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Development strategy integrating the company



Dynamic processes of transformation of the world economy occur in conditions of permanent cyclical fluctuations. Convergence of economic systems, although it is a natural, but the parity relations are directly dependent on the competitiveness of different countries, and therefore the efficiency of the international division of labor is determined primarily by the level of development of the market mechanism of integration development of the national economy. Integration development is the integration of the economic, state and social structures within the region, countries of the world. In modern conditions the issues of diagnostics of economic development based on scientifically validated methods of analysis require immediate decision, evaluation and strategic foresight of the inevitable cyclical downturns, which are still not fully investigated problem. Focus on the country's multi-vector integration requires the development of the concept of strategic development of the national economy by bridging the international and domestic structural contradictions; the dissipation of the basic parameters the convergence of the DNI with other countries on the basis of the principles of the equivalence of different forms of effective interaction of heterogeneous economic systems. For this we have to solve a difficult but very important task of improving the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world ranking and ensure a comprehensive and multi-criteria adaptation of its economy to the parameters of the development of other countries.

1.Theme urgency

In the modern transformational conditions, the simultaneous development of advanced economies and emerging markets is of interest to such issues as purpose, the similarities and differences in their content, the socio-economic implications and results, and determines the relevance of a comparative analysis of the various aspects of international economic integration in the conditions of differentiation of economic systems.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The aim of this work is to develop the main directions of optimization of the integration of development and efficiency of the national economy on the basis of the objective laws of the market subject to the laws of its cyclical development, the need for timely diagnosis of pre-crisis and crisis events, theoretical and practical provisions of the concept of strategic convergence, improving the methodology of scientific research international integration in modern conditions.

The main objectives of the study are:

  1. diagnostics of modern trends of development of economy of Ukraine and other countries in light of modern scientific concepts of the study of causal relationships economic UPS and downs;
  2. classification of basic regularities of formation of market mechanism of integration development in the period of cyclical decline with the reasoning of the economic content of the crisis as economic category;
  3. systematization of modern methodological and conceptual approaches to the convergence of economic systems based on market timing parameters of economic development;
  4. the formation of the research methodology of convergence with endogenous and exogenous variables based on the classification, comparative analysis and systematisation of indicators of efficiency of socio-economic development.

The decision of tasks will determine the strategic directions of integration development of the national economy in the implementation of anti-crisis programs by managing inflationary pressures and the optimization of macroeconomic equilibrium as an indicator of the structural balance of the economy.

3.Methodological substantiation of the concept of integration development of the national economy

Multi-vector integration of Ukraine into the world economy requires the improvement of the concept of strategic development of the national economy on the basis of a detailed analysis of international and domestic structural contradictions; the dissipation of the basic parameters the convergence of Ukraine with other countries; the degree of mutual benefit and equal methods of effective forms of interaction between different economic systems. The main characteristics are the integration of the international division of labor, cash, labor and production resources, standardization of economic relations and technological processes on the basis of improvement of the norms of international law and the rapprochement of cultures of different countries. At the same time so relevant and debatable questions remain methodological framework for the assessment of equivalent prospects of Ukraine's integration with the developing and developed countries, as well as the determination of the optimum limit of convergence at the inter-state, interregional and inter-industry level.

Current trends and transformation processes, which naturally are characterized by the cyclical development of the economy, reflected in the scientific works of galchinskiy, Chukhno A., Povazhny A. , Tarasevich V., Tyukhtin V., Petrovskaya, O., which emphasize the importance of ensuring economic and financial security in a crisis. The issues of comparability and synchronization of national economies of Ukraine and the EU is considering Maslovskaya L., and prospects of reforming the banking system of Ukraine in context of European integration are studied by Mishchenko V., Shapovalov A., Krylova V., Vashchenko V., Grischuk N.

Methodological features of the processes and forms of integration, internationalization, international division of labor are investigated Curiculum V., A. Galchinski based on the principles of consistency and integrity of Marx K., and Engels, and analysis of causal relationships of the structural elements. Issues decided not to fully remain methods estimate the structural synchronization of the national economy with other countries, food and economic security in terms of open system differentiation of technological structures and priorities of the strategy of convergence in conditions of intensification of global transformations.

The multi-vector strategy of integration of Ukraine is one of the main directions of economic policy. Thus, the state program of the European integration, which is the gradual adaptation of the priority forms of participation and interaction of national economy with other countries requirements and standards of the EU, appeared at the end of the 90s of the last century [3]. It should be noted that the processes of international division of labor to occur in conditions of unequal starting conditions differ according to countries ' level of development and although the European convergence criteria [3, p. 11-15] in General, universal and determine the target value of the synchronization gap between the economic systems remains significant. EU standards are not inconsistent with the reforms carried out in Ukraine [4], but achieving an appropriate level and stability of macroeconomic, monetary and fiscal indicators [4, p. 13] really as convergence and interoperability with equivalent economies.

Therefore, the definition of points and planes of convergence must be justified, taking into account existing approaches to systematization of development priorities. According to L. Masowska, modern integration principles of Europe are based on the following three interrelated and interdependent factors: the structural changes in the economy; social sector and environment [5, p. 73].

Another approach to the classification of the convergence criteria set by the developed countries of Europe, is characterized by macroeconomic, monetary, fiscal, political and institutional indicators [3, p. 11-15]. It should be emphasized that the proposed methodology is based on determination of the starting level of the different elements of the structure, with subsequent grouping of countries on the grounds of the specific relevant technological structure and level of industrialization. This will allow to establish the sequence of implementation of a vector.

Therefore, the synchronization of market and social parameters in the system of the convergence criteria, the EU is a problem not only for Ukraine but also for those Eastern European countries that recently became members of the permanent growing conglomerate. The analysis of convergence carried out by the International monetary Fund (IMF) showed that the dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine, including GDP, share of world exports and inflation, in varying degrees, corresponds to the countries of Eastern Europe and Russia [6].

According to the academician A. Chukhno, convergence with Russia ensured a relatively equal starting conditions. Convergence with developed countries is possible through national economies of member States of the various unions, however, the most similar level of development with Ukraine [7, p. 109]. From this point of view, the scientist refers to the ranking of countries by the UN in 2004. On an improved indicator, the UN has identified two dozen countries marked by high levels of economic development, social welfare and democracy. In accordance with the proposed classification is a 35 Estonia, Latvia 47, Lithuania – 60, Russia – 116, Ukraine – 119 [7, p. 111]. Considering contemporary evidence of the development of the national economy and prospects of economic reforms, Geyets V., comprehensively evaluates the rating, according to which Ukraine, as of 2010. is the global competitiveness index of 89 place. The negative result caused by such factors as the macroeconomic style (106th), goods market effi ciency (109), development institutions (120th place), trailing from Russia, Poland and Kazakhstan [4].

However, the asymmetrical development of regions is typical for most countries of the world. For example, in the structure of the EU, Chuikov V. also highlights the problem of low technological level of the economy in peripheral regions, coordination of the transport and communication policy in relation to the regions of the EU, high unemployment in some countries – Spain, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, France, East Germany [8, p. 56]. Arguments in favor of an integration vector [7,4,5,8,6] is certainly worthy of attention. However, it is not specified the timing, priorities, and algorithm development of economic relations. It should be emphasized that the concept of strategic convergence, first of all, should be directed to the simultaneous integration with Europe and with Russia. The major criteria of effectiveness and strength of bonds is the long-term reliability and stability with regard to inter-regional equalization of basic socio-economic indicators.

One of the modern approaches to creation of complex systems is the implementation of the constructive potential through the mechanisms of bifurcation and chaos [9, p. 8]. So, as a bifurcation in the methodology of complex systems galchinskiy A. identify deviation from standard causal determinism and equilibrium, which is associated with systemic instability and unpredictability of the trajectory of future development. The dominant feature of the corresponding process is random, the intensity of which increases adequately the degree of instability of a dynamical system [9, p. 11]. It should be noted that the situation of bifurcation and chaos, in terms of content, have similar crises of nature, a natural feature of which is the periodicity of the dynamic processes and the evolutionary economic transformation.

The current phase of globalization is associated only with the beginning of the formation of the post-industrial system of global economic relations, which is transitional and reflects a homogeneous integrity as a sign of industrialization [9, p.5]. It should be noted that the thesis about the current integrity from the point of view of uniformity of the structural elements provided by the national economies depends on the degree of industrialization of the different levels of systems development. Which countries in varying degrees, dominated by the production of the fourth or fifth technological structure are industrial, however, the qualitative parameter (ratio of the enterprises of the fourth and fifth order) significantly differentiates them from each other, which translates the results of operations.

The international Monetary Fund (IMF), analyzing macroeconomic indicators, divides countries into two main groups: developed market economies and emerging market. The first group, with a minimum population of the occupied territories and in fact, the number of that group of countries made up of disparate levels in terms of the current share of world GDP [6].Therefore requires clarification question about the readiness of individual States to post-industrial economy, because it starts with the period of the formation of the heterogeneous system. Academician A. Chukhno repeatedly focused attention on the distinctive structural features of developed countries that, unlike the developing world, including Ukraine, are characterized by a predominance of non-material sphere, whose share is more than 70% of GDP [7, p. 108], [1, p. 9]. Obviously, this is a post-industrial economy, dominated by innovation and information component, which allows to hold developed countries the relatively high economic growth.


The most promising for our country is the orientation of the multi-vector integration on an equal footing, provided that a common market space, primarily with those who have factors of synchronization of macroeconomic, social, monetary, fiscal, institutional and legal parameters for the maximum match (the CIS countries and Eastern Europe). From the point of view of strengthening positions in the world of international integration should not only develop by expanding markets of economically developed countries on the territory of Ukraine, but in the "opposite direction", through mutually beneficial agreements on the implementation of the principles of the single market space and free trade. Found that the problem of economic integration in the conditions of globalization of world economy and periodic crises occurs and escalates, not only in developing but also in developed countries. In addition, for each historical period and each country has its own specific features, as accelerating, and slowing down the pace of effective international cooperation. In conditions of Ukrainian reality, when there is a real opportunity to use the advantages of multi-vector and multi-functional integration is necessary to perceive critically, to analyze and adapt experience of other countries that have already taken place in the integration of economic space, as well as solving this problem in relation to specific features of strategic development.


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