's degree! But just came, it was terrible, but it is unique, and the process of education, need to appreciate every moment, because time flies inexorably fast.

I was not stop there basis of knowledge and going with confidence and start to attack a new stage in education - master's degree. During the first year Master, the teachers turned to cooperate more closely, writing abstracts, publications, the choice of topics for future theses. They are all delighted us and supported, assisted, which adds strength and confidence in their learning. Thank you to my supervisor, Bella Shelegeda, unrivaled specialist on which any aspiring manager and will be proud that we managed to cooperate with it. Just wanted to thank Elena Shumaeva that a first-year graduate opened me new facets of human resource management, and thanks to her, I reached many successes in the work, which will tell in the individual section.

Now we are at the finish line, have the same awareness of adult and independent life that lay at me in school reaches its maximum level. We are no longer children, we are still students yesterday, today are adults specialists, five minutes to the professionals and masters happy in robes and with the most sincere smiles on their faces.

Goals and plans for the near future

Near future puts in front of me the most important goal – writing and successful defense of a thesis, which certainly opens up new possibilities in my further formation and development. A development – a process that must not be stopped, it is possible to find yourself in the desired field of activity and adequately operate there, what I want myself.

I do not forget about the little dream obtain philological education, and I am sure that in the future will be able to give yourself such an experience, and soon start his promising business, which will bring me pleasure, and in which I was able to establish himself as a professional.