Brief resume
Name | Senatorov Sergei |
Date of birth | August 22, 1995 |
Place of birth | Donetsk |
Schools | 2001 – 2012 – Donetsk gymnasium ¹18 |
Universities | 2012 – 2016 – Donetsk national technical University electrotechnical faculty, a specialty power Supply of industrial enterprises and cities, bachelor; 2016 – 2018 – Donetsk national technical University, electrotechnical faculty, a specialty power Supply of industrial enterprises and cities, master. |
Average score | 79 of 100 (during my bachelor’s studies) |
Languages | Russian (native), Ukrainian (native), English (intermediate level) |
Hobbies and interests | Books, sports, outdoor activities. |
Personal qualities | Communicative, purposeful, responsible, energetic, punctual, fast learner, ability to work in a team, independent decision-making. |
Professional and computer skills | 1. Professional programs:ÑS Soft (TKZ, Electrica, Ðåæèì ), Simulink; 2. Operating systems: OS Windows; 3. Application programs: Matlab, Microsoft Office, Kompas 3D, Mathcad; 4. Programming languages: Basic knowledge of the programming language C++; 5. Internet technologies: HTML, CSS. |
Future plans | Successful completion of studying at magistracy, get a decent job |
Contact information | E-mail: |