Brief resume
Name | Andrey Tsmykaylo |
Date of birth | Aug 02, 1994 |
Place of birth | Donetsk |
Schools | 2001 – 2010 Donetsk educational-educational complex № 119 of Donetsk city council of Donetsk region |
Universities | Donetsk National Technical University 2014 – 2016, bachelor's degree 2016 – 2018, Master's program |
Average score | 4 (for the period of study in a bachelor's degree) |
Languages | Russian (in perfection), ukrainian (intermediate level), english (basic level). |
Hobbies and interests | Tourism. Books |
Personal qualities | Responsibility, decency, punctuality, fast learner. |
Professional and computer skills | 1. 2.Operating systems OS Windows. 3.Applied areas AutoCAD, MS Office, Compass 3D. |
Professional experience | 2012. – "MASTER", installer of ventilation and air conditioning systems 2013. – "Ugleenergomontazh", locksmith |
Future plans | Achieve success in your career, create a large and strong family, succeed in life. |
Contact information | Email address |